Since I got so sick this month, I hopped off MF to live off of Gatorade and soups for a couple of weeks. I only gained 3 pounds during this time. I restarted MF about a week ago. Strangely though, I've spent the last week indulging in chocolates (my only weakness) at random times while continuing to do MF and a L&G meal, which has been leading me down the destructive path of Eating Bad(tm). Yesterday I had a sandwich...I'm afraid tomorrow may be worse unless I get a grip.
Regardless, my weight loss has slowed to a crawl (gee, I wonder why?), and I really need to reset my head for weight loss. I'm sure there have been others who have had this trickling badness happen; what did you do to reset your mindframe? I love Big Ron's "I want to be fat because..." but right now, I'm just too frustrated and upset to see humor in the sarcasm.
Others have spoken about doing a spreadsheet; what are you guys saving as your data points?