Nancy leaves MakeMeThinner

Meet Terry and Nancy.

Postby bdg » March 24th, 2007, 7:10 am

Nancy, Coming to Texas is a great thing. We look forward to seeing you guys!

Mike, As far ass getting internet "in the air" for shame ;) I've never done such a thing. ;)
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Postby Mike » March 24th, 2007, 7:08 pm

Neither ;) have ;) I ;)
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Postby bikipatra » March 25th, 2007, 12:57 am

bdg wrote:Nancy, Coming to Texas is a great thing. forward ;)

Indeed it is. I miss my fair state.
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Ack! Me heart!

Postby Seaside » March 25th, 2007, 6:01 am

Whoa. I almost keeled over when I saw that header. You have quite the puckish sense of humor!!!

No wonder you are so thin, you never sit still! Have fun on all your travels.
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Postby Karli » March 25th, 2007, 10:13 pm

Nancy wrote:The trunk of our car is so itsy it won't hold much more than my make-up so I doubt that I will be bringing my usual load of clothes and shoes... what will I do? :idontknow:

I'm thinkin' about getting permanent make-up and airbrushed clothing so I can travel lighter. :devious:

LOL... well, Nancy, if you show up airbrushed then I will, too :mrgreen: and we can sit there, quietly snickering as we watch our friends shift awkwardly in their seats because of our "outfits" ... hee hee :twisted:
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Postby Nancy » March 26th, 2007, 11:38 am

Keri ~

I really look forward to meeting you.
You are so :whistle: pretty and such a positive asset to MakeMeThinner.

We are thankful you are a part of the gang.

:hmmm: Yeah, well, sometimes I do exaggerate stuff but not this time, Kids.

I am totally serious about trunk space. :shock:

We have 2.5 cubic feet of space - basically the size of a double glove compartment.

We refer to the ‘trunkette’ as our rear glove compartment...our laptops just about take up all the space.

Terry and I will have to wear our clothes in layers.

When we get to SF, we’ll be :point: wrinkled and so will our clothes. :mrgreen:

:scratchhead: I think if we bring a couple pairs of underdoodies and turn them wrongside out,
we can get a little more mileage out of our clothes that way. :mrgreen:

Gee Keri, you’re lucky – when we link up with you, we’ll still be on our first day of wearing them.

:coach: By the time we get to Benecia, look out Mike and Di…stand downwind from us.

We’ll hit a laundromat – now that’ll be a picture for ya….

Two middle age people sittin’ in the ‘suds yer duds’ in our nuthin’s, waitin’ for the clothes to get clean… :devious:
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Postby Mike » March 26th, 2007, 12:01 pm

Nancy wrote::coach: By the time we get to Benecia, look out Mike and Di…stand downwind from us.

We’ll hit a laundromat – now that’ll be a picture for ya….

Two middle age people sittin’ in the ‘suds yer duds’ in our nuthin’s, waitin’ for the clothes to get clean… :devious:

Don't worry, we have laundry facilities in the McClelland Lookout.
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Postby Nancy » March 26th, 2007, 1:11 pm


It'll be a lot less drafty for the wrinkled ones watching the agitator whirl our jeans in your Maytag laundry room than sittin' in the plastic chairs at Suds Yer Duds! :lol:
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Postby Sojourner » March 26th, 2007, 5:40 pm

Waaaaa! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

I'm SO disappointed! I thought for a minute that I was gonna' be able to go to this and meet all you fine folks (even the stinky ones!!). Alas, DH reminded me of a charity dinner that I am obligated to attend (read: work) on Friday night. Bummer-drag.

Oh well ~ one of these days.......

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Mike » March 26th, 2007, 6:42 pm

There is always Saturday afternoon.
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