Nancy goes up north...Seattle area

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Nancy goes up north...Seattle area

Postby Nancy » April 10th, 2007, 11:56 am

Hidy Ho, Everybuddy in MMTLand ~

Along with Health Advisors Jan and Paul (They are celebrating their 37th :hug: wedding anniversary this week), we :goldprowl: wended our way up the interstate through sun, hail and mega buckets of rain north of Seattle to a lovely burb called Lynwood, WA.

The purpose for our trip was to meet with some of the MMT clients and health advisors in the area and to share the program with interested folks. Last evening we met with about 40 people in the home of Jean L who has lost 55 pounds on the program.

The meeting was wonderful!
Jean’s Health Advisor, Sharon W has lost 100 pounds(that’s a BIG DEAL!!) and her husband Marv shed 40 pounds of flabber and has kept it off since last fall.

Beautiful Lillie has lost 37 pounds and her friend Catherine has lost 67 pounds – wowee! Together those two health advisor lassies = more than 10 bags of sugar offa their hips and hineys!

There were people in attendance last evening that have health complications due to diabetes and we were so pleased to share the great results of the Take Shape Program for Diabetics with them.
Busy people who understand the importance of eating healthily and with great intentions to exercise but the busy-ness of life and crazy schedules make it nearly impossible to do so consistently.
With the ease of the program, they will be able to reclaim their health in a relatively short time.
Some people do not need to lose a large amount of weight but they would benefit from the additional nutritional supplementation that a Medifast Plus Coronary Health Shake provides or the Women’s Health
Shakes that help to reduce the number of hot flashes – I used to hate it when my hotness came in flashes – now I am :shades: cool while looking very hot! :whistle: Hee hee! :hmmm:


I’m telling the group about the two phase approach of the Take Shape Program. Phase 1 is the 5 & 1 Program for weight loss and then Phase 2 is BeSlim™ for lifelong weight management. I told ‘em how the 5 & 1 Program works – we drop the caloric intake below the calories expended, the body burns the stored flabber for its energy and once we reach our optimal weight, we gradually increase the calories so the intake and the caloric expenditure is about equal; following the BeSlim™ philosophy, weight management occurs.

The BMI chart was an eye opener for many – when we are above an optimal weight for our height, the incidence of disease increases. How neat that the nutritional intervention of Medifast makes it possible for us to reach a healthier weight and in many cases, eliminate the need for medications and their nasty side effects!


Here’s a shot of me sharing some of my story with the group – about the pain I used to have in my feet due to my obesity.
As a teacher, I did a lot of standing on linoleum-covered cement floors and my feet were a mess.
I had plantar fasciitis in both feet; heel spurs on lefty and numerous stress fractures from wearing poorly fitting shoes.
Several summers I had cortisone injections in my feet and then they were casted; I had four foot surgeries over the years and those dang tootsies were just downright painful!

Two ladies last night said that my ‘before’ pictures and my descriptions of my life before Medifast described their current reality.

:shock: Ohh….what great munchies we had, too – a smorgasbord of nummy soy crisps and a variety of bars in bite-sized pieces. :bib:

It :angel: blesses me to know that the room was filled with people interested in changing their current health situations and many decisions were made last evening to make a change in their lifestyle and to choose health.

:secret: After the meeting, Jan and I did a little snoopage in Jean’s home…oh, man! Jan took me by the hand into her boudoir…

My blue eyes bugged out! :whattha:

Looky, looky here:


Well, lemme tell ya….Ol’ Leopard Woman hadda take a little recliney on that chaise…


My little foo-foo on my jacket got in my way a bit so my happy little face is a bit obscured but isn’t that a picture of leopardy bliss?


We had such a great time and we really appreciate Jean L for being such a gracious hostess.

Terry and I will be in the area thru Thursday so if there are any of you MakeMeThinners in the area, we would :heart: LOVE to meetcha in the thin! Send me a PM and we'll hook up with you!
Last edited by Nancy on April 10th, 2007, 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby bikipatra » April 10th, 2007, 12:07 pm

I am so glad you were able to share about the Take Shape program for diabetics. It is just amazing how quickly my blood sugars were completetly normal without meds due to this program.
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Postby Nancy » April 10th, 2007, 1:03 pm

You, dear dear Biki are a WONDERFUL testament and I appreciate you for following the program - it just plain works! You are doing the things today that will affect all your tomorrows health-wise. :hi5: Good job! Proud of ya, Kiddo!

:secret: Hey, how about that leopardy chaise? Ahhh, leopardization is a good thing!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby Serendipity » April 10th, 2007, 2:54 pm

Any thoughts of traveling east any time soon? :mrgreen:
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Postby Unca_Tim » April 10th, 2007, 4:32 pm

Still waiting on pics.

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Postby bikipatra » April 10th, 2007, 4:47 pm

Thank you, Nancy! :heart:
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Postby Nancy » April 10th, 2007, 5:13 pm

Dear 'Dipity Doo -

East coast is on my "Wanna Go There List" - 'specially Steelerland so when it happens Little Darlin' we will letcha know 'cuz we wanna hug your thinny flabuless bod!
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