After being very uncomfortable in my skin so to say for the past several months I have decided to try this program. I have done the research and felt that this was the best program for me.
Now little about myself - I was always the skinny gal in school that everyone was envious of. I was a size zero and size 4 at the biggest all threw hs and college. Then I had my first child at 21 I had been very sick and was on bef rest the whole time and gained a huge amount of weight. I went from 100 lbs to 150 after baby. I did loose some and was at a comfortable size 8 but then came baby #2 and then baby # 3. I had medical problems with all of them so my body has certainly been threw alot. Exactly one year ago I had a miscarrage at 5 mos along (my 5th miscarrage) I of corse gained a lot of weight there also and in the past 6 mos I have jumped from a size 14 to my biggest I have ever been which is a size 18 and that is tight.
I took my 6 yr old daughter out to try on pageant dresses and my husband caught me on camera and I was so taken back at how big I was.
So here I am I am ordering my kit on Tuesday and will start as soon as it comes. I am very nervious since I am a picky eater and absolutly hate chili and veggi soups. But I am determine to make this work.
I am so relieved that this group is here! I have little support from my husband and my parents think that I am gonna be fat forever because they are. (there method is making jokes about my weight and reminding me how skinny I used to be).
So I am depending on all of you! I am sure I am going to need people to talk to.
My goal is more of a size goal rather than a weight goal. I have not been on a scale in over a year but will start once I start the diet so I can accurately track it. I would like to ultimately get down to a size 8 that would be almost 1/2 of me.
Thanks for listening to my rambeling