Must create a new Medifast Version or Quit all together!!!

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Must create a new Medifast Version or Quit all together!!!

Postby elle4nelly » March 12th, 2004, 9:54 am

Hi Guys!

As I mentioned last weekend, I was out of comission and in the hospital for 9 days with ( I am still mind buggled over this) Pulmonary embolism. I am and will be on Coumadin Therapy for 6 months. Well here's where the problem begins. Coumadin doesn't like vitamin k!!!! In fact, people on coumadin have been rushed to hospital and even died after getting large amount of vitamin k from regular food. So last weekend i'm doing my 5 + 1 and noticed I was getting ill. Well my blood work result on Monday was really really bad. And the doc need to stop eating so much greens. Didn't the pharmacist give you your list of no no's and maybe's? And then I told him i was only having a cup of green and lean + medifast. he asked me to bring the box to his office. I thought..HEre we go again!!!!!!!! Another one will give me a lecture against medifast!!!!!!!! I'll have to bring out the guns again like i did with the last one and defend the big people nation. Well, I brought it to him tuesday and today we met. meanwhile my result this morning were better since I dropped all greens all together. Anyway...the doc tells me that One of the very rare side effect of liquid protein diet is Blood clots and strokes?? BUT he said...It is usually related to inadequate water intake. He doubted that I developped those from Medifast since all my genetic profiles came back negative for a predisposition to this horrible illness! BUT he said that he consulted with a Doc who deals with this and he told him that the only way I could remain on medifast would be IF I took no more than 4 shakes per days and ate absolutely NO green or anything that contains more than a little Vitamin K because each medifast pack gives you already 20% of the daily K which is more than plenty on this Anti-coagulant drug I will be on for 6 months. And of course regardless of which diet I choose I will be having blood work done each week for 6 months.

This is where I need you all.... I feel soooooooo stupid...but I am sooooooo Frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:
First of all I am so Pissed off that I even got an illness that so not match my perky, smart ass outgoing personna!!!!!!!!!!!! :x
Then i'm a prisonner of this Pissy Wizzy Drug for 6 months!!! can't do this, can't do that....can't use razors, can't hurt yourself, can 't bleed...even exercise is a OOHHH be careful....I am not allowed to do vigourous exercises....( I love to workout hard!!!)

And now....I can't be on a full fast, Can't even take 5 shakes...and NO GREENS?????????????

excuse my ignorant large BUTT.....Can anyone help me name 5 non- green veggies??? Please??? I feel so stupid but ...I don't know of any other than tomatoes and carrotts!!!!!!! what else can I have??? Help!!! I am so frustrated!!!!!!
Your train conductor is about to head straight to Quit-Ville USA!!!!!!!!!!!
I know...I need to calm down and take it easy...but I fell in love with medifast because it was EASY. And's gotten all complicated.

I just need somebody to make sense of all this caca for me...I am getting frustrated! Someone help me....

Looking for non green veggies on the Train to Thinville USA!

Nelly :cry:
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Postby shineface » March 12th, 2004, 5:10 pm

Nelly Sweetie -

- don't give up you can do this and not harm yourself - THERE HAS TO BE A WAY?!!!

I did some research on your vegetable question and found a link that breaks down the vitamin and mineral content of alot of veggies :puter: --- maybe you can review and run a few by your DOC to see if they'll work...

Anyway - hope this helps - you know we are here for you and I'll keep on trying to think of things that might help!!!!

You are SO IMPORTANT to this forum and my program - I want you to feel SAFE and HEALTHY!!! :pet:

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby TamiL » March 13th, 2004, 4:55 am

how about this.....4 shakes a day, plus a soup or oatmeal??? on occasion, have your 4-5 ounces of lean protien...with mushrooms or another type of vegatable low in carbs and high in fiber? I guess we all gotta put our heads together here and come up with a plan that you can follow girl...CUZ YOUR ON THIS TRAIN TO THINVILLE AND THERE IS A WAY TO GET YOU THERE IF YOU CAN CONTINUE WITH THE SHAKES!! you dont want to do anything to jepordize your health..but if they are telling you that 4 shakes are okay...theres got to be a way to get you through the day healthy...and on a plan that will leave you satisfied!!!

Maybe you should call Terry and Nancy...or the nurse and run all this by them....I know how frustrating this has to be for you..and Im sorry this BUMP in the road came up..but dont look at it as a DETOUR..its just a BUMP that you have to find yourself a way to get around it so it causes no damage!!

we are all here to try and help have been such an inspiration and a great sence of support for me..Im praying for you girl...and pulling for you...dont get discouraged as hard as that must be right now..
where theres a will....theres a way....and WE ALL KNOW YOU GOT THE WILL GIRL!!! ;)
hang in there....the answers will come.

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Postby HD » March 13th, 2004, 7:30 am

First thing to do is calm down and know that all your forum friends are here for you. I know it sounds like it's the end of medifast for you but before you give up (and by no means does it sound like you want to) give Nancy a call. I have written her with problems I've had and she seems to always have the magic answer :D . Give her time to check with the nurse and find a solution. Nelly, there's got to be one. Maybe the oatmeal or soup would work like Tami said. I know I would be blown away if I thought I couldn't do medifast, but before I threw in the towel I'd search all my options. Check the site Pam sent and gear up for a solution to the problem.The main thing to remember is we're here and we all want you to stay healthy above all. Make that call.
Jackie (HD)

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Postby elle4nelly » March 13th, 2004, 9:22 pm

Pam, Tami and Jackie:

Thank you sooo much for your support1 You cannot begin to imagine how important it was forme to see others make sense of this for me. I really really appreciate your caring! When I left the doctor's office friday, I felt like...great!! I love this diet! And i had it all planned out and laid it all into a familiar routine....and pouf!! Crap appeared!! I was doing the full fast 4 days and a lean and green 3 days. Now, I have to be creative and you are all right about this. you've given me great advices!! I am heading for the link you gave me Pam and Tami and jackie..i'll send nancy an email. If i can come up with veggies that are both low in vitamin k and carb...I'll be okay. As far as full fast...I'll just do 2 days only on 4 shakes. And the other 6 I have to get creative and very careful with the veggies since I have ( and there is no choice here) to watch for the vitamin k content of anything. I can't even have green tea or parsley or chive or cilantro??
Oh Girls...I'll stop complaining! You all made me feel much better...i guess I was being a baby about it because it wasn't part of my wonderfully crafted plan.
This forum and you guys are a blessing to me. you are truly good food for the Soul!

Looks like I am going to stick to it to the end....


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Postby HD » March 14th, 2004, 6:39 am

I'm so proud of you for the upbeat attitude. You have your mind set and ready to do battle for your health. The complaining bit, no problem! We've all done our share of that and besides...what are friends for! Again, we are concerned and just want this to work for you. Please keep us in the loop so we know how your doing. We're here for you :D
Jackie (HD)

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Postby donnajean » March 16th, 2004, 4:20 pm

I was sorry to read about your problem but here's what you asked for,
I hope it helps;

chic peas
yellow peppers
red peppers
bean sprouts
black eyed peas
sweet potatoes
egg plant

God Bless
Donna Jean

black eyed peas
sweet potatoes
egg plant
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Postby shineface » March 16th, 2004, 4:44 pm

Nelly --

You go girlfriend!!! Your new game plan sounds great and upbeat and positive ( and boy do I need to hear positive today!) and I know you will succeed!!!!

Please keep taking care of you and stay outta harm's way ---- make sure you get all of your testing done as directed... we need YOU!!!!

I am so glad to see you posting and positive!

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby elle4nelly » March 17th, 2004, 12:23 pm

Thank you all!

Your website and veggie list were great!! I have made a list already and have it posted both at home and work. So...I am still on this train...I know the weight loss might be just a little tiny bit slowere since most non-green veggies have more carbs but that's okay by me...I'd like to actually live to the finish line!! :D

So I'll keep on moving steadily and safely....and all your support is greatly appreciated!

Thank you Gang!

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