Musings And Thoughts: The Second Hundred Days

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tkaing a break

Postby oregonrose » July 3rd, 2005, 4:19 pm

well, I know you will enjoy the fruit and corn! I think you have done so well this far and to avoid burnout you better do what you gotta do! Keep us posted and dont get a tummy ache! I had a few strawberries while on vacation and they were sooooo wonderful. I think everything tastes so much better sonce we have not had it. Enjoy and keep in touch! nancy
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off progrm

Postby Jan » July 3rd, 2005, 5:09 pm

Hi 24
I think you will be ok to go off for a short time as long as you don't indulge too much --and keep your long term goal in mind. You've been compliant for quite some time now and have lost quite a bit of weight. Some are able to "pause"for a short time (I think you did)with no real harm. You know yourself. The damage comes when we treat "pauses" as new habits and are unable to resume program. As for me this is a new lifesyle. I will never eat with abandon as I did before but I will treat myself ever so often once I reach goal. I will always have 3 or so M.F. products everyday because they are so good for me. Nancy and I are good friends so I use her as my example. She treats herself ever so often and remains slim and healthy. Many times we drink our M.F. together at the coffe shop. We'll hear from you and see how you did.
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Postby 24KaratGold » July 24th, 2005, 8:56 am

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted here. I DID take a week's break from the program, sort of. I continued to use Medifast products during the day (except for one day when I went out to lunch at work, and then I chose the grilled chicken salad), but for dinner and on the weekend I did eat off-program. I was careful in my choices, though, and still lost 1.5 pounds! I went right back on the program, then, and lost 5 pounds that next week.

It's funny. I have some Cadbury creme eggs and some Reese's peanut butter eggs sitting in the freezer in the garage. I put them there at Easter, with the idea that that way I would have them when I got to goal, and would enjoy them a little at a time. I totally forgot about them while I was taking that week's semi-break. Instead, I wanted to eat, and did eat, the summer fruits, yogurt, stuff like that. Medifast has changed my way of thinking about food, I think.

I just posted over in today's Roll Call that I lost 1.0 this week (after last week's 5 pounds, and I admit to adding blueberries to my oatmeal at breakfast, so I'm happy). With that one pound I have now lost 30% of my body weight from the start, or 81 pounds.

And yes, I AM having fun! ;)

Incidentally, thank you all who have been praying for my almost-brother. He still needs those prayers, but the fact that he is still here to need them says that they are being heard. Say one for him today, please, if you happen to think about it.

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Postby martha » July 24th, 2005, 1:42 pm


I am still praying for your like-brother and will continue to.. thanks for the update.. I am soo proud of you.. you are an inspiration to me and I can hardly wait to see you at goal.. :mrgreen: I mean that from my heart.. you are doing great with your choices of fruit and yogurt instead of the candy.. hope I get to that point soon :mrgreen: the candy thing hasn't happened to me yet--30% of body weight -81# if FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work and you will be at goal before you realize it--Martha
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Postby 24KaratGold » July 25th, 2005, 7:03 am

Thank you, Martha. You're a bit of an inspiration yourself, y'know, with all that weight that you've lost in just three months! And thank you for your prayers, they mean so much. D'y'know, I remember hearing some brief news report on the radio a couple of years ago where they said that someone had actually done a study and reported significant results regarding hospital patients who were prayed for versus hospital patients who were not prayed for.

On other fronts: I had a great day yesterday, although in the end I totally went off plan, and I can't say that I actually intended to do so, at least not to such a degree.

I gave blood yesterday morning (and managed to evade eating their cookies or drinking their juice afterwards; I downed a couple of small water bottles). I used to give blood all the time, but this is the first time since I started MFing. It was a really good moment when the intake tech asked me "what do you weigh?" "189" I said promptly, and without lowering my head. Contrast that to the days when I had to admit to 250 or worse! I felt terrific! The tech actually drawing the blood missed the vein twice, and I have a nasty and ugly colored bruise running cross-ways along the inside of my right elbow, but it didn't hurt when she did it, and giving blood is a good thing to do. I encourage anybody reading this to make an appointment and donate -- it saves lives.

Then I went to Universal Studios. My new firm that I work for was having its "Summer Event" there yesterday. They had rented the Globe Theatre (they hold private parties, proms, and stuff like that there) for the afternoon, and there were buffet lines, and a dessert table, etc. I did okay at the buffet line (salad, chicken, tri-tip), but lost it at the dessert table. Not just the peach, but the pecan bar....

Woody Woodpecker and Spiderman made an appearance, and Woody came over to my table. I petted and kissed his beak, so he took my hand and raised me from the table and danced with me, drawing applause from the room. Then he kissed my hand and bowed, and I curtsied. That was FUN, and probably something that never would have happened with me at 270!

I had two of my kids and two of their friends with me, and after that part of the day we went around the park. I love to take the studio tour, and it's worth doing every couple of years or so because they keep adding things. We also went on several rides. We also went into the candy store... they have M&Ms in there in every color known to woman! Here I was just bragging about passing up the Cadbury's and Reese's in the freezer, and I bought (and ate!) three ounces of malted milk balls and chocolate covered peanuts (total, not each!).

Then we went to the new Mummy ride -- it's a roller coaster sort of attraction. Outside of it they have a representative seat, with the safety bar, and a sign that says that you have to be able to sit in this seat with the bar fully down in order to be able to go on the ride, and that if you think that might be a problem you should try it out there. I fit, with no problem at all!!!!!! THAT was a great moment!

At 8:30 or so, after our second go-round on the Jurassic Park ride, we left the park and wandered around CityWalk for a bit, and went into the Mexican food restaurant (I was exhausted, dehydrated, and ravenously hungry) where I ate chips and salsa and enchiladas. Sigh.

I got on the scale this morning, and it shows a 3 pound increase over yesterday morning's weigh-in. I'm right back to MF with my oatmeal (minus the blueberries), and will make sure I drink more than enough water today. How stupid of me to be short on water yesterday especially after giving blood. It was the distraction of the day, I guess, coupled with not wanting to have to waste time by standing in line at the ladies' room (in the ten hours we were gone yesterday I only used the ladies' twice! :shock: ). It's my experience that weight that comes on overnight like that comes off pretty fast if you attend to it right away, so I will be sure to stay compliant this week. I'm going to New York in about three weeks, and will plan another break then for vacation, but will work hard to stay completely compliant until then.

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Postby LilMsTexas » July 25th, 2005, 7:16 pm

Before I forget to mention this.........Do you ever go to the Christmas spectacular Rockettes show?? I went last year and hope to go again this year. If that is something you might be around for we should remember to hook up for it :D

And I LOVED hearing about your fun!! The dance sounded so wonderful and spirit lifting too. I don't have anything inspiring to say about your "off plan"'ve been around long enough to know what to do and you're doing it.......that's what makes this such an awesome's a LIFESTYLE CHANGE FOR LIFE! And guess what? LIFE HAPPENS!! Now on to the next event.........more weight to lose!!

I'm so happy about your fun day!!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby martha » July 26th, 2005, 10:28 am


Your Day sounded like it was sooo much fun.. and how great was it to be picked to dance with Woody out of a room full of people?? FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you were blushing and dancing all at the same time.. I know you were very happy to fit in all of the ride seats.. boy that's a great accomplishment(as any of us overweight people know :oops: --that can be embarrasing when you don't fit) I know your kids are soo proud of you too.. :mrgreen: I know I am proud of you!!
You will have that weight off in no time--especially since you plan on being compliant right now :D Enjoy New York and let us all know how it was there..I can only dream of going at this point in my life :mrgreen: BUT 1 day I will..(It's called FAITH)--Good luck this week and drink your water :mrgreen: :mrgreen: --Martha
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Postby Mommy2girls » July 26th, 2005, 3:06 pm

Wow, 24K, the day at Universal Studios sounds like SO much fun. As for the blood donating, thanks for your experience with it while MFasting. How exciting to be able to speak your weight out loud and not be ashamed or dissapointed by it. WOO HOO! You are getting pretty darn close to that goal you set, so I wouldn't call taking these small "breaks" from the program cheating, I like to think of it as flirting with maintenance.

Anyway, I think you are doing fantastic and thanks for sharing your insights with us!


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Postby 24KaratGold » July 26th, 2005, 4:54 pm

Hee! "Flirting with maintenance." I like that, Sheila, that's great! :mrgreen:

Christi, no, I don't get to NYC that often, and never at Christmastime. About five days of NYC at a time is all I can handle at once. I grew up in Western New York State, and will be spending the bulk of my time there visiting friends and relatives.

I played hookey from work today. My foster daughter (who is in the Navy) will be home tonight, with a 3 week leave before she takes up her first post-training assignment, and I wanted to clean house and get a bedroom ready for her. I'm also making her favorite dinner tonight, even though her plane's been delayed and it'll be way late before she gets here. It makes good leftovers... and I'll do it again before she leaves. I haven't told her I've been losing weight, so it will be fun to see her at the airport! They will give me a pass to go right to the gate to greet her since she is a service member.

So between being perfectly compliant yesterday and today, and all the housework and running around I've done today, I'm back to Sunday's weigh-in weight, which was pre-Universal. Funny, this morning when I got up I stepped on the scale and was at 190.5. At about 2:30 this afternoon I stepped on the scale again, curious, and was rewarded to see it at 188.5! Clean house, ladies, clean house! LOL
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Postby mytime » July 27th, 2005, 9:16 pm

24K - Good for you ! Now where did I put my dust pan ? Mytime
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