by supermom » July 6th, 2006, 8:22 pm
I also use bare escentuals. I LOVE it!! I have been using it for a little over a year. I like the eye rever upper and the skin rever upper. I buy from the bare escentuals site, though. The ones on e-bay are not full size. I bought the starter kit, and the mineral veil is the only thing I have had to get more of in over a year. It lasts a loooong time. My grandmother, who is 92 years old, has always used Ponds cold cream. She only uses the one with the blue lid. I have recently started using it at night. I can sure tell a diference in the moisture and appearance of my skin. Did I mention that my grandmother only has minimal wrinkles. A few smile lines and a couple small "crows feet". She swears it is the Ponds. I think it might also be good genes!! Most importantly, use a good sunscreen, especially since you are in the sun so much. The sun really does age your skin. You cannot erase the age spot, but you CAN conceal it!! Try the bare escentuals. They offer a money back guarantee. It travels easy, is fast and easy to apply, and looks oh so natural!!!
<img src="" alt="Dolled Up" border="0"> <img src="" alt="Eyebrows" border="0">