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Postby Lisa in NY » September 19th, 2005, 4:14 pm


I do the 5 & 1. Thank you SO much for this suggestion - I WILL try it if I don't get results this week (I'm going back on my treadmill 3-4 times/week).

I really love being on Medifast and have felt better (and thinner) since I started so I do NOT want to give up!

Thanks again!!!!

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Postby Nancy » September 20th, 2005, 6:23 pm

Hey there ~

:secret: If you are returning to the treadmill after not exercising for a while, you may experience a possible weight gain due to fluid retention caused by muscle fatigue. Be sure to drink plenty of water.

If your weight does go up, remember, this will only be temporary; after a few days/weeks, it will stabilize and begin to drop again.

Plateaus are a normal part of weight control - your body will release the flab when it feels rested and ready to go.

When a person is busy and working hard they require a rest now and then – at work we call them ‘breaks’.

When we are playing basketball or football, we take a time out or have a rest break between periods or quarters; when a person is racing a car, they are called ‘pit stops’ and are used to refuel, get the tires changed, etc.

When a person works and works and works without a break, or a vacation, we file a grievance or call the Union and demand a break!

When we are playing football or basketball and are not permitted to rest at the end of the period, our body breaks down and we call a lawyer for violation of our contract!

When we are making changes to our eating styles and our weight stops dropping to rest, we call it a ‘plateau.’

When we try to push our body beyond what it is capable of doing at the time, we call that impatience!

Little by little, we reach our goal.

W could lop and clip the flab off but that is much more painful than sipping it away…Use this time as a way to learn how to eat forever – small low fat/low calorie meals, eaten frequently, spaced evenly throughout the day…

You are getting there and you are going to reach your goal!
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Postby Lisa in NY » September 21st, 2005, 5:57 am

Thank you Nancy & everyone else!

BIG SURPRISE for me this week!

The scale has FINALLY started moving again!

I won't be doing the treadmill more than 3 times a week but I think the treadmill and getting into the water habit is working! I am now at 19 lbs. lost, getting soooooo close to 20 !

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Postby Nancy » September 21st, 2005, 7:36 am

:yes: I am thrilled for you, Lisa in NY.

:secret: I was afraid that I was gonna have to come back there and pluck your eyebrows and trim your hair - I was DETERMINED to move you off that slow spell!

:redhead: There are some people that experience a s-l-o-w week or two every month and then the dump truck comes by and they off-load a chunk. It will take a few months for you to see your body's pattern.

Darlin' when you follow the "Medirules" you cannot fail!

:hi5: Enjoy this thinny feeling!
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Postby dlr2424 » September 22nd, 2005, 7:33 am

Nancy wrote: :redhead: There are some people that experience a s-l-o-w week or two every month and then the dump truck comes by and they off-load a chunk.

And then there are some of us that experience a ...... :rollrolleyes: .....S-L-O-W MONTH or TWO and then the dump truck comes by and they.... :shock: ... FORGET to pick up a CHUNK-LOAD.....or worse...... :wallwall: ..they dump off someone else's chunk-load .........HOW RUDE!!!!!!

okay I'm just amusing myself over here.... :laughlaugh: my scale has moved...... :huh: ....just in the wrong direction...... :yes: ......a few lbs. toward the EAST....... :coach: .....WRONG DIRECTION.........okay .........not to worry..........those lbs. WILL redirect WEST until they hit their destination..... :hmmm: ..for my system a few BLT'S does TRIPLE the damage.............was the few lbs worth it........ :nonono: ........ABSOLUTELY NOT............was there ONE BLT that was worth remembering........NATTA........was it worth feeling " ELCHUBBO" back to 100% compliancy..... :angel: ....(with the grace of God of course) system feels WONDERFUL on MEDIFAST.........why would I think any BLT would taste better....... :dooh: ....

That food was merely a moment on my lips......and now vacationing on my hips..................and it's time for them to go home........... :shoot: ...........

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Postby Nancy » September 22nd, 2005, 1:45 pm


Donna is one of those who has had what I call a Tortoise Run at reaching her goal - her weight loss has been somewhat s-l-o-w compared to others (which, by the way we DO NOT do - do not compare your weight loss rate to others - we are all manufactured differently...)

My point here - her flab has not fallen off easily - she diligently worked for every ounce - she has kept at it, remained positive and upbeat, encouraged the pants off lots of you and she is sliding in to home base now.

Come on, Cutie! Don't let those easterlies get to ya - the dump truck dumped a chunk on the Pettits household this last month or so and we are shaking it up regularly every three hours ourselves...too many barbecues and cookies...but we know what to do to de-flab, right?
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Postby dlr2424 » September 23rd, 2005, 7:55 am

Nancy........ :hug: sweet Leopardwoman..... :roflmao: crack me has been so hectic and when I get a chance we will catch up...... :secret: .........but for they rest of you........ :yes: ........Nancy couldn't be more correct in saying.... :coach: ...DO NOT........I REPEAT.... :coach: .....DO NOT COMPARE ANOTHERS WEIGHT LOSS...... :huh: ......if I had done that in the beginning I might have felt overwhelmed at the length of time and never have given Medifast a chance..... :hmmm: ......that would have been ...........ONE BIG MISTAKE.........or should I say ...........ONE HUGH MISTAKE...... :yes: .....MEDIFAST has changed my life in many ways......... :yay: ........HEALTH being the first way..... :bouncie: ........everything else is just great little perks...........I BELIEVE this plan is the BEST out there..... :yeah: .....the QUALITY of this product is unsurpassed..... :goldstar: .....the TASTE of all the products is excellant (in my opinion)...... :thumbup: ....the SUPPORT is unbelievable.........did i say......THE SUPPORT IS UNBELIEVABLE...... :yes: ....yes it may have taken me a bit longer than most....... :huh: ......however if I were on any other plan it would have taken me triple the time and I would not reap the many benefits Medifast my advice to all............STAY WITH THIS PLAN.............regardless of how long it takes............your Health is worth it........ :( ........we so often feel we are "MISSING OUT" when we can't indulge..... :scratch: ....but what are we missing out on?....... :?: ....indigestion..... :?: ...excess flab...... :hmmm: ....sure the food may taste good but as Nancy puts it:.........."Food is merely a moment on the lips and forever on the hips"........Food is is not friendship and does not equal love....... :guzzle: I have to go shake it up so I can continue to de-flab my way to goal.......... :angel: .......much success to all of you and many blessings for strength on this wonderful journey..... :drive: .....see you all at GOAL...........


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