I am new and could really use the support!

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I am new and could really use the support!

Postby missjessie » February 24th, 2006, 12:46 am

I am new and here is a little about me

After being very uncomfortable in my skin so to say for the past several months I have decided to try this program. I have done the research and felt that this was the best program for me.

Now little about myself - I was always the skinny gal in school that everyone was envious of. I was a size zero and size 4 at the biggest all threw hs and college. Then I had my first child at 21 I had been very sick and was on bef rest the whole time and gained a huge amount of weight. I went from 100 lbs to 150 after baby. I did loose some and was at a comfortable size 8 but then came baby #2 and then baby # 3. I had medical problems with all of them so my body has certainly been threw alot. Exactly one year ago I had a miscarrage at 5 mos along (my 5th miscarrage) I of corse gained a lot of weight there also and in the past 6 mos I have jumped from a size 14 to my biggest I have ever been which is a size 18 and that is tight.

I took my 6 yr old daughter out to try on pageant dresses and my husband caught me on camera and I was so taken back at how big I was.

So here I am I am ordering my kit on Tuesday and will start as soon as it comes. I am very nervious since I am a picky eater and absolutly hate chili and veggi soups. But I am determine to make this work.

I am so relieved that this group is here! I have little support from my husband and my parents think that I am gonna be fat forever because they are. (there method is making jokes about my weight and reminding me how skinny I used to be).

So I am depending on all of you! I am sure I am going to need people to talk to.

My goal is more of a size goal rather than a weight goal. I have not been on a scale in over a year but will start once I start the diet so I can accurately track it. I would like to ultimately get down to a size 8 that would be almost 1/2 of me.

Thanks for listening to my rambeling :)
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Postby Nancy » February 24th, 2006, 12:57 am

Hi, MissJessie ~

Welcome to you! :byebye: Thank you for telling us a little bit about you and of your goals. I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriages, those little ones are in heaven now. :angel:

Well, we can tell ya, this program really works! You'll be kicking aside those size 18's in no time and will be heading for the 8's...

Once you get your box of Medifast, check into the Lean Cuisine web room and get some ideas for packet and meal preparation. You'll soon discover your favorites and then there may be some you can prepare for your kiddos as a healthy snack for them :mrgreen:
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Postby Patti » February 24th, 2006, 4:47 am

Hi MissJessie,

You certainly have come to the right place for support and knowledge on your weight loss journey. Like Nancy said, check out the Lean Cuisine section for ideas on preparing your meals. I also could not stand the Chili or the rest of the soups....I have never been a soup person (unless it is my Mom's homemade stuff). I have no problem working around it. I have become a master at jazzing up the shakes, like the puddings, oatmeals and bars....these are the only supplements that I eat. Any supplement that you do not like, go to the Swap-N-Shop forum and trade them for something that you do like.

I am so sorry to hear that you do not have the support of your husband and family.....but, can assure you that your Medifast family here will give you unlimited support. Once you dedicate yourself to following the Medifast program and start seeing amazing results, you will make converts and true believers of your family. When you get what I call "The Medifast Glow", you won't care what other people say because you will know that you are doing this for yourself...a great self-esteem booster.

Thanks for sharing your story and a very big welcome to this family goes out to you!

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Postby Marseilles » February 24th, 2006, 5:39 am

Welcome Miss Jessie! So good to have you join us. You will soon see that medifast is the last diet you will ever be on. This is a lifestyle change and the best place for you to be. Those unwanted pounds will be melting off of you! Welcome to our group, cant wait to get to know you!

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Postby Serendipity » February 24th, 2006, 6:34 am

Hi Jessie, Welcome to the forum. Many of our stories are similar to yours. I was thin until my kids, too. You have found a great place to begin your program. The support here is phenominal....everyone is so caring and eager to help.

I predict that your hubby will soon be a Medifast convert. Give it a month.

Good luck
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Postby smartipantz » February 24th, 2006, 7:42 am

Welcome MissJessie!

Wow - your story really touched me... so much, I'd like to give you a big hug and let you know that Medifast works!! It's doesn't work all by itself, of course, it still takes discipline from you. If you follow the plan, don't skip any supplements, don't add anything not on the list - the plan works like a dream!! It's very exciting when you have to put away those fat clothes and make room for the skinnier clothes!!

Anytime you need to talk, please come here - regardless of the reason! Some of us may be having a tough day for whatever reason and look to others to help us outta the darkness we may be feeling at that particular moment. We all have our tough times - but we ALL have a exciting times and just want to share with others who are going through the same journey as ourselves. And of course, no question is a dumb question - there are MANY here that can help. We want you to be successful.

You also should have a Health Advisor. This person is one of the best tools you could ask for (sorry for calling you a tool Jan :) heh ) A friendly voice on the phone can make a word of difference!

As far as your family..... you are doing this for yourself!! Soon they will be complimenting you on your accomplishments!! I can't guarantee you will be back to your old self - that's up to you - but you will be lighter :)

Welcome again to our family,

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Postby 2BHealthy » February 24th, 2006, 7:58 am

Hi MissJessie :wave:

We are glad you found Medifast and glad you found us! Before you know it you will be shedding pounds and gaining tons of energy to keep up with the kids! I've only been on MF since 2/15/06 and there is a HUGE difference in my energy level! I didn't like the chili at all at first. I cooked that one on the stove and added spices and like it now. Even if you don't like those things there are many other yummy things to choose from. The oatmeal, puddings and bars are yummy. So are the shakes especially when you flavor them with SF syrups. There are lots of details in the Lean Cuisine forum. Don't be discouraged if things taste a little funny at first. Soon you will know what you like. I was nervous about the taste too. Good luck to you and welcome to our little family! Post whenever you have a question, need to vent or some support. :hug:
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Postby SueInSLO » February 24th, 2006, 10:53 am

Welcome, welcome MissJessie!!


You've come to the right place and right program!

Post and read often, this is a wonderful bunch of ladies and gentlemen!!

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Postby mmob » February 24th, 2006, 11:47 am

I'll add my welcome to this list!! I can identify with your story as I was always very thin and athletic, I never had to worry about my weight. Then I had kids and I was on bedrest with my second son. and after that .....well, I am in the same boat!

I don't like veggie soups but have managed to find enough here that I do like and can add variety with the L&G meal! It's enough to keep me sane and on track!

You will have success here - you have to stick to the program but it's not that hard to do!!

Good Luck to you!!


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Postby Jan » February 24th, 2006, 12:28 pm

Hi Jessie,
First of all I'd like to add my welcome to the group. :D You'll find it's a great group of people who are all willing to help each other. Plus, we are all fighting the same battle -- you know -- that old Battle of the Bulge" :x
Don't feel bad at all. My sister sounds really similar to you. She was always sooo thin throughout H.S and college. Plus, she was and is still an athlete -- a runner---Still does the marathons and heads off almost every day for a "little" 10 mile or so jaunt. :? But you know what?? That nasty bulge got her tooo. Not toooo bad -- but about 30 pounds worth --so she is shaking away with the rest of us. She's lost the extra poundage now but is on maintenance. All that running wouldn't do it for her. :mrgreen:
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