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Postby Nancy » February 5th, 2005, 6:38 pm

Dear 24 K ~
Our little Cavalier King Charles Spanial is missing his evening ice cream with "Dad

Maybe he will lose a few fluffy pounds, too - give him a little French Vaniller Medifast Plus Joint Health and your healthy little dog will have so much energy he will soon be taking Dad for a drag through the neighborhood!
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Postby 24KaratGold » February 6th, 2005, 2:46 am

I am just now getting my last supplement of the day in for Saturday -- in a few hours it'll be time to start on Sunday's! Ms. Nancy, on those days when I stay up all night and never go to bed, should I just have a shake at three hour intervals? They don't happen often (well, not anymore, anyway), but they do still occasionally happen.

I went out to a club with my niece and her boyfriend tonight, and they carded all three of us! (My niece was 26 last week.) The guy at the door looked at my license, looked at me, and smiled and said "they must have been dyslexic at the DMV; they switched the numbers around on your birthdate." I almost kissed him! LOL (For the record, I was born in '57, so switching those numbers around would make me going on 30. I'll take that!)

Today was the day of most temptations for staying on plan for me so far, and the hardest. We had a crowd full of teens and young twenties in the house tonight, and two large pans of lasagna and a ton of garlic bread, plus a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, all for my niece's belated birthday. I had my "lean and green." Ignoring the garlic bread might have been the worst.

Then at the club we went to tonight there was a two-drink minimum. Man, it pained me to pay $4 for a glass of diet coke! And there were all those wonderful, fruity and creamy specialty drinks on the menu, and people munching wonderful-smelling appetizers right next to me. BUT -- I wore those silly green pants today, and they were a constant reminder of where I've been and where I'm going, and so I made it through this day.

I admit that I didn't want to come here and say that I had blown it, either. So we got home about fifteen minutes ago, and I'm sitting here with my last shake of the day, before bed.
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Postby Nancy » February 6th, 2005, 3:01 am

Hey, you not only rock, you ARE the Rock! :kool:

Yep, if you are up very late and have very long days, if you're hungry, have another shake or oatmeal - just not another bar.

As you can tell, I often have very long days myself. I am headed for the kitchen in a few minutes and I'm planning on having a nice serving of Maple & BS Oatmeal with a glug of Sugar Free Peanut Butter syrup on it....May I add that our body does need rest, when in the fat-burning state it is important to allow your body time to recover from burnin' the flab so try to hit the hay once in a while. We can :x stress ourselves emotionally and we all know how THAT feels but we can also stress our body physicially and that can slow down the burnin' - and that's not good either! :twisted:

It's after 2 AM west coast - let's hit the hay! :snooze:
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The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby LongWay2go » February 9th, 2005, 6:09 am

Oh LW, great, powerful, thin and beautiful LW, you have Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal? I know that one is back-ordered ('cause it's my favorite!) so I want to know, do you have a secret stash of it, or do you have resources not available to the rest of us? "Cause if you do have "resources", Spidey may be moving in with you to the Bungalow! ;)

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Postby raederle » February 9th, 2005, 7:30 am

Hey Spidey-- I just checked the MF official website to see what products are still listed as backordered... I don't wanna get your hopes up too high in case this info is wrong, but the MFdiet website says Maple & Brown Sugar is no longer backordered (though apple cinn still is).

Dare we hope???

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Postby LongWay2go » February 9th, 2005, 7:36 am

raederle, did LW put you up to that? She's afraid I'll move in, right? LOL

Thanks for the info, I'm SO glad to hear it! My auto-ship is next week so hopefully I'll get my oatmeal fix. I just had the last packet this morning so my stash is all burned up!

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Postby raederle » February 9th, 2005, 7:40 am

Ha ha ha ha.... Nope, LW was paws-off! It's just that I'm a fellow M&BS oatmeal addict, and I've been jonesing for my fix, too! ;)

Hope it's soon-- I don't wanna have to turn to Stoneberry Supreme flavor!!!

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Postby LongWay2go » February 9th, 2005, 8:12 am

Ug, me either! I can barely deal with the Apple. The "Stoneberry" is ok if you let it sit for a day to soften up. LOL ;)

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Postby 24KaratGold » February 9th, 2005, 8:21 am

I think I must have gotten my last order just ahead of the shortage. I feel almost guilty admitting that I still have two full boxes, plus a couple of packets, of the maple oatmeal. And a box and a half of the chicken soup with wild rice, which I'm not wild about but can't have go to waste. And nearly two dozen peanut butter bars, which nobody in my house likes....

Too bad we don't have a central spot for exchange!

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Postby LongWay2go » February 9th, 2005, 8:26 am

NOOOOOOoooooooo!!! Another stash of M&BS for me to envy!

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Postby raederle » February 9th, 2005, 8:31 am

Poor Spidey. I think he's facedown in an alley somewhere, sobbing into his vanilla berry oatmeal...

24K, I actually really like the PB bars and would be glad to buy them from you! (I don't really have a big stash of any Medigrub worth trading, cuz I buy mine every 2 weeks instead of once a month, and my case of RTDs is backordered anyway!) I'd be happy to pay ya the full price plus shipping-- I'd have to anyway when mine run out, and at least you could cut your losses and know never to buy PB bars again! ;)

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Postby 24KaratGold » February 9th, 2005, 8:43 am

Spidey, if you're desperate, PM me your address and your FedEx number. . . LOL. I could share a box.

Rae, these are the "FIT!" PB bars. I'm not sure if they are the exact same as the "regular" PB bars. I bought them hoping I could get the kids to think of them as a snack, but they each ate one and turned up their noses, and then my husband and I tried one and we didn't like them either. I'll be happy to send 'em off to ya, though, if somebody can verify they are the same. PM me if you want.
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Postby LongWay2go » February 9th, 2005, 8:48 am

Whats'zat? I'm face down in a puddle of drool, wishing for "my" oatmeal. LOL

Oh I'll survive, my auto-ship will be here next week. I have a backlog of shakes to use anyway and a couple boxes of soup too. I'll live, though I'd rather live without electricity than my oatmeal!

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Postby explorthis » February 9th, 2005, 8:59 am

I'm face down in a puddle of drool


This is not an appealing thought.....

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Postby LongWay2go » February 9th, 2005, 9:10 am

Speaking of "a peel", has anyone else ever had one of those in their Apple oatmeal? yuck!

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