need you help, in trouble

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need you help, in trouble

Postby Guest » June 12th, 2004, 3:38 pm

I have been on medifast for 10 weeks now. I have on an average day 4 shakes and 1 soup every 3 hours. Some days I just have 5 shakes and no soup. So far I have done fantastically. I have lost 34 pounds, along with several sizes and inches. I want so much to keep going on this diet till I reach my goal of 95 pounds lost. However its not looking like Im going to be able to do that. :cry:

I have had a life long problem with migraines. Over the last few weeks they have gotten worse and worse. My neurologist thinks its because Im on too little calories and wants me to increase my intake. On Friday I got so sick that I became unable to function at all. Since then I have basically have just gotten out of bed to drink my shakes, no soups, and my water then back to bed. I am also getting incredably nauseated when I eat which has happend many times before on this diet. I am not lactose intolerant as I always drank milk and loved cheese before this.

Anyway, I am now drinking a shake every 2 to and a half hours to fit more in the day to see if that is enough. Im desperate. I do not want to have to quit this but I am so sick from the migraines that I literally can not function. Help!! :cry:

Oh and just incase anyone asks, I drink tons of water too. Easily 8 to 10 16 oz bottles a day. Anyone have any advice?

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » June 12th, 2004, 4:42 pm


I too suffer from migraines but take Imitrex as soon as I get the slightest sign of one coming on and it stops it dead in its tracks without making me drowsy. If you haven't tried I sure recommend it. Good luck to you
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Postby MomJackieLee » June 12th, 2004, 4:59 pm

Amy -

I'm here to give support and empathy. I have migraines too, and mine are usually horomone triggered (just before Aunt Flo I can pretty mych count on one) or triggered from too much stress. I worked too much this week and it was that time so BAM here came the migraine. I went straight to bed in my dark room with meds and my "migraine pillow" (little bag of beans that goes over the eyes). I also put on a tape of instrumental relaxation music or a guided meditation tape for progressive relaxation. There are two a great tapes by Bernie Siegel called "Meditations to Enhance Your Immune System" and "Meditations for Difficult Times" that I use to try and feel better. (At one time I was having so many migraines and taking so many painkillers that I had to search on my own and find other therapies so that I would not stay "doped up" so much of the time).

Also, you may want to try adding the lean and green...I am doing modified and losing weight so this may be an option for you.

Anyway, best of luck and hope that head stops pounding soon.
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Postby Landylue » June 12th, 2004, 6:47 pm

So very sorry you are having such a rough time lately, Amy. I think I would take your doctor's advice, along with JackieLee's and add some additional calories to your day. Preferably protein. I've also heard some great things about the medicine Camille mentioned.

Alot of people out here do the lean and green along with the shakes. You've done wonderfully on your fast, Amy. Adding more food isn't going to slow your weight loss down by much at all, and those headaches might just disappear.

Here's hoping for the best.

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Postby Guest » June 12th, 2004, 7:52 pm

Thanks much for the replies everyone. I am thinking adding the lean and green may be the best option. As for imitrex, yes I have tried it before, and had some side effects. I have also taken Zomig, Maxalt, a few others, and am now taking Axert. I also have fioricet. For the nausea I have phenergan, but have to be weary when I take it as I have a 7 month old to take care of. (Its also a sedative) Needless to say these migraines have been around for awhile. I am now running into the problem of my husband telling me to quit because he is worried. I dont want to quit! I am so determined to one day be thin! How do I go about starting the lean and green? Think that will will enough to really make an impact on these horrible migraines?

Thanks so much,
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Postby Nancy » June 12th, 2004, 11:35 pm

Amy Dear ~

Argh! You've got headaches AND a 7 month old baby? That's no fun! Hard to navigate, I'm sure!

It does sound like you have been plagued with migraines for quite some time – much before Medifast. Correct me, please if I am wrong but you said you’ve been Medifasting for ten weeks now and your headaches have been on-going.

Typically people who get a headache may experience them if they have been on blood pressure medication and because of weight loss; they may need a lower dosage of BP med. Could that be an issue for you?

If not BP med, perhaps some other medication that you were taking before you started Medifasting that may need some minor adjustment?

Since you are drinking adequate amounts of water and using mostly shakes, you could also be experiencing electrolyte or sodium imbalance so have you tried having a cup of bouillon?

If you have been on the Complete Program, you DO need an additional meal – 6 meal replacements! Or the Five and One program: five Medifast Meal replacement plus the Lean n’ Green!

Headaches can occur in the early stages of Medifasting – usually because of a decrease in sugars, lowered fat intake and perhaps you are eating less caffeine, as well. Generally headaches are temporary and as the body begins to adjust to processing the good nutrition and eliminating the toxins, headaches disappear.

However, you could have an allergy to the soy.

If you have tried having some Fast Soup (it’s great – it has added potassium as well as sodium), have added the sixth meal and you still have headaches, try using the products with whey – the raspberry and peach tea, the cranberry mango or tropical punch – see how you do without the soy…

Amy, we’re praying that you will soon be feelin’ as mighty fine as you are lookin’ – Wowser! 34 pounds are outta there! Cool!
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Postby LadyChamp » June 13th, 2004, 10:19 am

Oh Amy I can relate, hun. :( I too am a migraine sufferer, having had them for over 10 years.

I have tried every product known to man and nothing really truly helps. I have been to Neurologists, Chiropractors, Psychologists, Family Practice Doctor, Reproductive Endocrinologist, etc. Luckily for me, my family practice doctor also suffers from migraines and he, being empathic to migraines, has tried many things some others might not even think of trying.

I take a daily preventative. It does not necessarily stop them but when I do miss the medication I will most definately get a doozy. I also take a couple of anti-depressants. When I get a migraine, I take Lortabs or just go to sleep. (I hate to take medication.) I have taken shots of Toradol IM (synthetic morphine) - doesn't work. Imitrex - doesn't work. If I have one of those migraines that lasts for 3 days and I feel that I am gonna die or something I will go to the hosptial for a shot of Demoral and Phenergen (nausea medication) and then sleep for a day or two. The medication does not make the pain go away, it just allows me to rest.

No idea what causes my migraines other than
HOROMES I had a total hysterectomy in 98 and can't take estrogen (Premerin?) It gives me a migraine!
Other than that, there is NO rhyme or reason to them. :x

Besides ORDINARY migraines (hahaha) I also have atypical ones. Out of the blue I will get an ice pick to the eye ball pain or a sledge hammer to the side of the head pain without the "aura" that is supposed to accompany the "regular" migraine.

Not long ago I had a hemiperalgic (no clue on the spelling of that one) migraine, where my entire left side went numb.

So, yes, Amy, I can relate. I have migraines all the time. Fortumately, I don't have a baby to tend to. Good luck to you, hun!
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Postby Nancy » June 13th, 2004, 2:27 pm

Lady Champ ~

Yikes! Well, Medifast may not be able to take your headaches away but I see that it will soon take the three hundreds away from you - you are very close to kissin' them good-bye! :wave:

Won't it be wonderful to be at your healthy weight? You are chugging right along. :yes: XXXOOO
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Postby Guest » June 13th, 2004, 6:15 pm

Actually I am on a daily preventative bp med, topamax, err however you spell it. My Neurologist keeps increasing it. The funny thing is that this particular bp med is also an appitite suppresant! :roll: I started taking in 6 shakes as of yesterday, and I am noticing a difference. So I am going to stick with that for a week and see if that will work.

As for the possibility of having low sodium levels I should know for sure on Monday. I am being monitored by a doctor that specializes in medifast, and he does bi-monthly blood work. I just had some taken on Friday. Even with having this doctor though I still came here for help as I feel there is far more information, personal experience, and advice here. Thank you all for being so kind and telling me your thoughts. Its good to not be alone with these migraines. They really stink, and its worse when some people think you are just being over dramatic about them. And as for my seven month old, he is quite the angel. I feel blessed to have him. :)

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Postby MomJackieLee » June 13th, 2004, 6:20 pm

Oh Amy, there is nothing "dramatic" about migraines...unless you are the person HAVING THEM. Don't worry about other's opinions, "until you have walked a mile in someone's shoes..." others can't understand. There was a great article about migraines in the Alternative Medicine magazine this month. If your library has it, it is worth reading. It was written by a woman who has tried just about everything and nothing works and she is working on being at peace with the process and not being afraid to ask for help from others. A good read, and interesting perspective...
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Postby LadyChamp » June 13th, 2004, 9:35 pm

I am also taking Topamax (200mg) Three pills per day.
Darn I wish it would help me lose weight LOL But it hasn't helped one bit.:!:

Best of luck to you with the migraines AND the weight loss!
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hope you read this

Postby Darlene » June 14th, 2004, 8:10 am

I am replying to your post on your problems with migraine headaches. I will probably get some little sighs out there for those who read this. But here it goes. I was a migraine sufferer beginning at age 10 when I started to see spots and lost vision in my one eye. They ran so many tests. I was put on every migraine medicine out there.....including the shot (that made my brain feel very weird and cold.....even at that young age I knew that was not right for my body. So needless to say, I went through my teens and early twenties with debillitating migraines at least once every two months. I was on a softball scholarship which really did not make my stress levels any better due to the fact that if I had enough to keep me sidelined, my career in college was done. So, here I was 22 years old, pre-med, living life, when I bent over to tie my shoes and I could not get back up. I CRAWLED in my house. My father was so alarmed he took me to an orthopedic surgeon, who took x-rays and said i pulled a muscle.....I know it was more than that. he just told me "girls shouldn't play softball". So 3 months later, still zombied out on muscle relaxers, I was teaching a clinic for pitchers when my back gave out with 50 kids there and all their parents there watching. So these people started giving me these business cards for Chiropractors and I thought "I will not go to one of THOSE doctors!" Needless to say, I went as a last resort. One week later, felt better than ever, finished my softball career and then some. 6 months later my mother asked "when was the last time you had a migraine?" For the first time in my life since I was ten I was migraine free for 6 months. 3 months later I enrolled in Chiropractic school and here I am practicing Chiropractic. Never thought I would be one of "those" doctors!
I read all of your replies. It really sets in my mind how we rely on medicine for everything not knowing what the long term effects will bring. We are all not "quacks". Some of us are very medically oriented with only the best interests for our patients in our hearts.
I now educated my patients daily on what exactly it is that I do and the different problems I can help them with. Migraines is on the top of that list. Every patient of mine who has had a history of migraines now are off their medication. I suffer from migraines......MAYBE once every 4 YEARS. I'll take that anyday over what my life used to be like. :lol:
I hope this helps you. Give it a shot at least before giving up your diet due to wondering if it is causing your migraines (which I can guarantee it is not). You will get x-rayed, they will look at your neck and show that you have a "military neck" aka "straight spine" curve in the neck which is causing the migraine. You probably also have low back problems. It is very common to see the neck and low back together because these two important curves form together when we are younger and therefore will always be related.
Hope this helps at least one of the prople reading this ;)
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Postby explorthis » June 14th, 2004, 9:19 am

Hope this helps at least one of the prople reading this

Darlene, this was about the most informative post I have read. I would never have believed that Migraines are/were caused by a spinal curve..

I am a lucky guy, never suffered from Migraines, though I did see my Mom over the years suffer many, to the point of being bed ridden at times. I wonder if she ever thought about the spine....

GREAT post, I learned something new today!!


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Postby Guest » June 14th, 2004, 5:43 pm

Wow Darlene! I am going to have to look into that for sure. Matter of fact I am going save your message so I can keep it for reference when I can go. Any tips on how to find a good doctor? Unfortunately I have no choice now but to take a hopefully temporary break from my diet. My bloodwork came back today, and my doctor was concerned. It seems my liver enzymes which are supposed to be around the levels of 40 came back at 155. This means my liver is being attacked by my body, and it's tissue is ending up in my bloodstream. This is likely due to all the pain killers I have to take for the migraines. All the more reason to try out your suggestion Darlene!

thanks again,
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Postby Darlene » June 15th, 2004, 6:56 am

Well, thanks for the great replies on my post. Unfortunately i know a little about elevated liver enzymes. my mother pasted away from liver cancer in 1998 so I through myself into the the whole liver thing. After reading your post and seeing that you have taken some medication for these migraines (hopefully you mentioned this to your dr), many medications can elevated liver enzymes for weeks after taking the last one. Many people do not realize that Tylenol(acetametaphine) can and will cause liver is actually second to alcohol for liver damage. Not to say the occassional pill will do this....but it is the prolonged use of these pills that can lead to this. So, i would clean the body up for at least a month (pill free) and then redo the test. Many people are led to believe that with elevated liver enzymes more medicine will make it better....when actually for some of those people just keeping the body clean for a period of time will help lower them naturally. Also since you are a headache sufferer, you probably rely on lots of pills through you pain. Popping a pill is what we are all conditioned to do.
Another factor could be fatty liver. (Please don't be offended! I am on this board too!! ;) ). Fat that can accumulate over time on the liver can also elevate the enzyme levels.
this is what I would do. I would keep from ingesting the pills, wait a month, go back and redo the test. Simple and easy. If there are other things going on, then the levels will stay the same if are popping too many pills and your body is sending you warning signals to stop.
Another thing.....about finding a good Chiropractor. Board Certified, lisenced and look for the little guys......the guys who are not running clinics with filled parking lots. You will find that the Chiropractors who have the time for you are not the busiest and they can fully go over your past and present problems. Sometimes, going to the busy guys you can feel like a number and I know as a patient I do not like that! Make sure they use techniques like Full Spine and activator. Just like in any other office.....there are good ones and not so great ones. I also find that many of my female pts like a female Chiropractor so you might look into that too. Ok.......hoped this helped. Clean that liver up huh?
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