Jon's (my hubby) boss called yesterday afternoon wanting us to go to Green Bay with him, his wife and another couple to see a movie. Jon, of course, doesn't want to say no to his boss, so he accepts the invitation and askes if we're going to dinner first (so we could plan our L&G). Barry (Jon's boss) said "yes".
WELL, Green Bay is 45 mins from our house and WE had to drive cuz we're the only one with a mini-van. The movie started at 6:40 and we were told to pick them up at 5! We get there at 4:55 only to find out that BARRY needs to "drop off" some papers to a client 20 friggin miles out of the way!!!! IN OUR CAR, AT NIGHT, IN THE FOG, IN THE DARK COUNTRY, IN A AREA WE'VE NEVER BEEN IN!!!! Then we get to green bay around 5:55 and he directs us to the MOVIE THEATER where we SAT and WAITED for 40 friggin minutes for the movie to start!!! NO WORD of dinner!!!!
SOOOOO, Jon and I were famished and had to eat SOMETHING and had to resort to the most nutritious snack at the theater....PRETZEL BITES!!! Let me tell you, I was FIT TO BE TIED!! I was soooooo angry!!! Then after dinner, we drove everyone home! NOT ONE MENTION OF DINNER! NOT ONE APOLOGY! Jon and I planned our Lean and Green meal around that dinner!!! I am STILL fuming that we were forced off our plan!!! I WILL NEVER go out with them again!!!!!!!! Phew...needed to vent there!! LOL
Thanks for listening