Folks ~

As of tonight (Wednesday 11 PM), I have not heard anything from Martha.
Up until this afternoon, I kept getting a recording that said all circuits were busy. Approximately 1:30 PM this afternoon my call rang through and I reached Martha's voicemail and left a message for her to call me when she gets an opportunity. If she is in an area without electricity, her phone charger will be of no use to her and her battery may not last long enough to make many calls.
At the time I last spoke to Martha on Sunday, her husband Doug was in Texas, she had taken her Mother to her son's brick home and was planning on staying there; her daughter had made a reservation for the last two available rooms at a hotel.
For those of us who are waiting to hear about Martha and other friends and family members, this is difficult - we want to do something - somehow when we are active, it makes us feel better. It is really hard to watch the events unfold on television, to see the skankiness of the looters, to view the elderly and the children being plucked from rooftops and muddy water, it intensifies our feelings of helplessness.
I love you all for your care and for wanting to join us in making a donation to Martha. Perhaps it is best to hold off just a little bit until we know more about her specific needs or her whereabouts.
Of course I will see to it that any donations get to her as soon as I have a place to send them. If you wish, please send a check or a M.O. made out to Martha Wright.
You may send it to me here at the MakeMeThinner Cottage:
Nancy Kay Pettit
8413 NE 15th Street
Vancouver, WA 98664
The moment I hear anything, I will advise you!
Praying for the survivors, rescuers and families in the shadow of Hurricane Katrina