Nancy Needs a Break...

Meet Terry and Nancy.

Nancy Needs a Break...

Postby Nancy » February 2nd, 2008, 12:24 am

:wavie: Hidy Ho MakeMeThinner Californians ~

I am about to fly south for a few days of :puter: business and :boing: fun.

Long ago and far away in another galaxy when I was a kid, I recall seeing a cartoon that showed an airplane flying across a topographical-type map of the United States of America.

Gators were teeming in rivers in Florida, King Kong was hangin’ off the Empire State Building in NY, the winds were whipping up the waves in the Great Lakes and lapping at skyscrapers near Chicago, the presidents were displayed as it passed over Mt Rushmore – get the picture?

As the plane flew across my home state of Oregon, rain pelted down drenching buck-toothed beavers and the very moment the plane crossed the Oregon border into California, the rain stopped and the sun sparkled brilliantly.

Lemme tell ya after weeks of gray skies, breezy winds (yeah, we did have a tornado strike about 5 miles from the old MakeMeThinner cottage last month) constant rain, I am so :table: ready for some California sunshine!

The slog and slosh is really getting to me, coupled with the :redhead: stressful health issues and family needs that have kept me AWOL from the MMT Forum, I need more than a sunshine break; I need to :roflmao: laugh, :laughlaugh: giggle, :devious: roar and :oops: snort!

Terry and I are :drive: running away for business and pleasure.

I am goin’ to Mouseland and California Adventure the week of February 11th to ride that California Screamin’ roller coaster and scream with glee.

We will be Soarin’ Over California (love that ride – it truly fills your senses, eh?) and entering the Tower of Terror.

At the end of the month we will be visiting with Mike and Di and others who live in the Bay area.

( :chef: Mike, I’ll be wantin’ some of those program-legal Medifast Scramcakes - :secret: that's what I call ‘em ‘cuz their made with Scrambled Eggs and Oatmeal). :eat:

If any of you live in either the LA area or Bay area and would like to meet us for a cup of coffee or a bottle of wa-wa with Momentum Flavor Infuser, please send me an email or give me a call. It would :angel: bless my socks off to meetcha in person!

My toll free phone number is (888) 886-2629

I wanna see you and :hug: hug on ya – but please keep your contacts/glasses at home and don’tcha dare be peekin’ at my eye crinkles and the experience marks on my forehead! :shades:

Re: Business

Take Shape For Life is holding regional meetings throughout the country to introduce the TSFL Programs and business opportunity to prospective clients and coaches. Two out of three Americans need nutritional intervention. We are a nation of unhealthy fluffy people…we are actively seeking health coaches to assist us by providing support for clients on the Take Shape For Life programs.

Terry and I attend the Super Saturday events whenever we are able, especially those on the west coast.
Two events are scheduled this month in California:

February 8 & 9, 2008 – we will be in Westlake Village, California (LA area)
February 29 & March 1, 2008 – we’ll be near Tracy, California (Bay area)

We invite you to the free seminar Friday evening from 7- 9 PM to hear first hand, from co-founder and Medical Director Dr. Wayne Andersen about the wonderful business opportunity available through Take Shape for Life. Dan Bell, author of the compensation plan will join Dr. Andersen and explain why Take Shape for Life is the logical choice for health professionals, clients and entrepreneurial prospective partners who want to help others attain lasting health and create financial freedom in their lives.

Saturday is a training event for health coaches from 8 to 5 PM.

If you are interested in attending the Business Presentation on Friday or the Super Saturday Health Coach Training Event, please contact :email: for more information
or call him toll free at (800) 621-1927.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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Postby dede4wd » February 2nd, 2008, 12:51 am

Have a GREAT time! Say hi to Mickey for me!
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Postby Tawanda » February 2nd, 2008, 8:39 am

I hope you'll enjoy some much deserved rest while gone!
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Postby Mike » February 2nd, 2008, 12:13 pm

We can't wait... :felix:
We will be ready... and we will be seeing you at the LA Super Sat too. ;)
I got plenty of Oatmeal and Scrambled eggs ready for the "Scramcakes". :flip:
We are so thankful to have you and Terry there with us along this journey. We are gathering the masses and getting everybody ready for you arrival.

Have fun at Mouseland... we'll be teaching while you are riding the coasters. :( , but maybe next year we can join you :dance:

The weather is shaping up. Perhaps the raindancers have stopped down here for a bit, and at least next week we get a reprieve. :partytime: Might actually have to get out the :thumbup: out. :shades:

Talk to ya soon. Hug Terry for us. ;)
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Postby Nancy » February 3rd, 2008, 10:17 am

It would be so much fun to have a MakeMeThinner gathering at Mouseland!

Before I got thinny, we didn't go to Disneyland because I could not walk around the park and many of the rides were uncomfy due to my size. I remember one time we took our daughter and a group of high schoolers from our church to Mouseland. I had to stop and rest all the time and could not keep up with everyone. I was so embarrassed because I huffed and puffed and got all sweaty. My feet and hips hurt so badly that night that I didn't sleep. The next day was worse and I sat on a bench and ate frozen bananas dipped in chocolate and watched the happy people around me. It was so depressing. Never will I go that route again; I made a decision about what to weigh and that decision determines how I live my life.

Mouseland is my reward for choosing wisely. I don't always like not eating half a dozen frozen nanners dipped in chocolate or skipping the bread and butter at a great restaurant but the results of not chomping and swallowing is priceless!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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disney dreams

Postby Joy » February 3rd, 2008, 11:10 am

warmer weather ahead...

have a lovely trip
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Postby Diana » February 6th, 2008, 9:47 pm

Joy, join us in Stockton if you can! Friday night, the 29th, 7:00 I believe it'll be at the Stockton Grand Hotel. (We'll be there all day on Saturday for training, too -- which, of course, you're welcome to attend, as well.)

Hasn't the sunshine been just devine? You're going to love it, Nancy! Warm and toasty in these California rays! 8)
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