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help the ship feels like it is sinking

Postby shirley » January 12th, 2005, 2:23 am

Hi this is my first time to email this form and I am not sure that it is going but I am having trouble with my mf program I am wanting to eat food I am feeling deprived and I feel like I can find any surport around me I don't want my friends to know that I am on it because they will sabotaugh me i think I need my spelling corrector this is just where I am at. help
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Postby LadyinVA » January 12th, 2005, 5:29 am


You've definitely come to the right place for support and help. This forum is just loaded with it. Which program are you doing? The 5 and 1, or the full fast. If you feel like you actually need the eat FOOD, have you tried the oatmeals (I love them). On the five and one, you can actually have a "real" meal" once a day. You can also snack on celery, or the way, there are now sugar free sweet pickles that are pretty good. I found them yesterday...0 calories and actually less sodium than the dills. Don't give up! Read through some of the posts from this forum, there is alot of inspiration there. As soon as that scale starts moving (and it will...and QUICKLY) you will feel more motivated. I know I did.

Oh, and are you just mixing the shakes with water? I think they are more satisfying if I make them in the blender (or this wonderful Magic Bullet I just got that was recommended by someone on this board). They are very thick and creamy. I feel like I'm having milkshake.

Hang in've come to the right place for support!!
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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2005, 2:32 pm

Hey there, Shirley ~

Welcome to you. The early days of anything new can be challenging but also exciting. Letting go of old habits and replacing them with new ones takes a bit of intentional focus but it is possible.

One thing that helps me is to concentrate on reading and learning all that I can, to record all that I eat and drink and then to fill my spare time with positive restful activities.

Medifast differs from most weight loss programs and it is important to not compare it to other things you've done before. Don't try to tweak it, make changes to it, just follow it exactly and it will work exactly right.

P.S. I would not recommend that you use sweet pickles; just the two dills per day, as needed.
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Postby Guest » January 13th, 2005, 4:17 pm

Hi there Shirley, congratulations firstly on taking the hardest step you'll ever take....the first step to changing your life forever. Don't think your friends will try and sabotage you, I think you'll find they'll be you pillar of strength though all of this, most people are really proud of anyone who takes a big step and stays committed to achieve a goal. Hopefully they'll be there for you when you feel like going on a fat and carbs bender, and you will, but you can beat it. Those feelings of being deprived and being hungry do subside and after about 3 or 4 days you'll still get cravings but they're a breeze to beat if you try. :D

I'm in Australia and am on a similar but not identical program to Medifast. My program is called Optifast and it's a little more extreme than Medifast in the sense that I have only 3 shakes per day and 2 cups of green vegetables or salad and maybe some low joule jello if I want it, we've got no meal bars or bullion etc. But essentially they are the same and they will work if you stick to them. On Tuesday 4th January 2005 I weighed 134kg (295pounds) and started Optifast, the first day I felt sick and had migraine headaches, but that disapered overnight and it only got easier from that day onwards. I weighed myself yesterday Thursday 13th January and I weighed in at 127kg (279pounds) so that's a 7kg (15pound) loss in just over a week! I am hugely motivated by this result, I do have more energy and I feel so good about myself it's amazing. I have tried to lose weight so many times before it's embarrassing and as a guy even more so because guys aren't supposed to fail, heck, we're not supposed to even go on diets, we're just supposed to suck it in and work it off with big heavy stuff at gyms. We're not supposed to be embarrassed about our size; we're not supposed to cry because we can't handle just being ourselves anymore. These guys on this forum have hugely helped me by knowing that on the other side of the world are women and men of all ages doing just what I am, taking control of my life again. You have always got someone to talk to here and people who understand what you’re going through. :D

Just remember Shirley, it might be 6 weeks or 6 months of discipline and commitment to reach your goal but how long have you been overweight for? :x How long have you been uncomfortable for? :x How many times have you flown in a plane and not been able to put the tray table down without it hitting your belly? :x How many times have you squirmed around in a restaurant or theatre seat trying to comfortable? :x


Cheers Shirley and all the best

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Postby Guest » January 13th, 2005, 4:21 pm

sorry guys, a: fogort to log in :cry: b: thought I was correct spelling mistakes by going back and and fixing them 3 times, instead posted the same post 3 times.....OOPS :| Nancy, the last one is correct, please delete the top 2 of my posts.


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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2005, 5:52 pm

Okie dokie. Jason, I hope I deleted the right multiples...

It does take a while to get the hang of how to post and also how to Medifast! Soon both tasks will be easier for both of you new Forum Friends.

Shirley, deprivation is a mind thing.

How do you look at this?

As a temporary thing that you gotta do because you have been a naughty person with food and now need to be punished?

Do you see yourself as being MADE to do this diet thing or die or do you see yourself as a person with misunderstandings about nutrition, food and health beginning an educational process to learn how to eat, how often and how much to eat?

It is a matter of perspective.

Naughty children often continue to rebel. Contrite children are reachable because they are teachable. Here's to your success!
Last edited by Nancy on January 13th, 2005, 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby NikkiNix » January 13th, 2005, 10:13 pm

Hi Shirley,

I feel your pain sister. I wasn't getting that good of support either and this was from my immidiate family. The kids would want to go out to eat and my husband would say start tomarrow and then my best buds would says lets go to the bar. Temptation is all around you and the truth is it always will be. For me it was a reason to make an excuse to eat " I'm Starving!" I can start tomarrow, one bite won't hurt but the truth is all this thinking did hurt. Everyone talks about the 3 day starvation period where you feel your gonna die unless you eat that is more on a physical level and then comes more of the mental level where you just want to eat because your bored or stressed. Trust me I've been there several times and I kept feeling like I was being deprived then I realized I was being deprived. I was being deprived of wearing a swimsuit, eating out and not having people stare at me, being able to sit in a chair comfortably( like jason said )at the movie theaters. I have been depriving myself of so many things for soooo long because I kept making excuses. The truth is I still think about food every day but instead of dwelling on it I try to remember why I took Mf in the first place. It sounds funny but, I actually had to remind myself I was not going to starve to death and that the physical pain does subside you just gotta get through it for yourself. If you are not getting support it's because your not believing in yourself! It is nice to have people help you out and they know where your coming from but hey lets face it your not doing this for them your doing it for yourself. Ok sorry I was sounding a bit like Guido there( he keeps us in line when we are misbehaving) but it's because I do care. I used to expect people on this forum to hold me accountable so I wound't hold myself accountable let me tell ya it doesn't work. Turn your desperation into determination and then when you think about eating you'll know it's not worth doing over and over again. Let me tell ya people on this forum do care and if you do fall off just know we are here to help you dust off the crumbs. I am just trying to save you some time so you don't have to have a million and one do-overs like I have had in the past.

Good luck, believe in yourself!

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Postby Jason » January 13th, 2005, 11:51 pm

Great words of support Nikki :D

Shirley I get over the issues I have by reminding myself that "it's not forever, it's not forever!" Another Optifast user said to me yesterday, "I don't have weight loss goals, I set myself committment goals based on time, if I stay true to the program for a certain amount of time I know I'll lose a certain amount of weight within a set range" that's how they got through the program, he said that he was going to stay committed for 3 months and he did, the result for him was a loss of 60 pounds, he went from 321 pounds down to 261 pounds. Then he took a break over Christmas and is now starting phase two of his program for another 3 months. After a while you'll work out what motivators work for you and next thing you know you'll have reached your goal.
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Postby Nancy » January 14th, 2005, 12:22 am


I just re-read your post and want to make a few comments. When people tell me that they are struggling to stay on the program, I want to see their schedule on paper.

Do you eat soon after awakening? Don't wait very long to start your meals for the day. Breakfast should be within the first hour of your day. If you wait longer, your body will not have enough fuel for its busy day and you will curb your power for the day ahead and that can create hunger to increase and to make you feel out of control.

Are you eating every three hours? NEVER go more than four hours between meals. It is best to eat every three hours.

Are you skipping any meals at all? NEVER skip a meal, don't 'save' them or double up - eat all of the Medifast meals, on time, every time.

Are you drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water every day? Water is necessary to flush out the effects of fat-burning, helps to prevent fatigue, constipation and headaches. When you skip water you sacrifice the feeling of satisfaction and a sense of fullness.

Are you cheating? If you eat cookies, crackers, candy, bread, etc. you compromise ketosis, the fat-burning hunger-killing and muscle-protecitve state.

If you are hungry, there is a logical reason. Which of the points hits the bull's eye for your situation?
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Postby MamaD » January 14th, 2005, 4:45 am

how you doing Shirley????

I found that when I started the program it really did help for me to stay busy. I work so that is easy. Nights are tricky for me but I have found myself changing my behavior to accomdate the program. I used to sit in the kitchen, where the computer is to watch TV, chat with my computer friends or whatever. However now I make myself go in the family room with my hubby....the king of the channel surfers...and I knit!! I have not knitted since I was nine, but you know what....if you are knitting...and you promised someone a scarf...then you have to get it done before summer...then all both of your hands are busy. And ...being as I am a tad big lazy, I don't like to get up to get food. I am now a knitting fool. I also sew purses, those funky fabric ones....the sewing room is UPSTAIRS, and we know how lazy bones does not want to go up and down those for snacks.

I had to stop reading. Reading and doritos were my best friends. the best sellers will still be there!!

Come to the boards often... read the other post....scope out the amount of weight people have lost and go look at their pictures!! I personal...will never be the Leopard Woman, I mean there is only one Nancy, I only hope to be her proud cub~~ ;) My personal goal is white pants with no elastic by summer.

I am weak and I have no will power... but I am doing this. Don't talk yourself out of doing it. You paid big bucks for this stuff...and it will make you feel great!

Hang in there.... You will be successful this time~~
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Postby Nancy » January 14th, 2005, 5:19 pm

MamaD ~

What a perfectly great post - thanks!

:shock: Uh oh....this could be a problem!
I had to stop reading. Reading and doritos were my best friends

I can see the headlines now...

Former teacher and curriculum director of school for dyslexic children created a following of non-readers. Dressed in her leopardy garb, Nancy Pettit, aka "Leopard Woman" leads a group of slender shoppers through regular size department stores and boutiques. The non-readers, draped in knitted scarves and carrying fancy custom-designed handbags were being directed by Guido and Spidey (not carrying Man Bags!)...
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we are going on up

Postby shirley » January 16th, 2005, 3:06 am

Hi everyone, Thanks you for responding so quickly :D I loved all of the things you said and yes I want to take more advantage to have a happy life. And a big yes to being able to buckle a seatbelt on a plane and being able to set any where and be comfortable. I am a 59 year old grandmother of 5 and I want to celebrate my 60th birthday a little differant then everyone else which is in Oct. I live in Hawaii on the the north shore of Ohau for the last 2 years before that Atlanta Ga. for about 57 years. I have a very wonderful husband. My weight at the begining of this program was 240 and I am at 223 in 4 weeks I am happy my head is clearing a little for this moment at lest. And Nancy that was a very good question that you ask me because I could answer yes to most all of them so thanks. And Nikkinix I really did enjoy your straight forwardness. I like a girl that shoot from the hip. Oh yes MamaD when I saw Geogia I was right there. It is great to have a way to express yourself. Nancy I have been sharing with my friends that are also on the progam food never tasted as good as thin feels. Hears to you all Yahoo for us all. shirley
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Postby Nancy » January 16th, 2005, 10:12 am

Shirley ~ live in Hawaii, too, eh? I can see a lttle visitation coming to meet you and to see our gal HawaiiWhatNot again!

Hang ten and shaka shaka the shake!
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