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New and looking for advice

Postby Thininme » April 27th, 2005, 11:15 am

Hello all,

My name is Dawn and I just completed me first week on the MF program. I have to admit that I have been on other programs like this and have come to the conclusion that if this does not work I am going to go under the knife! :roll: (surgery) Some of the products are fine and some I can barely swallow, with all of you I am hoping to get some suggestions as to "fixing" it a little and other suggestions to make this the final success story. :D So with all that said I hope to hear from you all soon and make some great friends along the way.
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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » April 27th, 2005, 11:24 am

Hello Thininme,

Welcome, Medifast works, so you can tell the doc to put the knife away. As long as you follow the program you will be successful.

The lean cuisine section of the forum has many recipes for doctoring up the supplements. I hope that helps.

Post if you have any other questions.

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Postby doglover » April 27th, 2005, 11:27 am

Hey Thininme! You came to the right place! This will be the best (and better) option than surgery! You can do this!

Look in the Lean Cuisine section (toward the bottom of the list) and you will find LOTS of cool ways to make the products different. Some people don't like some of them and others love them! It's all up to individual tastes. But browse that section - it is cool!

Someone will be by shortly to tell you how to register ;) and then you'll be all set! Read as much as you can and let us know what your schedule is for medimeals and we can all give advice on your plan! But I'm sure you're doing great!
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Postby kassilou » April 27th, 2005, 12:12 pm

Welcome, Thininme!

Yes, this program works. It's doable! Fix a packet, drink some water. :water: Shake, shake, shake the day away. Surgery is permanent, and is not even guaranteed to work. I know a gal who had the surgery, and she had to do 6 weeks of a liquid diet first anyway, to prove her commitment. If she could do it for six weeks, why not keep on doing it?

A man my mom works with had the surgery, too. He was told that the weight would come off for a year (I believe), then it would be like before. For me, the risks, complications, and the lifetime ahead of digestion problems just isn't worth it. I'd always thought of it as my last resort, too, but then I found MF, and am so thankful for it. Stay compliant and you WILL see results. :yes:
To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.
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BIG Thankyou

Postby thininme » April 27th, 2005, 12:27 pm

Maura and Donna thank you for your quick response, after I write this I am off to read all the helpful hints. As far as my goes like this: 8-8:30 first shake
10-10:30 Second shake
12-1:30 Soup or shake
2-2:30 shake or bar
5-5:30 lean and green dinner
and that is about it...I can not seem to get 5 shakes in me, I did read you can double up so I will be tring that going forward.. I am still trying to get in all the water as well. Any thoughts......Thanks again
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Postby raederle » April 27th, 2005, 12:34 pm

Hi Thininme,

What happens after 5:30 at night? ;) Unless you're going to bed at 6:00 pm, you can have your fifth shake at night, around 8 pm. Right now, all your meals seem kinda crammed in to the early part of the day; to keep hunger at bay, you should try and space 'em out about 3 hours a part. How about--

8:00 shake
10:30 shake
1:00 soup
3:30 shake or bar
5:30 - 6:00 lean & green
8:00 shake

Would that work?

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Postby dlr2424 » April 27th, 2005, 12:37 pm

Thinnie.........nice to meet you.... :wavie: thing for sure will meet great friends along the way....... :yes: ........The challenges you will face digesting 6 packets a day is minimal...........the challenges you will face digesting anything of substance after the stomach surgery is incredible...... :tears: sister had the surgery....lost the weight....still to this day chokes upon eating......and has since regained the weight back plus more..... :tears: ......the only things she could comfortably eat was baby foods and items that melt in your cream...chocolate....etc.........with Medifast you will lose...if followed and you will learn to maintain... :yeah: .....with surgery there isn't much to learn....not much work on one's will still be restricted to certain foods.......and that is for life.............I believe YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! many prayers for your strength ..... :angel:

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Thank you

Postby thininme » April 27th, 2005, 12:42 pm

All of you......Thank you
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Postby DonicaB » April 27th, 2005, 12:45 pm

Welcome Thininme~ we are so glad to have you. Rae is right, it seems like your meals are a little close together. Sometimes this is unavoidable, but it might help to space them out a little.

I love this forum. :heart: I have been here for 3 weeks and find that it is so helpful, so encouraging, and so inspirational. Every day I can't wait to read what everyone has to say. Some days we are up and some days we are down. Thank goodness we are never all down on the same day. :hugblue:

I completely agree with what Donna just said about surgery. I got into this mess because I couldn't control my eating. Why would I be able to control it after surgery? I must learn how to stay in control to avoid ever getting into this mess again.

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Postby Mommy2girls » April 27th, 2005, 2:02 pm

Welcome Dawn. I'm new here too! Just wanted to say hello and that you have been given good advice.

Also don't forget that you can split your lean and green meal apart. Sometimes I'll have a salad for lunch and keep my protein for dinner. That might help push you through the day!

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Regarding the taste of the food

Postby Jan » April 27th, 2005, 2:16 pm

Hi there! I've been on the program for 9 weeks now and have found that not only do you find great ways to "fix" the food but your tastes change too! I used to listen to Dr. Anderson say how much he likes the chicken/rice soup and I thought his taste buds had gone to sleep ;)
But now I like the chicken/rice soup. I think our taste buds just need to get used to not having so much sugar and fat!! My 29 year old son who has been on program 3 weeks now had to go with clients out to a biz dinner and ate fish and chips UGH :oops: But, he said it didn't taste nearly as good as he athought it would going down and tasted really terrible coming back up :-P
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Postby bk » April 27th, 2005, 4:46 pm

ditto Jan! my shakes taste almost TOO sweet to me now, and when i first started i sometimes added splenda to them. it's amazing!

can't get over my extreme need for salt though. when i was in high school, my best friend bought me a salt lick for my bday -- she was only half kidding! :)

if you need help with specific flavors, let us know and we'll give you our secrets!
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Postby bikipatra » April 27th, 2005, 4:50 pm

I think the Vanilla Diabetic shake is almost too sweet as is but I add a Splenda to my chocolate shakes. I love my chicken noodle soup now but have NEVER found a way to make that chili palatable to my delicate taste buds.
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Postby Nancy » April 27th, 2005, 9:44 pm

Dawn ~

I am so happy that you are here and we want you to really enjoy the process of thinning – you will learn how often and how much to eat and that will help you learn the lessons necessary for a lifetime of weight management.

Most patients facing gastric by-pass surgery must be on a liquid diet prior to surgery – some docs use Optifast and others use Medifast.

If a person can do it for 6 weeks, why not 12 weeks, 16 weeks, etc.?

I did it for 28 weeks + transition and maintenance. I still use Medifast. I interviewed a lot of gastric by-pass survivors – some do not have happy reports.

Be sure you know about the :twisted: ramifications of surgery and I :hug: join Maura in telling you to put the thought of knives away…what are you thinking?
This stuff works!

Lots of people here to tell you: This works. :yes: :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:

We are not patients, we do not wear green backless gowns, we do not have scars on our bellies, we can eat some spicy food and every now then we can have pork chops or pie and not feel like we are gonna die.

It is a commitment that we make to ourselves to take our 5 daily doses of MEDIfood.
Don’t ever skip one meal, even if you don’t feel like drinking/eating it.

If a doctor tells a person to take a pill five times a day or they will die, I think the person will take their pills – all five of them every day.

Before I lost weight, every day I died a little sooner than was necessary because I ate all the lousy things in the world and the trans fatty foods I ate clogged my arteries, weakened my immune system, and the blood sugar level in my body twanged about so radically that it surely had to do really harmful things to me – aging my body before its time.

Gosh, I look at my little packets of Medigrub and I am thankful every day that I get to eat/drink them - with every shake I take it’s like roto rooter for my arteries.

For me, my Medifast is my medicine to make me last – it’s my Medilast!

:hmmm: Say, pardon moi but I would like to voice my opinion about the comment here regarding splitting the vegetables from the meat…
Also don't forget that you can split your lean and green meal apart. Sometimes I'll have a salad for lunch and keep my protein for dinner

Our Medifast meal replacement products are all scientifically balanced to provide the right balance of macronutrients to ensure safe and consistent weight loss.

The Lean and Green meal is also designed to provide a balance of protein to carbs and in this case, the vegetables provide the carbohydrate portion. If the meal is split – there is no protein to accompany the salad at lunch and no carbohydrates to balance the protein for dinner.

It would not be my recommendation to do that (meal splitting) regularly as it could affect weight loss. The meals are all planned carefully and it is this writer’s opinion, it is best to not mess with Medifast. :whip:

Read the February 2004 Newsletter…

We are glad to have you join the Shaker party! :cheers:
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Postby thininme » April 28th, 2005, 6:02 am

I am so glad I happened across this site :lol: All of you have so much to offer. I would like to say that even though the knife is the last opition I did do the opitfast program for 16 weeks and had no problem with it, however my results were not like everyone elses, I only lost about 34 lbs and 27 inches. I have hypothyroidism and am on a very high dose of synthryoid and it is still not in the normal range, close but not there. I will not get on the scale until I think I am below the 300 mark, then I will weigh myself weekly. I have just about reach my limit with this weight issue. The reason I have not chosen the knife is that my blood pressure is perfect, no sugar issue, no chol. issue so basically it was for appearance and that, to me, did not justify the risk. However I think I can and will win this fight this time as I refuse to continue with the lower back pain. As the saying goes I am to dam young to feel this dam old! Thank you all for the warm welcome and I hope to join the winner/thinner club soon.
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