I'm new and kindly have some questions.

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I'm new and kindly have some questions.

Postby clmorris » January 8th, 2006, 9:25 am

Hi everyone! I'm sure some of these questions have been asked before, so I apologize in advance if I sound like a broken record.
I have some questions regarding the food on this way of eating. Do you have to buy all the prepackaged food that Medifast sells to do this, or can you just buy the shakes and use as recommended, then instead of eating one of the prepackaged meals they recommend, eat something sensible in place of it. The reason I ask is that I don't have a lot of money, but I do know that I have a lot of weight to lose (over 100lbs). In the past I had been on the Atkins diet, lost about 40lbs, then gained it back when I stopped doing the plan.
I guess what I would like to know is if you can adjust this system to your personal needs, or is it something that needs to be followed strictly?
Also, regarding the shakes, what are the best tasting on this system. Do they have a funny aftertaste?

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2006, 9:36 am

You need to follow the plan totally right.

It totally works.

You will lose weight rapidly and safely, clmorris. If you are truly interested in losing the weight, it would be good for you to read through a number of posts in each of the web rooms. Many of the things you wonder about are covered very thoroughly.

I lost 135 pounds. I didn't think I could afford it when I first began but after a few weeks on the program and I was de-toxed from all the crud I had eaten for the last years, I felt so good that I never wanted that feeling to go away. :bouncie:

Coupled with the fantastic weight loss I was having week after week, I was willing to get a second job ( :secret: and I did) to pay for it. All too soon, we realized not only did we save our health and our lives, we saved a lot of money because we didn't junk out any more and stopped spending money on that which did not feed our body or our mind. :yay:

You'll soon see how the others feel, too. Welcome to you! :byebye:
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Postby Guest » January 8th, 2006, 3:19 pm

Thank you for the information Nancy, I appreciate it.
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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2006, 10:06 pm

Yup, you're most welcome, Guest! :kool:
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