Nancy is gonna be taped for a Medifast commercial

Meet Terry and Nancy.

Postby Diana » December 2nd, 2006, 2:50 pm

Way too cool, Nancy!! Yes, please let us know when the airdate is. Oh! This is all just way too exciting....
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Postby Joelie » December 3rd, 2006, 8:22 am

How EXCITING!!!! Itsy bitsy or not. ;)

Yep, MUST let us know. :D
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Re: Hi

Postby Lizabette » December 4th, 2006, 7:55 am


Just browsing around a little this morning and noticed this thread. ZOWIE! I'm so proud of my leopardess hero becoming famous.
YES, you already are, with us!

Have to tell you...everytime I see a leopard outfit, pants, top, etc. I have to stop, look at it, feel it, and think of my leopardess friend, NANCY!
If I can, I buy it and wear it in your honor!
Latest is a tight leopard print fleece pant. I don't care if I do look TOO HOT in it...I love it!
Age doesn't matter to a leopard! Ahem...I'll be 77 this month!

Anyway, back to the post! I read all your newsletters on the MMT website when I first learned about Medifast.
I was so inspired and excited, that I wrote you about continuing with them... 'member?
Maybe you still will sometime...
And now, you have become my mentor, supporter. guide and FRIEND!
Now that I have reached goal and maintaining, I know you are still there for me.
I am always enthusiatically telling anyone who asks how I did it and encourage them that they can do it, too!

I surely will be watching and waiting to hear your interview,

Lizabette :heart:
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Postby casma500 » January 12th, 2007, 9:13 pm

Nancy -- Any word on when this will air yet?

Just anxious to "hear" your input! :)
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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2007, 10:07 am

Hi, Casma ~

I got the schedule for the infomercial this past week and dang! wouldn'tcha know it, it does not air in my part of the country! I have not seen it yet.

Here's the schedule I received:

1/3/2007 WE 6:00A HLMK All Nat'L Cable Stns
1/4/2007 TH 7:30A WCWG Grnsboro-Hpt-Wsal,NC CW
1/4/2007 TH 10:30A KTBU Houston,TX INDY
1/4/2007 TH 8:30P WTVE Philadelphia,PA INDY
1/4/2007 TH 11:00P WALV Indianapolis ,IN INDY
1/4/2007 TH 5:30A BRAV All Nat'L Cable Stns NCBL
1/5/2007 FR 10:30A WTVK Ft.Myers-Naples,FL WB
1/6/2007 SA 6:30A WJXT Jacksonville,FL INDY
1/6/2007 SA 2:30A KWGN Denver,CO WB
1/6/2007 SA 4:30A WNCN Raleigh-Durham,NC NBC
1/6/2007 SA 5:00A FITTV All Nat'L Cable Stns NCBL
1/7/2007 SU 6:00A KFVE Honolulu,HI I-UPN
1/7/2007 SU 10:00A WIWB Gr.Bay-Appleton,WI CW
1/7/2007 SU 11:00A WMYA Grenvile-Sprt-Ash,SC MY TV
1/7/2007 SU 4:00P WFMZ Philadelphia,PA INDY
1/7/2007 SU 1:15A WBAY Gr.Bay-Appleton,WI ABC

I was not given a schedule for any other times or stations; this is all I received.
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Postby Diana » January 13th, 2007, 11:53 am

Oh, drat! Week late, dollar short. Maybe someone TiVo'ed or DVR'ed it.

No doubt, it was inspiring to thousands. Won't it be cool when Dr. Anderson's vision of a healthier America and a healthier world comes to fuition?
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Postby casma500 » January 13th, 2007, 12:01 pm

drat! wasn't in my area, so no way to even tivo it! :( maybe it will be reshown in this area ~ :)
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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2007, 4:11 pm

If I get a schedule update with more viewing dates, I'll be sure to post it.

:x I didn't get the schedule until it was nearly over.

Diana, I look forward to that day, too - I spent too many years destroying my body and affecting my emotional state; let's raise our :toast: shaker jars to the terrific TSFL program and the wonderful Medifast meal replacements that enable us grab a healthy meal in a hurry and be on our way! :drive: As an educator, you see many kids come to school with poor nutrition. As teachers, schools and the public service announcements continue to influence children to make healthy food choices, we can begin to help them understand good nutrition from the time they are young and perhaps prevent foody failures.

Lori Andersen did an excellent :thumbsup: job on the infomercial explaining the program - I heard the host interviewing her along with Dr. Bartometello as I was connected by phone. She is energetic and a good speaker.

Once I experienced successful progress toward my goal weight and a healthier lifestyle, it became my personal mission to not turn down an opportunity to share the program with others.

It does not feel particularly :oops: comfy to stand before a group of people (or in this instance, to have my testimony taped) but my desire to help others avoid the heartache of obesity is greater than my personal comfiness.
( :scratchhead: Is that a word? :shades: No. :lol: I like it tho.)

Be good to yourselves, Everyone – we get one go around here and let’s make it the best! :wave:
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Postby katieb920 » January 13th, 2007, 4:17 pm

You are a true inspiration. I can not wait to see your commercial. So I can see a live shot of you. You are the reason why I joined.

Thanks so much. only 108 # to go . I will do it.
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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2007, 4:55 pm

Aw, are a sweet one.

Yep, you CAN do it; you ARE doing it.

Remember what you want and make it happen! :kool:
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Postby ladyhawke » January 15th, 2007, 6:19 pm

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Postby Mike » January 19th, 2007, 12:43 pm

Anybody get to see it yet? I'm just wondering how it turned out.
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Postby dede4wd » January 19th, 2007, 4:36 pm

I've got Tivo set to look for it, but Tivo hasn't found anything yet!

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