Welcome Back Sonja!
I just want to say that you CAN get back on track. Do it. Start NOW.
I can totally relate with Linda's post about starting after certain things are out of the house or starting on a certain day...for me, that process stole so many months (years) away from really DOING something to help me lose weight.
I was so fortunate to find this forum before I started

. I even asked a question about trying to get myself ready before the "dreaded" Day 1. They gave me some great suggestions, including reducing carbs, greeen veges & protein...then, the day I got my MF box, I went to Church's chicken and had a last hoorah (fried chicky, mac&cheese, swt pot pie), AND I bought some Little Debbie's treats lol! I had one piece of chicken left and all the Little Debbies and said to myself..."okay I'll finish this tmrw and then I'll start the pre-MF plan then go to MF"...
Honestly, no lie. After I heard myself say that, I almost cried. I sat with myself a bit and thought about what procrastination and giving in to the easy thing had done to me. I wasn't going to let MF be just another thing that I fail at.
I promised myself to stick to this until the end and I promised friend's kids the Lil Debbies.
Then, I started MF the very next day. I had to.
EVERY day is a struggle. I'm also one of those "rare" cases that still has a mild hunger, despite all of the tricks. But I keep in mind that I want to feel better about myself so much more than I want to eat my "favorite foods", and that I CAN DO ANYTHING for 2-3 HOURS.
Sonja, you can do this, you KNOW it works from your own experience AND from reading about other people's successes! I share everyone's sentiment that you need to just start now and FORGET the past in the sense of beating yourself up - BUT remember this bad feeling whenever it becomes hard to stick with the program!
YOu can do this, and I wish you the best!