One of the posts was the one concerning how some of the medical professionals out there treat obese patients. While I will be the first to say that it is me who I blame for the weight I gained I also know that I was addicted to food. Why is it so easy for others to look at people who have an addiction to alcohol or drugs and say, wow that is just awful, they really need to get some help? Is an addiction to food any different? My answer to this question is actually yes and no. When someone who is addicted to food gets around certain foods they have the same physical reactions that a heroine addict has when they are around heroin. Their heart beats faster, their blood pressure goes up, and they have the same cravings for that food that the heroin addict has for the heroin. The difference in my opinion is that when the heroin addict or alcoholic decides they are ready to break their addiction they can chose to stay away from the things they are addicted too, however the food addict does not have that option, the food addict still has to go to the grocery stores and pass all their favorite restrauants and eat everyday basically they have to learn to live life everyday facing the very thing they are addicted too yet somehow control it. So I ask you why are food addicts viewed differently than any other addict.
Along these same lines I was thinking of all the posts lately about people going on vacation or celebrating special occasions and asking if they should go off program. This is pretty simple in my opinion. Think how you would feel if you had a loved one who was a recovering alcoholic and they came to you and said "I am going on vacation and I think I am going to drink while I am gone then I will get right back to AA when I get back" think honestly for a minute how you would react to that. I know personally I would panic and tell them they absolutely could not do that! I would beg them not to drink. I think the same applies here, I posted something yesterday and it has become my new motto "this is not my diet, it is now my lifestyle. I need to change my life to fit the program not change the program to fit my life."
I will close this probably too long post by saying this.....My name is Lisa and I am a recovering food addict.
Thanks for reading and I hope this did not offend anyone that certainly was not my intent