Well, let me just start with the good news. I am down to 14 pounds lost (hooray for me!!!) and now that I have passed week 3 I have joined an indoor soccer coed club and played my first game today. We will be playing every Sunday afternoon so I know it can't do anything but help me lose the flab!!!!
I was exhausted, could barely walk to the car and felt like my lungs were about to explode after ( my 8 year old son made a joke that I had not exercised for 2 decades because I had said that I had not played soccer for 20 years, he's awfully close and I am only 35!!.........although I did have a few good years in my ealry 20's when I exercised almost every day. It's hard to get back into the habit), we lost 9-3, at this time it was more work than fun, however, it is making my treadmill look more attractive so I don't have a heart attack on the field!!!
Now for the bad news and where I need the help. Last Monday I hurt my jaw while eating a MF bar, it just felt weird and was painful to bite on the right hand side. I was just very careful for a few days, ate soft fish for my L&G, etc. It seemed to go away.
Last night I woke up and it was painful again, could not bite down again. Luckily I have a friend that is an oral surgeon and I went to his house today and he confirmed that I have completely dislocated my jaw on the right (it's not painful unless I try to bite down all the way). I am going to go in tomorrow and he is going to get my jaw numb and hopefully be able to put it back in place.
He has also restricted me to no solid foods for 2 weeks, no chewing whatsoever so that once he gets it into place, scar tissue will develop to help keep it in place. My friends that know I am on MF are saying no big deal, you weren't eating much solid anyway...........so it boils down to this. Do I go on the Full Fast for the 2 weeks? I am afraid I will be too hungry, I look forward to my L&G. I need help!!!!!! Thank you in advance for any support !!!!!