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New and need support

Postby gail » July 27th, 2004, 5:28 pm

i am just getting started. I weighed 349 pounds when I weighed last week. Yesterday i weighed 340. I've been sticking to the 5 and 1 but it is still so hard! I have so far to go. Any tips on surviving the start up until you get used to not eating? Do y'all think it is easier to do a complete fast? I've been thinking if I knew I wasn't going to eat at all, maybe it would be easier. Comments?
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Postby NikkiNix » July 27th, 2004, 11:38 pm

Hi Gail and welcome to the forum :D

I have been on the program almost 4 months and I truly think that the purest fast is the way to go because I am one to say just a bite and that will be my one meal and then next thing you know i have had a candy bar then some chips and so on I think you get my point. The fastest I've lost weight is just sticking to the shakes but i'm not one to give to much advice cause i'm an off again on again type of dieter still this is the longest diet i have ever stuck with even though i'm on it one week off the next. I just wanted to welcome you and say good luck.

Gail here's to losing weight :toast:
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Postby I am Ready Now » July 28th, 2004, 7:21 am

I new also, but not to weight loss. For me I have to focous on the here and now and not how much I have to lose. Think about right now and this moment and this one shake. Don't think about dinner or next week or next month.
Good Luck
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Postby Simmshe » July 28th, 2004, 11:19 am

Welcome Gail, and congrats on your first week :)!

I just finished my second week on the full fast and found that my STRONG desire to eat dimished after the 4th or 5th day. Maybe you should try the full fast for a week to see if this makes things a little easier for you :?: Some people do fine on the a modified plan, and many of us don't, including myself. I think that preparing and eating a regular meal everyday would keep my psychological cravings too strong, and I would want to eat more food.

If you don't have a very strong food compulsion or addictive habit with food, then maybe the modified plan is okay for you. But if you do have compulsions, then the full fast might be better suited for you for now. And alternately, you could switch between the full fast on some days and a modified plan on other days, as some people do.

I decided to use bars and soups with my full fast, although I did not include bars during the first six days or so, because eating a bar is partly what caused me to "lose it" on my sixth day when I attempted the full fast four weeks ago. There is more sugar and carbs in them (and they taste just plain good!), and it seems that eating the bars triggered overwhelmingly strong cravings. But I eat them now--usually cutting them in half and eating only one half at a time, kind of a "mini-meal." Otherwise, I cut the bar into twelfths and eat it veerrryyyy sloooowwwlllyy :)! I feel more satisfied this way. You can also extend the soups (I add 1/4 cup of broccoli florets to my cream of broccoli soup, along with some bouillon, and 1/4 cup of diced tomatoes to my chili, also extended with bouillon) and they are very filling this way--I have even had to cut down on the extra liquid because I couldn't even finish my soup a couple of times. There are some other allowed veggies that can be added to the soups (onions, broccoli, tomatoes, and mushrooms, to name a few).

It may take a little trial and error for you figure out which plan will be best for you, but you'll do it. Wishing you the very best and looking forward to hearing about your progress :).

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thanks for the welcome

Postby gail » July 30th, 2004, 7:13 am

Thank you all for the warm welcome. Sheryl, terrific advice. I'll be using your soup strategy. I heard just what I needed to keep going. Thanks to all of you. I"ll let you know how I do. THe best news if I screw up I just get right back up and start again. So... here I go.
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Postby Nancy » August 3rd, 2004, 1:33 am

Welcome, Gail.

Keep shakin'

Come to the Forum a lot. It will keep you motivated an answer a lot of your questions.

Read through your Quicik Start booklet several times. I'd suggest that you order Success in a Shaker Jar. It will help you so much!

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