Nancy and Terry hit the road...

Meet Terry and Nancy.

Nancy and Terry hit the road...

Postby Nancy » October 20th, 2005, 10:30 pm

Hi, Kids ~

It's nearly 10:30 PM, we are leaving for Baltimore in a few hours, I haven't packed yet...Terry and I are attending a special Saturday meeting at Medifast Diet/Take Shape For Life Corporate offices in Owings Mills, Maryland. Unca will be holding down the MakeMeThinner Cottage here. BTW, we listed the MMT Cottage for sale this week as we are moving (just a weensy way from here – about a mile and a half).

We are so excited about the new things the company is doing and it will benefit us all. As we are able, we will share with you - just know it is juicy and it is good!

I am especially excited because we will meet LuzInIt Linda on Sunday morning at our hotel! I am really jazzed about meeting her!

There is a rumor that another MakeMeThinner Forum person may show up, too but I have no direct knowledge of it...yet.

If any of you are in the Owings Mills, MD area and would like to come and meet us in The Thin, send me a PM and I will tell you our hotel location – we would love to meet you!

I will not have time to read and post on the Forum until after our return home due to the Friday night dinner (argh!), the all day Saturday meeting and dinner (yikes!) but I will check my email as often as I can put down a fork and sneak off to the sandbox... We will have a four hour window available Sunday morning from 10 AM – 2 PM…our return flight to PDX leaves BWI at 5 PM so we need to be at the airport by 3 PM.

Take good care of one another, you are especially great with the Newbies and to our Florida and Gulf Area Friends – be safe –we’re praying for you!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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