I hope that got yer attention.

Terry and I are taking off from the MakeMeThinner cottage for a few days and hittin’ the

If there are any of you in the area that would like to meet us for a cup of Starbuck’s, we would

Then we are

The purpose of our visit is to introduce the health management program, including a Medifast product

As part of our great team of MakeMeThinner Health Advisors, Mike and Di provide a weekly meeting in Benecia to support their TSFL clients.
Some of you see my avatar on the side of the Forum page and my 'before' and afta picture on the MakeMeThinner homepage and other publications. Yup, that’s my DH Terry and me on page 8 of the current TSFL Product Catalog…come and meet us in the thin…but don’t look too closely at the

We love to have a short ‘show & tell’ session for people to share how many pounds they’ve lost or how TSFL has changed their health.

I was not quite to my goal yet and attended a similar informational meeting in early 2003 lead by Dr. Andersen who was living in the Portland, Oregon area at the time. Many people stood up and said they had lost 25 or 30 pounds, one man said he stopped snoring when he lost 40-some pounds and said his wife was thrilled, a woman in her 80's shared how she lost 35 pounds and got off her high BP medication, one guy said he lost 50 pounds and got off his diabetic meds, etc.
I really did not want to stand up but felt compelled in case my experience might encourage someone else in the group.

As a chubbette, I rarely disrobed by taking off my coat in a group setting but I did it;
I shyly stood up and said I’d lost 113 pounds and I quickly parked my hiney in the chair.
There were people in the audience that had been invited by their friends and family members to come for the informational meeting.
My quickie little blurb spoke to the heart of another person who was obese like I had been.

Doreen has now lost about 145 pounds; her DH about 160.
If you have friends or family members that need to meet me, Mike or Di do all you can to get them to the meeting.
TSFL may be the prescription for life they need.
If you are unable to come to the meeting Friday, March 30th, at 7:00 p.m. but can meet us some other time that weekend, lemme know and

The TSFL Tasting and Information Get Together will be held at
1061 Rose Drive in Benicia
(the clubhouse in the townhouse complex right next to Kindercare)
Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m. we will be doing a training session for our Health Advisors.
If you are interested in the Take Shape For Life business opportunity, we would enjoy your presence. No pressure! Promise

Both sessions are free of charge but Mike and Di would appreciate a RSVP.
Please send them a PM to mrmmac at sbcglobal dot net or bip one my way to nancy at makemethinner dot com
Hope to see ya!