n00b obsessed with f00d?!?

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n00b obsessed with f00d?!?

Postby sinister » November 4th, 2005, 6:51 am

Today I turn 23....

I'm feeling very depressed about my weight. Yesterday while I was walking home from school some 15 year old kid rode by me on his bike and yells out, "your overweight!" I don't know if thats the best he could come up with or what, but I was expecting something more vulgar... along the lines of "Move out of the way fatxxx!" but the fact that he stated an obvious truth made me angry at myself. I love food and more importantly the action of eating. I don't smoke and always want to put something in my mouth (get your mind out of the gutter). I weigh 360lbs at the moment and my all time high is 400 pounds. I look as if I weigh less than 300 hundred because I'm fairly active and am decenly porportioned. However, I can feel the weight holding me back. I go to school fultime and work alot and I can't bring myself to join a gym. I know it will be easier to lose weight while I'm young rather than later but I'm really struggling. I love food. I'm definatley an addict. Usually the hight points of my day are meals. I go through the motions of life just to get to that next meal. Sometimes I try not to eat but people I know are so used to me being fat that they constantly offer me food. I feel like I'm helping THEM lose weight by eating food they don't want. Like if I'm at work and guys order pizza they will order a large just cuz they know I'm working and figure I will eat the remainder... and I will.

It's hard for me to throw out food because of how my mom raised us. Yesterday I threw out some fries just to see what it's like. It sucked. I wonder if there stale by now? :?

Basically I need help and thought that by posting this here I could see how desperate I was and that this would give me something to do besides eat. Also maybe some of you have some suggestions about how I can overcome my addiction.

<edit>language - UT</edit>
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Postby Hyperion » November 4th, 2005, 7:09 am


Indeed you have a lot in common with me. How our mother raised us, that is SOOO true. My mother is a lot overwight (350-360 lbs), and she always raised us in this way: "you don't go out unitl you eat everything" or "think about poor people that don't eat", well the kind of thing that makes you feel you MUST eat everything.

It is also a real pain to throw out food. When we order pizza at work (because we do too!), I feel so bad about the 1 or 2 parts we throw out. I think about it all afternoon (oh I should have eaten it, etc)...

I think the first step is taking conscience that you're not big because of your genetics, because of your mother, or because that's life. We are big because we DON'T EAT WELL.

Second, I need to change the fact that food controls me (high points of my day are also meals). When I have feeling problems, I need to do something else than eating. I don't know, punching bag, yelling, crying, but NOT EATING!

To do that' I ordered MF and I'm marching through it with some quotes I got here:

1. Medifast works if you give it a chance.

2. Discipline is only the art of choosing between what you want NOW and what you want the most.

If you ever need help, post here and I'll be one of the first to help you as we march through this journey :D
Began: 2005-11-03
Finished: Never

Went to 150, then began gym to build some muscle; currently 173.8! (Need to cut some fat)

<b>Discipline is the art of choosing between what you want now, and what you want the most.</b>
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Postby Nancy » November 5th, 2005, 3:43 pm

Sinister ~

Happy birthday.

Sometimes when we have birthdays, we begin to think more about our life - our self-worth and value. We wonder if we have impacted humanity favorably, etc. It can be a time for introspection and it can become a time for new birth - we can do things in a new way.

You do not have to live life fat any more - there are wonderful tools availale to help us. Medifast is a great product and the Take Shape For Life Progams help people to lose weight and to keep it off.

It is not easy to lose weight. Medifast makes it easier because it eliminates the guess work for portion size and calories.

You are right, it is easier to lose weight when you are younger than when you are older but it is still a hard task no matter how old you are - it takes commitment and determination. It means to keep on going when you don't feel like it. Reaching for and holdng on to the things that really matter the most to you and letting go of the things that do not.

You have done well to lost 40 pounds. Use the same resolve to lost another 40 pounds.

Some of us have genetic defects and genetic dispositions to put on weight, a high or low metabolism runs in families, we may be affected by our genes, faulty glands or whacked-out hormones, to a certain degree some of us take medications that can affect our weight loss rates, etc. but it all comes down to this - it is totally up to us to decide what we eat and what we do not eat. It is up to me to decide how much of any particular food I want to eat. It is up to me to decide if I flop on the couch and watch a movie or if I go for a walk or work out along with my Pilates DVD.

Medifast is real food for real people - it tastes good, comes in a packet with just the right amount of vitamins and minerals and it is a natural approach to weight loss as opposed to pharmaceuticals or surgery.

The choice is ours how we are going to spend our days. I am so glad that I chose to be a loser!
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