I am just learning how to use this site here. I am back and restarting this program again. I started at 275 lbs 3 weeks ago and I was cheating left and right. I was very bad ...

I don't want to say that I've lost it because I don't want my sub-conscious mind to find it back. I still feel hungry ... I still think of food, I want to eat two meals a day. I know it's just my old and bad habit ...
I'm 5'.6 1/2" and my goal weight is 150 lbs. Anyways, how do I make those cute charts to measure my progress???
I need all the help, hints and support I can get. Please, help me free myself from this prison that my body has become. I feel as if I were a little bird who fell in a puddle of mud and I can't fly anymore. I feel very heavy and I ache all over. I'll be 50 yrs old in July and I just wish I could be out of the house of the 200s by then ... 199 would be perfect! Do you think that's possible!?! Is it doable? Or is it unrealistic of me to think like that?