NEW abd Restaurant Question

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NEW abd Restaurant Question

Postby JCatz » November 8th, 2005, 4:23 pm

Hi Gang,

Tomorrow will be my first day on Medifast so I thought I would write and introduce myself. I've been on a diet a while back that offered a posting site and it really helped me to read everyone's posts and ask for help as needed. I did great at the time but gained back the weight (plus some) since that time. When I went to go back to the site this year, they were out of business. I was really sad but I'm so happy someone told me about Medifast and that I found this site! So, here we go! Wish me luck.. I'm kind of nervous about it but I'm sure I will get the hang of it.

Mainly I'm nervous about going out to eat... My family is constantly eating out and my job requires a great deal of entertaining clients so staying away from the restaurants is not a possiblity. I did see a post from one of the gals about eating chicken and steamed broccoli at restaurants but I'd love to hear other suggestions as well.

Anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure I will really enjoy getting to know many of your through postings.

Jacqui (Jcatz) :)
Jacqui C.

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Eating out

Postby Jan » November 8th, 2005, 8:26 pm

Hi Jacqui,
Yes, you will get the "hang of it". Eating out is not toooo difficult. We generally ask for a lean meat, chicken, beef or fish. Then ask for our salad with no croutons or cheese added - dressing on the side and use the dressing very sparingly. We also ask for double veggies rather than a potato. Make sure the available veggie is one that we can eat (not corn peas or legumes) Most restaurants will do this for you. Skip the bread but go ahead and have coffee or tea. If you want it sweet, splenda is best but the other sweeteners are ok. You may even put a splash of cream in your coffee or tea (I personally always put cream in my tea) Eat slowly and drink your water and coffee or tea. Most people will not even notice that you are eating differently -- they are too busy munching their own food.
You'll be fine :D
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Postby BumbleBee » November 9th, 2005, 8:09 am


I also do alot of entertaining at work. I always go for the Salmon (grilled of course) and a steamed veggie. If Salmon is not avail I'll always ask for an "all veggie plate" if the rest of the food is questionable.

You will do great. Keep Posting and Shaking!! ;)
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Thanks for the responses

Postby Jacqui » November 9th, 2005, 3:23 pm

Jan and Bumble,

Thanks so much for the responses. Very good to know others are in similar situations. I appreciate the help and look forward to chatting with you more!

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