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Postby 24KaratGold » February 15th, 2005, 12:33 pm

explorthis wrote:
I'm holding down California! I'm sure I've overlooked somebody, too

UM - YEAH!! Someone else HERE is from So. Ca!!!
Er, we were talking about lawyers, Mike....

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Postby mindovermatter » February 15th, 2005, 12:34 pm

Sylvia -

Sorry the last few days have been tough, but look at the results already. I know you'll be where you want, in no time flat.


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Postby explorthis » February 15th, 2005, 12:35 pm

Lawyers, law breakers, is there a difference? Twist of words?
Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby 24KaratGold » February 15th, 2005, 1:01 pm

explorthis wrote:Lawyers, law breakers, is there a difference?

Yes, actually, thank you.

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Postby explorthis » February 15th, 2005, 2:31 pm

WHOOOOPS - sorry, I meant "Jaw Breakers" - silly me.

Did someone mention manipulators?
Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby 24KaratGold » February 15th, 2005, 4:20 pm

explorthis wrote:
Did someone mention manipulators?


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Postby Nancy » February 15th, 2005, 4:22 pm

So far, I am unaware of a Washingtonian lawyer. Sorry...

Sylvia, yeah, you'll need the extra meals if you're burning that many calories per session. I have been a Starvin' Marvin lately as I've upped my time on the tready! :runner:

Folks, don't get freaked about your weight loss progress. You are ALL doing really well. We cannot compare the speed of your weightloss with that of another - please don't go there.

You will make yourself cwazy and it bugs the puckies outta me - each of us have a unique body system - it WILL come off, it takes a while for all the flab to get melted and the body to rearrange itself. It's working hard, give it a chance. Your body must also rest and rejuvinate itself before it goes into dump mode again.
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Postby 24KaratGold » February 16th, 2005, 12:07 pm

They called and asked me for permission to check my references yesterday. That's a good sign!

I love the people in my office -- yes, we have food-pushers too, but: there's a big bowl of grapes and melon in the kitchen right now. Actually, that's harder for me to pass up than the other stuff. I have thought that if I'm not at goal by the time summer comes (and realistically I think I won't be, but I'll be well on the way) that I might go off the program (the right way! With transition and everything!) for a couple of months just so that I can enjoy the summer fruits. Plus it would be something to work on maintaining. I dunno, just idle thoughts right now. That's a decision months away.

I walked down to Nordie's at lunch yesterday. I had a $20 "thank you" reward certificate from them that was burning a hole in my pocket and that expired yesterday so needed to be used. I bought a black wrinkle free blouse identical to one I bought last May just before I went to Scotland (I carried wrinkle free everything!). Identical, except: the one I bought yesterday was an 18W, and the one I took to Scotland was a 22W. Yay! I had worn the old one last weekend, and it was way too big for me, didn't look good at all, and I really like it. I was pleased they still carried it; I guess it's one of their staples.

The woman in the Encore department who helped me yesterday remembered me from my pre-trip buying spree last year, and she was all compliments and encouragement about my weight loss. We were talking, and I told her that I don't know how to shop for non-fat-lady clothes, don't know about other departments in the store, or places other than Lane Bryant's and such. She (a thinnie) promised to help, when I need it; she isn't limited to just the one department. Nordie's has personal shoppers, and that could be a whole lot of fun.

This sort of thing is VERY motivating to stay on plan!

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Postby raederle » February 16th, 2005, 12:14 pm

24K-- Congrats on both fronts! They definitely never call references and start pestering people unless they're serious about an offer. Great for you!!! Of course, now the *hard* part comes-- deciding whether to accept!

And what a great story about Nordie's! A 2-size drop is tremendous, and how much fun you'll have "discovering" all the new places where thinnies shop! I'm glad you've had such a great day!

And WHY am I using so many exclamation points!!!?????


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Postby Sylvia » February 16th, 2005, 1:04 pm

24K. Great news on all fronts!

Shopping for clothes as a thin person is wonderful. I love asking the sales people to bring me a smaller size because this 8 is just too big.

I shop at Chicos quite a bit and there are no mirrors in the dressing rooms - you have to go into the store to see how things look. I would have hated that in the past - probably wouldn't have shopped there - but I love it now. I have had strangers comment on how things look or say, "I love those jeans - I wish they looked like that on me". I'm sure these comments would be great under any circumstances, but since I couldn't even get into a pair of jeans 9 months ago (let alone look good in them), they are even more rewarding.

My bigger problem is that I'm quite a shopper and this has given me both a reason to have to shop and a renewed love for it. This has proven to be very expensive. Now Spring and Summer are fast approaching and I'm afraid my lighter weight wardrobe will need to be replaced. Oh well, maybe I need to moonlight at Chicos for some extra $ and a discount!

Anyway, these are good and fun problems to have. 24K - I have every confidence you will figure this out and master the much more enjoyable art of shopping as a thin person.

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Postby Nancy » February 16th, 2005, 1:10 pm

24 Karat ~

Oh, wow! Things are moving along nicely, aren't they?

How fun for you to know that you have options now - employment options and shopping options. Sometimes it's hard to know which one is the neatest! Both can help to make life healthier - better mental health, physical health and financial health.

An aspect of the trainings Terry and I received in Baltimore in December and January are under Dr. Andersen's teachings on the Trilogy of Health: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind and Healthy Finances.

When we are at a healthy weight by taking in good nutrition, exercising most every day and have eliminated a lot of our medications through improved health and nutrition, we have more time for personal development and to pursue our passions. That certainly reduces a lot of stress in our lives. Often we are able to then work on exploring other financial opportunities for ourselves.

You are moving forward with the opportunities as they are presented to you and we know that you will make a good choice when the time comes. Happy for you and the options that are yours!

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Postby 24KaratGold » February 16th, 2005, 1:21 pm

Sylvia wrote:24K. Great news on all fronts!

Shopping for clothes as a thin person is wonderful. I love asking the sales people to bring me a smaller size because this 8 is just too big.

Good lord, I can't even imagine!

Seriously, I don't think I'd ever get THAT small. I'm a big girl even setting aside the excess weight. My wrist circumference is at the very top of the range for women, and I'm broad-shouldered.

And in amongst all your shopping sprees, how are you doing today? This is day 3? 4? of your new start; have the headaches and the grumpies gone away?
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Postby Sylvia » February 16th, 2005, 2:12 pm

Hey - you never know. I have never worn a size 8 in my life and now I actually wear a 6 sometimes. Even when thin before, I was generally in a 9 or 10. I am tall and have a relatively large frame too.

This is day 3 and things are going pretty well. That starving feeling is gone along with the headache. Had my lean and green for lunch today as I am training with my trainer this evening and thought I would need the extra energy early (especially since I was also persuaded to walk a couple of miles at lunch with a colleague). With that said, it is hard this time around. Harder to stay motivated when the compelling need that was there the first time is absent. Also a challenge to eat on the program but in enough quantity to enable my exercise program.

I'll continue to muddle through, I'm sure. So glad that things are looking up for you on all fronts!
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Postby 24KaratGold » February 22nd, 2005, 12:20 pm

Odd. My Aunt Flo just came to visit, unexpectedly. Why odd? In the last year and a half I've had three, and the last one was in September and was very light. I'll be 48 in May, and had figured that I was done with that sort of thing. I even was cleaning the bathroom this weekend and debated getting rid of some supplies that I had that I didn't think I'd be needing anymore.

I haven't felt the usual PMS sorts of symptoms in the last week (although on reflection I WAS a bit bitchier than normal yesterday). I know that when I was younger I'd have a "stall" in my weight loss the week before, and then after I started I'd have a noticeable drop, all water I assume. But I lost 4 pounds last week. Maybe when you get to this stage it doesn't happen?

I've read Nancy's comments on how when fat is released, it releases estrogen that it is holding and can make us more fertile (yegads, given how fertile I already was as a younger woman!!). I wonder if the same thing is what triggered this visit. No big deal one way or another, but just a curiosity.

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Postby Marseilles » February 22nd, 2005, 12:35 pm

Hiya 24....

Nothing much to add but I had to chuckle when I read your post..I love how you say you were a bit bitchier than normal!!!! *grinning* There are so many ways one could rib you about that...hehehe!

I wouldnt be surprised though, if you see another big loss afterwards, thats always what happens to me even when the scale baffles me just prior to that oh-so-favorite-time with a downward trend. Odd, isnt it, how blessings come from some pretty strange places??

I sure can tell the difference with my body when I am all properly dosed up on soy protein though..its just much less miserable for me.

And to think, I said I didnt have much to add!

Hope your day is wonderful...
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