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Need to vent...

Postby MusicalMomma » January 30th, 2006, 6:36 am

Here is a story of my evening yesterday.....

Jon's (my hubby) boss called yesterday afternoon wanting us to go to Green Bay with him, his wife and another couple to see a movie. Jon, of course, doesn't want to say no to his boss, so he accepts the invitation and askes if we're going to dinner first (so we could plan our L&G). Barry (Jon's boss) said "yes".

WELL, Green Bay is 45 mins from our house and WE had to drive cuz we're the only one with a mini-van. The movie started at 6:40 and we were told to pick them up at 5! We get there at 4:55 only to find out that BARRY needs to "drop off" some papers to a client 20 friggin miles out of the way!!!! IN OUR CAR, AT NIGHT, IN THE FOG, IN THE DARK COUNTRY, IN A AREA WE'VE NEVER BEEN IN!!!! Then we get to green bay around 5:55 and he directs us to the MOVIE THEATER where we SAT and WAITED for 40 friggin minutes for the movie to start!!! NO WORD of dinner!!!!

SOOOOO, Jon and I were famished and had to eat SOMETHING and had to resort to the most nutritious snack at the theater....PRETZEL BITES!!! Let me tell you, I was FIT TO BE TIED!! I was soooooo angry!!! Then after dinner, we drove everyone home! NOT ONE MENTION OF DINNER! NOT ONE APOLOGY! Jon and I planned our Lean and Green meal around that dinner!!! I am STILL fuming that we were forced off our plan!!! I WILL NEVER go out with them again!!!!!!!! Phew...needed to vent there!! LOL

Thanks for listening :)
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Postby falisamarie » January 30th, 2006, 7:00 am


Sounds like the devil was out to get you :twisted:

You have every right to be upset and it really shows your commitment to the program that it upset you soo much so look at it as a small victory knowing that sticking to the program is so important to you means you will stick to it at all costs!!!

You did the best you could and that counts!!!

Lisa :rose:
Start date 1/15/06
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Postby SueInSLO » January 30th, 2006, 7:25 am

Hi Joyce, :wave:

That does suck and it was very inconsiderate of them to have you drive out of your way and then skip dinner too! I'm sorry that happened to you! :cry:

With that said, NEXT TIME you get in that kind of situation I bet you have a bar or two saved in your purse for an emergency! That would have been better than nothing even late in the day.

Hang in there, drink lots of water today and I'm sure you'll be fine.

Sorry again!! Don't be hard on yourself, you did GOOD! :hug:

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Postby MusicalMomma » January 30th, 2006, 9:30 am

You guys are REALLY great!!!! :hug: And YES, I will definitely be prepared from here on out!!!!!! Gotta order the RTD shakes!!!! I hear there is no more free s&h on the rtd's tho :(
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Postby sidrah » January 30th, 2006, 6:39 pm

I started keeping bars in my classroom and in the car just in case--never know what will happen. That was kinda rude of them, huh? Did they pay for the tickets, at least? Was the movie good?
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Postby MusicalMomma » January 30th, 2006, 6:44 pm

sidrah wrote:Hi,
I started keeping bars in my classroom and in the car just in case--never know what will happen. That was kinda rude of them, huh? Did they pay for the tickets, at least? Was the movie good?

Sidrah, it is SO funny you should ask that! They DID NOT pay or offer to pay for our tickets. That was definitely a topic of conversation in the car after we dropped them off!!! HAHAHA The movie was OK (End of the Spear), but I would have rather waited for DVD. :)
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Postby BerkshireGrl » January 30th, 2006, 6:46 pm

Hmmm, these people sound a bit wude! ;)

Perhaps they should be found on that movie title... :lol:

Or at least lashed with a wet noodle!
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Postby Guest » January 30th, 2006, 8:32 pm

my motto is: always take your own car so you always have a way out. lol
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Postby heathhes » February 12th, 2006, 10:25 am

Maybe next time you can just LEAN forward and say "Hey since we are running early and we have the tickets can we go run thru a drive thru and get a salad? We haven't eaten yet." They may have been open to that. I have learned the hard way to just tell folks I need to eat! I think 3 pregnancies probably helped with that, cause who is going to tell a pregnant woman she can't eat when she wants too! LOL
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