Hello! I am new to the Medifast program and I am anxiously awaiting my goods

I have a question about the full fast plan and the 5+1 plan. I am a busy mom in Nursing school and some days I just dont have time to prepare a meal or if I am in the hospital I dont have time to sit and eat.. so, my question is this- would I still be on following MF correctly if for example, I do a full fast on Mon , Tues & Wed and then the 5+1 plan on thurs, fri and sat/sun ? I know this sounds weird , but it would be alot easier on the days I am in the hospital since we dont get breaks .. ty
oh, I just wanted to add.. those days I am in the hospital it is from 7 am to 7 pm (12 hours) and and after my shift I have a 1 hr and 20 min drive home and then have to help my hubby get son bathed and in bed and then I fall asleep.. so that is why I thought those days would be easier if I did the full fast.. if that makes more sense..
Oh and BTW, I have insulin resistance and my doctor will be monitoring me during this program