Need a little encouragement, please!

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Need a little encouragement, please!

Postby kimay » April 11th, 2004, 4:07 pm

Hello friends,
I have just found this site and am just figuring it all out, how it works, etc. It seems like it is going to be a very helpful tool for me. It has been 3 weeks and 2 days since I started Medifast. I lost a whopping 10 lbs. the first week, 3 the next and about 2-1/2 or 3 the third. (While I am trying to only weigh once a week on fridays, I cheated and hopped on the scale Saturday, yesterday, and was appauled when it turned up at 175 (2 lbs. higher than the day before!) Yikes! I know not to worry, etc.
I guess what I have been finding myself doing is saying to myself, making excuses to go off the plan saying, "Oh well, maybe I should just stay a size 16 and deal with it. It doesn't matter". I'm single, thus, "I'll find a man that will love me just the way I am". The problem is, I know deep in my heart that it won't be okay for me to stay a size 16. I was a size 6 or 8 for a very long time and was very sure of myself, confident, happy, outgoing. Now, I tipped the scales at 189 when I started on March 19, due to being completely miserable, tight tight clothes, size 16 and keeping to myself in the house never going out because I was too humiliated and embarrassed because of my weight and appearance. I would stay home and sugar sugar and more sugar was all that I ate. Now I am beginning to think of those sugary foods and I feel like going out and buying it and eating. But really I am determined not to blow it and go off. I am doing so well.
But, it seems like it will be an eternity to get these last 50 pounds off. Can anybody here who has lost at least 50 pounds tell me how long it took? I know, I know "every body is different", but still...what is average for women--- 3 pounds a week? Does that sound about right? I find myself longingly looking ahead and thinking it will take sooooo long. Im so impatient. But when I look at the big picture it really isn't. And I know if I stop Medi-fasting, one month from now I will look back and be really mad at myself thinking, darn it!! I could've been 12 pounds thinner by now! Now ain't that the truth.
Now that I have written a novel, sorry, any feedback? Thank you so much in advance for any helpful words of wisdom from you long term, faithful wonderful Medi-fasters!
Start date: March 19, 2004
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Postby Landylue » April 11th, 2004, 4:58 pm

Hi! I think you pretty much figured it out by yourself, Kimay. The weight will probably fall off of you at a rate of 12 lbs a month, give or take, and by August at the latest, you'll be back to your former size again. I really don't think an investment of a mere 16 weeks for something that will absolutely rejuvenate your entire life is too much to ask. It will pass before you know it!

All I can tell you is just HANG IN THERE. Work the program. Drink the water, visit the forum often, and don't give up!

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Postby TamiL » April 12th, 2004, 9:16 am

Hi Kimay....welcome to the and I have similar weight stats..and goals. I have been on Medifast now for 9-10 weeks...and I know what you mean about getting those sugar demons in your head!! I find that every month..just before my period is when I slip and go off medifast for a day or so...but this last time..I really went off for 2 days...the longest I have ever done that..and let me tell you ...ITS NOT WORTH IT...I have gone thru this last month...I want to eat everything in site before my periods..and I cant help myself!! but I just gotta get back on track!! I ask myself..why did I work so hard for 10 loose 25 pounds...only to probably gain 5 back from eating junk? did it make me feel better? I feel worse? yes!! I felt like a million bucks a few weeks ago...I was in control of what I was eating...doing my shakes...everything was in order!! now..just a few slip ups and it feel as if im on a downward spiral!! I NEED GUIDO HERE GUYS!! I didnt even go to my familys house for easter yesterday...I isolated myself...didnt eat though...did my shakes, but felt so disgusted in myself from the last few days of picking and sugar consumption!! I did the unthinkable the other night..went to 24 hour store and got ice cream and chocholate....ate till I was sick!! and have been out of my mind due to these slip ups...I havent weighed myself cuz that will make me even more nuts!! BUT I NEED HELP YOU GUYS....I cant blow this...I have been so strong untill now....Im questioning everything these days...cant get it back in my head to stay faithful for more than a day or two!! I cant get off this Train...Ive made some pitstops...but dont want to get off...I need KIMAY...take it from me...those sugar callings in your head...will only get you PAIN and Dissapointment if you give into them...stay faithful to the program....and youll have no worries!!
Ill be okay...getting back on track...TODAY...going to do the full fast lean/green or picking...shakes and fast soups only....get back in ketosis and start over...wipe the slate clean!!

Kimay..this is the great thing about this can come here to confess...speak your mind...vent, ask questions..get one ever lets you down...and you can ask GUIDO for a swift kick in the butt to get back on track!! lol!


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Postby Landylue » April 12th, 2004, 10:29 am

Tami! I've got you firmly by the collar, my friend, you aren't going anywhere anytime soon! So, stand up straight, and get those feet to marching!

You know, when I would have those kind of flights into 'food insanity' it always, ALWAYS had something to do with a man. The three times in my life that I have gained an ungodly amount of weight have all had to do with--shall we say it together-- A MAN! It's all about rejection and/or trying to hold onto love. Now, that may not be your problem lately, so has something else been going on that has got you ruffled?

Have you ever heard of that saying: It's not what you are eating, but what's eating you!

We've all got your back, Tami. You are going to come back stronger than ever!

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Hi Kimay

Postby Leigh » April 12th, 2004, 12:20 pm

I've always been a person that has looked at the scale for results to keep me motivated. This time, I decided to take full measurements of my body before I started. Watching the measurements go down has been an awesome motivation for me, and when the scale only seems to budge a little, I look back at how many inches I am down. Don't know if anyone else has tried this, but it's been great for me.

I have had a couple of "freaked out" days :twisted: where it seemed like all I could think about was going to the store, buying a bunch of stuff, and then pigging out. I don't know if anyone could have said anything to help me feel better on those days. I drank an extra shake and made it in the blender with ice, so it tasted a lot like chocolate ice cream to me. That seemed to help a little. I am also keeping a journal that I can write in when I feel happy or disgruntled. I have looked back at a couple of the "Freak out day" entries, and actually laughed at myself.

Everyone is different and the things I'm doing might not help, but I thought I would mention them anyway. I think that getting through three weeks is a great accomplishment, and you should be really proud of yourself. :D You can do it!!

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Postby susan » April 13th, 2004, 2:05 pm

everone is differnt but it has taken me 6 months to lose 59# i do the modified version some loss faster than me but i am losing and I won;t get my self down about it take jeanette she has done super and lost more than me and I am happy for her I wish I was doing the samme but my body don;t turn lose of the fat as fast as hers does so I just take what I can get even if it makes me :x :cry: I still won;t quit I will see this thru till I get to goal .I still have 32# to lose and I will get there evenutally so just hang in there and keep going.
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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Postby TamiL » April 13th, 2004, 2:21 pm

I am going to start back to writing in my journal as is funny to go back to when I first started medifast..and had my journal entries to look back on..some days were just insane!! but I do find that it helps to write it all out...the last few weeks..I havent been writing much at all..perhaps thats whats been missing for me!! I will start back to my journal entries tonite!!

also..Im not BIG on the scale...I weigh in only like once a week or once every few weeks...the numbers make me nuts! so I use my clothes and a measuring tape as my guide!! the last few weeks have been touch and go for I am not weighing for a while..I dont want to see how much I gained...I know when my body is in I will wait a while to get that back...and weigh in a few weeks...or put a pair of my measuring pants on!!

thats what works for me....Im happy to say Im back on track again...its been a rough couple of weeks...but no looking back...only forward!

happy shakin
Tami ;)

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Postby JuliaMejia » April 14th, 2004, 9:52 am


I always find that if I do an activity early in the day, it keeps me from wanting to cheat...I think I may lose more at the end of the week so I don't want to waste all the exercise. Hang in there, you have had a great success already!
May 1st 2006...Highest Weight 265...

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Thank you everyone for your boost of encouragement!

Postby kimay » April 15th, 2004, 6:25 pm

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who replied to my lengthy whine note! Tami, thank you in particular, you really saved me especially I am just so sorry you had the slip and had to go through that pain. (but it did make me really think, as we all should before we make that jump to make the choice to go off Medifast, how we are going to feel AFTER we make that BAD choice. The consequences are KILLER and just make us totally unhappy and further from our goal. It is just not worth it, not one little mouthful!

Onward and upward!

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