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Postby doglover » April 28th, 2005, 6:14 am

Hey Thininme! Don't give up! Even when it gets TOUGH (and it will some days - most of us struggle around PMS time :x ) come here often, call your HA, do anything but give up! We want you to be successful with us and we KNOW YOU CAN! Welcome again! :wave:
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Postby Nancy » April 28th, 2005, 7:38 am

Thininme ~

While you mentioned that you were not real thrilled with the rate of weight loss you experienced while on Optifast, you revealed something that may very well explain why your weight loss was not as great as some for the same period of time.

Over the 16 weeks, a 34 pound weight loss means you averaged 2.12 pounds per week – that is within the average range of weight loss for Medifast.
You made the point that you have hypothyroidism and take Synthroid.

People with thyroid disease typically lose weight more slowly than those who do not.

(People with diabetes also often lose more slowly than people who do not.) I don’t know how tall you are but shorter people lose more slowly than tall people.

Thininme, please do not think that you are :x doomed to losing 2.12 pounds per week because of the things I shared. Each person has their own unique pattern of weight loss and even though it is very natural to compare one person’s rate of weight loss with others, don’t do it – it is counterproductive, makes ya :nutz: cwazy and our goal here is to :hug: encourage and :boing: delight over every ounce that leads a person closer to optimal health and optimal weight.

On a :idea: brighter note, one client with thyroid disease taking synthroid was actually able to take a much lower dose of synthroid for quite some time during and after her weight loss program. She did eventually go back on Synthroid when some of the symptoms returned but her dose is smaller than before weight loss and she continues to use Medifast two years later.

Synthroid should not be taken with soy – if you take your medication in the morning, it may take some juggling. Take thyroid medication 1-2 hours before eating soy or 2-3 hours after eating soy or have a non-soy MF product for breakfast such as the Cappuccino, Hot Cocoa or Chai Latte.
We are :lol: happy that you are here and that you are going to give Medifast a :runner: run for it. Give it all ya got – eat all the meals on time, never skip a meal, drink plenty of water, weigh the meat portion and measure the veggie portion. We hope that you have a nice :redprowl: ride on the journey to wellness.
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learn something new everytime

Postby thininme » April 28th, 2005, 8:40 am


Thanks for the encouragement. I never heard that you could not take synthryoid with soy. I know 2+ pounds a week is a great thing 2 X 52 weeks = 104!!!! it still amazes me that even knowing the numbers one can be down about losing 2 pounds.....silly me :shock: I will give medifast a run for it's money and be happy that my body is getting healthier in the process...the weight loss is just the bonus :mrgreen: ok so I will keep saying that unitl I believe it..... thanks again
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Postby Nancy » April 28th, 2005, 12:04 pm

Thininme ~

Atta girl! You CAN do it 2 pounds per week is a VERY good thing - Let's pray that you defy the averages!

Go for it! :kool:
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Postby Mommy2girls » April 28th, 2005, 12:37 pm

Hi again Dawn. That was me that gave you advice to be able to split your "lean and green" and apparently that is NO GOOD! :oops:

Nancy, thanks for your insight as a health advisor! I did not read anywhere in my starter booklet that splitting was bad! :shock:

So once again, I appreciate the insight everyone here has to offer. Sorry for giving wrong advice. Since I didn't see anywhere in the book that you cannot split the meal, I assumed it was okay. But you know what they say about assuming! :lol:

I will stop splitting mine as well and just enjoy a lean and green meal, once a day.
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Postby Nancy » April 28th, 2005, 12:50 pm

No prob, Cutie ~

I have been a Health Advisor and a MF user for a long time now but I certainly do not know it all (please do not tell my husband Terry or Unca that little fact - I tell them I DO know it all and that it is ALL about me).

I do my very best to keep my pulsating brain stem active and updated. As soon as I learn juicy new stuff I let my peeps know all about it.

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Question on ordering

Postby thininme » April 29th, 2005, 5:45 am

When I bought my into package I did not know there were so many options/ my question is: Where do you all order from and how do you know if they are offering specials? Thanks
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Postby Principessa » April 29th, 2005, 6:42 am

If you order directly through this website and the people and phone in your order they'll be sure to clue you in on any specials. They're great!

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