by mytime » June 27th, 2006, 12:39 am
Oh, my GOSH, I forgot how supportive EVERYONE on this site really is ! Thank you everyone. Vicky thanks for putting in the befores - I am terrible on the computer and never could have done that. Honestly, I was over weight my ENTIRE life - to more or less degree- mostly more. I did it all, tried it all and most of it twice. I love MF, it is the only thing that has ever worked and the only program I have been able to maintain. If you are reading this and wanting to try it - please do, it has changed my life. I wish everyone on the site just really the very best with the program. It is a daily struggle still to chose the right thing - sorry there is no magic bullet- but this is the closest there is. I feel like I have the skinny secrete. Do people know what I mean ? Have you looked at skinny people and thought - how does she do it ? It must be genetic .... I will never look like that, that is not possible for me etc. MF can get and keep you there. You still have to make the right choices with the eating, the difference is that it is A WHOLE LOT EASIER once you have something that works - and you know how REALLY GOOD thin feels. Keep shakin ! Mytime
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Restart Feb 15 2009