I've never been much of a "joiner" ... but ...

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I've never been much of a "joiner" ... but ...

Postby mombarnes » November 20th, 2004, 9:41 am

please place me securely into the 10# club!
It took just over 3 weeks to get there. I know that other people say they lost a lot more the 1st week ... but if it's any encouragement to other newcomers who lost slower at first, I lost 6 of these 10#s in my third week.
I'm very happy with the products & the support on this forum.

To share a little more ... it was a thrill to move the big weight on the scale from 200 to 150. Now I just need to keep sliding the little one leftwards.

I travel with my job and it's been (in the past) an easy way to gain weight. I was either eating in nice restaurants, eating room service late at night, or rushing through McD*'s drivethroughs in a hurry. It's been surprisingly easy to just pack my Medifast in my bag. Although it's funny when my 4 days of food take as much space in my carryon as my clothes (hahahaha). Yes, I always take everything in a carryon, no matter what (my travel advice ... a checked bag is a lost bag).
RE-start 14-Jan08
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Postby Nancy » November 20th, 2004, 11:00 am

Mombarnes ~

Well, now! :hi5: :hi5: Congratulations to you for moving on up to the new goal club and for movin’ on down the scale! Good work! You are getting into the Medigroove, all right! :thumbup:

It is rewarding to me we others realize the same benefits of Medifast that I have. Just think of all the time you are saving by not having to go to drive-throughs or sit in a busy restaurant - especially if you are traveling alone. I always hated dining by myself in a restaurant. I’d look around and see others chatting it up with friends and I always felt conspicuous, especially when I was obese. I felt like people were watching me eat and thinking to themselves, “why is that fat lady eating more food?”

You are saving a lot of $, too – you are paying just about $2 per meal compared to $5 minimum that you’d pay at McD’s and you are saving a whole lot more $ when compared to those pricey sit-down restaurants. You don’t have to leave a tip unless it is in your own wallet to be saved for new skinny clothing!

You also are making room in your suitcase – when you get ready to return home, the room your now-consumed Medifood initially took up can be used to put souvenirs or a new book! And you are getting thinner and healthier. You are a winner all the way around!

Mom, some people do seem to lose weight slower than others. I don't know why. :scratch: People with diabetes or thyroid problems may lose slower than those who do not have those issues. Taller people lose faster than shorter people. Women lose slower than men. Heavier people lose more quickly than smaller people (sometimes). Age is a factor, activity levels, amount of sleep and water ingestion, :shock: stress and medications are other factors.
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » November 20th, 2004, 11:49 am


Congratulations for so quickly getting into the 10# Club! It's SOOO fast losing weight on MF isn't it? Those medical scales always seem so intimidating with the actual weights you move around and such. That must be such a thrill to see that big weight move to 150! Happy for ya! I'm on Day 3 of transition and doing fine.

Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
Sep lost 13#=141#
Oct lost 12#=129#
Nov lost 4#=125#
70 lbs in 5 1/2 mos!
Hello Victoria's Secret! I did it! July 2005 still 125 lbs!
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thank you

Postby mombarnes » November 20th, 2004, 11:50 am

Thank you for the support. It makes a huge difference.
I agree on the cost. This is a lot less out of pocket. So I just keep more of my per diem allowance!
And you are right about the space in my suitcase when I'm coming home. And just imagine when I get to buy smaller clothes ... they will take less space so I have even more space to take more MF choices along with me.
I agree about dining alone in restaurants ... I never did it. But dining alone on room service is even worse. And when I gave in to ordering too much, I was tempted to pretend that I had a companion in the shower when the food was brought up. hahahaha.
This week I was in DC & had two occasions that involved food with co-workers. The first night - at a fancy Italian restaurant - I was tempted to stay in my hotel room. But I went along, ate my MF bar in the car on the way over, and told everyone I was there ONLY for their company. Drank lots of water during dinner & shared desert time with a delicious cup of decaf. Actually everyone was very supportive & even said they could already see a difference (I doubt that with only 10# gone ... but I appreciate their support).
The next day was at the historic Army & Navy Club near the White House. We were there with some real war heros & I enjoyed the day of training to the fullest. At lunchtime, I simply used hot water from the carafe that was being used to make hot tea & I made some creamy chicken soup for lunch, along with some wheat crackers. Everyone said it looked good. Several of my team are on the At*s diet - so I shared a couple of crackers so they could see how good they are. Someone even shared a pickle off their plate. It was tempting not to have some of the "famous bean soup" but I am happier sticking to my plan.
Anyhow, thank you for all the support.
RE-start 14-Jan08
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thank you, Camille. Reply for girls only <blush>

Postby mombarnes » November 20th, 2004, 11:56 am

Thank you for your quick reply. I have enjoyed reading your posts & "getting to know you". I will be anxiously following your experiences on transition/maintenance. I believe many of us are nervous about it, even though it's far away on the horizon.
I agree with your sentiments about shopping at Victoria's Secret.
Whenever I am gaining or losing weight, it's all about the undies. The last big gain I had, I was resisting buying granny panties (although I am very happy to be an actual granny). When I finally gave in to the large size & declared "war on panties" it felt good physically but not mentally.
RE-start 14-Jan08
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