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Need a place to journey!

Postby zoegirl » March 28th, 2006, 8:24 pm

Dear Diary,

This is my first day and it has been pretty smooth! I am committed for today and I will get up tomorrow with a new commitment for the days journey.

I started a aniexty, stress and depression CBT today. It is self-help - so I helped myself.

Not sure where this is going to take me - but I am going to enjoy the ride. I don't have a certain destination in mind - just a continual journey. Even when I reach my goal weight the journey will still continue.

I am using this time as a break from worrying what I will eat and how much. That can be overwhelming and down right tiresome at times.

I weigh 173 and my goal is 110-115 lbs. I am 5'4. I pray by the end of this chapter in the trip that my weight no longer defines me. I want to be okay in my own mind no matter what I weigh.

A journey a day keeps the destination in sight.

Zoe Girl
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Postby falisamarie » March 28th, 2006, 8:37 pm

zoe girl--I don't mean to post in your what seems to be personal reflections but I read your sig and had to ask if your username is in reference to the musical group? My daughters both love them a lot!

Also wanted to say Image and I hope to see you posting more often.

BTW thanks for posting this it really stuck a cord in me

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Postby dede4wd » March 28th, 2006, 9:20 pm

Just so you know, as you walk on your journey, don't turn around, or you might notice that there will be a bunch of us walking right behind you, cheering you on and pointing in the right direction to make sure you reach your destination safely and happily! Do not be alarmed by those of us walking with you, we mean you no harm, we are here to help!

Welcome to the shakers!

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Postby Joelie » March 28th, 2006, 9:45 pm

Image Zoe!
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Postby DogMa » March 28th, 2006, 9:57 pm

Welcome, Zoe. Are you sure about your goal weight, though? That seems quite low for someone your height. You might want to check out some height-weight charts before settling on a goal, if you haven't already.

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Postby Arklahoma » March 28th, 2006, 10:20 pm

ZoeGirl ... Just to continue on DeDe's comment, as you journey on with us you many not want to slow down or stop for any reason b/c we'll just keep pusing you forward. We're a team here so welcome!

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Postby Arklahoma » March 28th, 2006, 10:24 pm

I just checked out the BMI chart at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and 110 lbs is in the lower end of the normal range for 5'4" so this weight should be just fine.
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Postby sheila » March 28th, 2006, 11:58 pm

keep up the good work zoegirl!
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Postby zoegirl » March 29th, 2006, 11:48 am

Zoegirl is in reference to the name of the musical group.

Dear Diary,

It is March 29th at 12:36 and I have had two shakes and I am feeling sorry for myself. Pretty much resenting everyone else that gets to eat. Today was the first day in a long time that my stomach growled. I thought I was sick -- then realized I was just hungry. I slept in today - I think I could go back to bed but I won't. I believe that is some of the stuff to do with depression. It is my goal today to clean up my bedroom. It is messy - I think it represents what goes on in my head. Kinda of messy and alot of things out of order.

I have found the renewed committment today to stay on this journey. Just for today. What matters most to me right now is how I respond to the negative, knawing feelings that are floating around in my head. Feelings have a big voice and to this point they have been bigger than life. It is hard to do something different. It is hard to find comfort other than old faithful food. I am trying to fill in the gap. I have a painting project that I am starting. I am looking for a hobbie other than food. I have a lot of associations with food - like T.V. -- reading a book -- date night with my husband --. Trying to start living differently is challenging --friends it is taking strength I didn't know I had. At this point I can not control the negative emotions in my head but I can contol how I respond to them.

For all of you journeying with me on this flight of life glad to have you on my side. As I hit turbulance (and I will) and think I can't handle it -- because I break easy-- I will count on you being my co-pilots.

I have about 10 hours before I go to bed. I am going to make good choices for the next 10 hours. I can do that.
Zoe Girl
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Postby Lizabette » March 29th, 2006, 12:40 pm


Welcome aboard girl! I really am taken with your approach to the MF program.

Your Diary should help keep you on track. It should also help with the anxiety and stress of every day situations which we all encounter.

A question, though, are you on the 5&1, eating a L&G, besides your 5 replacement meals? Hope so, since that will help with your feelings of resentment of not getting to eat with other people. :bib: Also, you will need to be under a doctor's care to do a complete MF fast.

This really is a day to day comittment to the program, but after a short time it just becomes natural and easier to follow the program.

Your attitude is great and you will enjoy the ride...:drive: and we are all here to ride along with you :redprowl: to your destination and your continued journey. :goldprowl:

You will know whether your goal of 115 is where you want to be as you get farther down the road. You will look and feel wonderful when you have accomplished what you set out to do., and we will be happy to have ridden along with you.


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Postby zoegirl » March 29th, 2006, 1:06 pm

I did go to the Dr. and he said I was healthy and did not seem to be concerned. He did the blood work - it was fine. He will do blood work again in 12 weeks. As far as a monthly visit he does not see a need at this time.

I am doing the complete MF. I chose this becasue I really wanted a vacation from thinking about what to eat. This way I do not have to meditate on food. I can just drink my six shakes a day and be done with it.

It is almost an aggrevation the hell that I have let food cause in my life. It is just as much a relief to say I am having shakes - I do not have to guess what I am going to be eating.

I did Weight Wathcers for 7 weeks and lost 11 lbs. I stuck to the program. I am really faithful to any program for about 6-8 weeks and then I am still in the same size of pants if I would have not been on a program at all. It really gets my resolve down.

I do like the results of 20+ lbs in 30 days. That would put me in a smaller size jeans and allow me to feel like I accomplished something for the giving up of food. Everything costs you something -- but when you pay the price you expect to get what you paid for. When you pay for prime rib and get hamburger you are disappointed. My expectations are high -- I won't lie. I will do my part but I expect MF to do it's part.

I can visualize myself in a size 6 that is my goal. I can see it and I am a hottie in my dreams. I am believing that MF will help my dreams come true.
Zoe Girl
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Postby Unca_Tim » March 29th, 2006, 2:16 pm

Hi Joey and welcome to the forum,

zoegirl wrote:My expectations are high -- I won't lie. I will do my part but I expect MF to do it's part.

Just do your part, and you're on your way.
Medifast will do the rest...:)
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Zoe girl

Postby dede4wd » March 31st, 2006, 9:26 pm

Sometimes it's one day at a time, sometimes it's an hour at a time, but you can do it. I also battle resentment EVERY day. Why does this person get to eat THAT, I gained 5lbs just looking at it. No, it's not fair, yes, I feel sorry for myself, then I start thinking about how proud I am for sticking to this, how strong and confident I feel and I realize that I just want what I can't have (just like the whole Russell Crowe thing!)

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that we're all still walking with you. We're right behind you.

I love your attitude and hope to walk beside you until this part of your journey ends & beyond!

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