As you know, when I started Medfast I had an intestinal disorder that by 1999 was quite serious causing my health to deteriorate. I have been treated since that time and last year in January 2004, I spoke of Medifast with my doctor, since I was on it back in 1990 and lost the weight and kept it off for 9 years, until my stomach disorder took over and started causing rapid weight gain. My doctors recommended that I can be on Medifast, but not a full liquid plan (due to health issues) and must eat a meal to help my system along. 10 months later, I can say I am happy that it helped me alot when other plan of treatments was not working well for me. I may not have lost the weight as fast as I wanted, but I lost it and in a safe and healthy way without causing any health problems. All I can say is the fiber and nutrients in Medifast helped me alot and my stomach condition has regulated to almost a normal condition.
Since my doctors advised me to eat a meal with my Medifast, I want to instead of preparing and cooking my meals use this in its place, the Essential One. I know that Essential One is for weight management, but if I use this instead of the home meals that I am required to take, I think it will help me along. I plan on buying 1 month's worth of the grilled chicken, tuna & chicken salad.
*** Should I include the grilled beef within my 1 month plan?
*** What is the fat, protein, carb, fiber and calorie values of the grilled beef?
*** Does the grilled items have any additives or preservatives?
*** Should I buy only the tuna and chicken salads?
*** Should I buy even amount of all 4 (grilled meat ok)? I want to buy more of the salad ones and have about 4 each of the grill meats. What do you recommend?
**** Is eating just the Essential One sufficient as a meal replacement or do I have to add a veggie or salad to complete as a meal? I have to eat 1 solid meal a day that is high in protein and fiber, low in calories and carbs and can not go against what has been prescribed to me.
I feel that buying Essential One will help me along with my weight loss and keep me out of the kitchen more as well as from straying in the supermarket buying food for myself. All I have to do its open one of these bag and eat as a dinner meal or just nuke the grill ones. Can you please give me advice before I go see the nutirionist, I want to present the info to her and use this as my required daily meal that I am to have. Thanks