mmmmm Steak n Shake mmmmmmm OK, Snap out of it Joyce!!!!
DeDe...this is where, if you were close by, I would scream..."SLUMBER PARTY!!!!" And we'd watch some chick flicks, do our hair, put on make up, make crank calls, tell ghost stories, talk about our hopes and dreams, make jokes about the funny lady behind the counter at the gas station, and have a blast....but since that can't is my gift emocation to you....
LOL....sorry, just though you could use a good chuckle...hope I achieved my goal

Get some GOOD rest...forget about the scale, remember how much healthier you're feeling and what a favor you are doing for your health. That scale WILL move again. I've had two plateau's and still have an average of 3.6 pounds per week! Keep up the good work