I'm feeling very depressed about my weight. Yesterday while I was walking home from school some 15 year old kid rode by me on his bike and yells out, "your overweight!" I don't know if thats the best he could come up with or what, but I was expecting something more vulgar... along the lines of "Move out of the way fatxxx!" but the fact that he stated an obvious truth made me angry at myself. I love food and more importantly the action of eating. I don't smoke and always want to put something in my mouth (get your mind out of the gutter). I weigh 360lbs at the moment and my all time high is 400 pounds. I look as if I weigh less than 300 hundred because I'm fairly active and am decenly porportioned. However, I can feel the weight holding me back. I go to school fultime and work alot and I can't bring myself to join a gym. I know it will be easier to lose weight while I'm young rather than later but I'm really struggling. I love food. I'm definatley an addict. Usually the hight points of my day are meals. I go through the motions of life just to get to that next meal. Sometimes I try not to eat but people I know are so used to me being fat that they constantly offer me food. I feel like I'm helping THEM lose weight by eating food they don't want. Like if I'm at work and guys order pizza they will order a large just cuz they know I'm working and figure I will eat the remainder... and I will.
It's hard for me to throw out food because of how my mom raised us. Yesterday I threw out some fries just to see what it's like. It sucked. I wonder if there stale by now?

Basically I need help and thought that by posting this here I could see how desperate I was and that this would give me something to do besides eat. Also maybe some of you have some suggestions about how I can overcome my addiction.
<edit>language - UT</edit>