Musings And Thoughts: The Second Hundred Days

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Postby LilMsTexas » June 22nd, 2005, 6:38 pm

Do you know that a watched pot never boils? That's boils at the same temperature every single time in the same amount of matter what!

Do you know that a watched scale never moves?? Now THAT'S TRUE! ;) hehe I don't care WHAT people say! I'm a daily scale watcher and I'm gaining and losing the same silly 2lbs over and over and over again right now. We are all clearly in this big sisterhood thing right now 8)

But will pass........we know that it will in our heads......our hearts even know it on some level........but our spirits are being drug in the mud for the moment. But I guarantee you we will allllllllllll be celebrating very very soon when we allllllllllllllll get a great big taste of LOOSERVILLE!!

I sooooooo wanted to be at 145 before July 8th but it's looking like it won't happen. I'm fluctuating between 152 and 154. Right now I'm hoping for a solid 149 ;) just so I can break the magic 150 barrier that seems to plague so many of us. But......I digress to me again lol

24K.........we're all waiting with baited breathe (ketosis breath that is) hehe for you to get to ONEDERLAND!! Stay off the scales for the next 2 days and let's see what happens :D Keep the faith sweetie......I'm getting out my magic wand for you RIGHT NOW!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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can relate...

Postby LAwoman » June 22nd, 2005, 10:38 pm

Like so many of you losing so many pounds, i just experienced my first plateau. I had lost about 45+ lbs. and then kept hovering around 182, give or take 2 pounds for over 3 weeks. And I had in my head that I would be in the 150's come July - WHATEVER!!!

Like you, I've been MF compliant, drinking my water, going for walks..., but my body was just hanging out around 182.

This past Sunday, I even thought, and I already know how lame this sounds, but I'll admit it, I even thought I should go off MF for one day, splurge on whatever I want to "jump-start" my metabolism (YEAH RIGHT ;) )and then get right back on MF to start losing again. I was so craving a greasy turkey burger, with cheese, smothered in grilled onions & mushrooms, and a side of fries, followed by choc. cake/ice-cream. AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!

I drove to get it as I had now convinced myself what a good idea this would be and I could now "taste" it. When I got to the parking lot and started walking towards the restaurant however, I realized I didn't really want that, it really wouldn't make me feel good, nor would my "plan" work. While plateauing has kept me at 182, my "plan" would have probably shot me closer to 190. And what would going off-plan and pigging out really do? Put the pounds right back on, and worse, make me not feel my best, look my best, and be my best.

So I walked across the street to a clothing store and starting squeezing into size 12's to see how I looked in them (not too bad, and probably only a few more pounds away from wearing them in public.)

Then I went to the book store and browsed through some books and magazines to take my mind off food.

I popped across to the street and "splurged" on expensive/organic celery, broccoli and salsa before coming home to MF soup for dinner and MF pudding for desert.

Next morning, 179.5.
This morning, 177.5
This with Aunt Flo coming to visit next Wed. (I too have always been on the 28-day cycle like clock-work.) And let me tell you the cravings are going full-force right now :x

Weird/scary thing is I keep thinking the scales are going to continue to read 182 every day right now, which is the weight I plateaued at several years ago with WW, before giving up and gaining back even more weight.

Hang in there 24K and everyone else. Your words and stories and pics have been an inspiration to me over the last 4 months, and especially during the last 3 weeks, to keep with MF so the weight will finally come off. I hope mine do the same for you.

We're all going to reach GOAL and look and feel fabulous.
What other choice do we really have!!!
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Postby 24KaratGold » June 22nd, 2005, 11:39 pm

Aw... thanks, friends. It's nice to know that others understand. LAWoman, here's hoping that the next few days do for EACH of us what the last few days have done for you! Just think how much I'll finally appreciate 199 when it happens!

Hey, as long as I got ya all here, do me a favor, would ya? Those of you as do pray to a Higher Power, please pray for a friend of mine I'll call "B." He is in poor health at the moment, and told me last week that the doctors are not leaving much hope. He is the single parent of two young children who need him, their mother having flaked a long time ago. He's a very special sort of person, and the world will be a poorer place if and when he leaves it. Thanks so much; I'll appreciate that even more than all your good words of support here, and that is saying quite a lot.

I really don't think I would have been as successful as I have been on this program without this board, and all of you here on it. Those times in my life when I have been successful at losing at least some weight have been those times when I've done it with a "buddy." This board has given me dozens of weight-loss buddies, and made the journey that much easier.

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Postby DonicaB » June 23rd, 2005, 8:15 am

LilMsTexas wrote: We are all clearly in this big sisterhood thing right now 8)

Would that be the "The Scales better move or someone's gonna get hurt" sisterhood? :x :x :devious:

24K~~We are all with you and like Christi said we are waiting on pins and needles for word on a moving scale. This WILL happen for you. :coach: NEVER FEAR.......ONEDERLAND IS ALMOST HERE. :lightbeam:

BTW, I will be praying for your friend "B" and his little ones.

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Postby 24KaratGold » June 23rd, 2005, 8:39 am

DonicaB wrote:
LilMsTexas wrote: We are all clearly in this big sisterhood thing right now 8)

Would that be the "The Scales better move or someone's gonna get hurt" sisterhood? :x :x :devious:

Oooo, I LIKE the way you think! LOL We need Spunky in here to talk to our scales about what she did to hers when it started misbehavin'!

I think I'm gonna try to stay off the scale until Sunday. What's a bit worrisome is the fact that the last time I had my period the scale didn't move the Sunday right after it was over. However, the week after that it did move five pounds. So, we'll see....

BTW, I will be praying for your friend "B" and his little ones.
Thank you. I am so worried about him. And them.
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scales being stubborn

Postby oregonrose » June 23rd, 2005, 9:35 am

hi all. i realize i am a newbie but when I did Medifast 15 or so years ago i found that just taking a walk could move the scale. i'm sure that you smart folks have already thought of that but i thought i'd throw it out there. hey 24, i thought about you when we passed the rose bowl and san rafael area yesterday! Picked up a Diane salad from "green street" last nite-- tossed it myself, took off the rice noodles and just had a tiny bit of dressing-- mmmmmmm . hang in there, nancy
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helps to read alll the posts

Postby oregonrose » June 23rd, 2005, 9:52 am

hi. it really helps to read all the posts-- then i dont give advice you guys already know. i just remember pushing a stroller up the hills in sierra madre working up a little sweat made the pounds literally melt off. i hate plateaus myself. i am sure i wil be in One der land when i get back to oregon-- hang in there-- you are my heroes! nancy
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Postby 24KaratGold » June 23rd, 2005, 10:39 am

Gee Nancy, if I'd'a known I'd'a met ya in Old Town last night or something! It takes me less than ten minutes to get there!

Yeah, one thing about my new job is that I haven't been able to get out and walk every day the way I did at my old one. I'm now making sure that every day this week I DO get some walking in, and so far I'm three days for three days.

I'm glad we've been having sunny weather for you while you're here. My tomato plants love it -- they are ripening like there's no tomorrow, and the little cherry tomatos are so sweet right off the vine, sun-kissed.

So, here's to Sunday.

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Postby Dean0408 » June 23rd, 2005, 4:02 pm

24k.....First, let me say that you are doing an exceptional job of accomplishing your goal.

Second, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the daily walking you are doing. Staying on plan when coupled with the calorie burning effect of daily walking will make that scale go down at a faster pace.....there are no two ways about it. When you go on maintenance, you will see that exercise is your best friend in keeping the pounds off and the scale at the place you want it to be.

Whenever you start to get upset that the scale is not moving as quickly as you want it to.........remember the following:

You started your quest with a 104.5 pound weight loss goal.

In the beginning, every pound you lost was LESS THAN 1% OF YOUR GOAL!

You have lost 67.5 pounds thus far (this includes a side track during your trip to Hawaii) This 67.5 pounds represents 64.6% of your total weight loss goal.

We can forget about the overall goal at this point...........pretend you are starting today........with a total weight loss goal of just 37 pounds. (If this had been your goal when you long ago would you have hit the goal and been on maintenance?)

Now for the exciting I mentioned earlier, in the beginning, a one pound loss was less than 1% of your weight loss goal ........guess what percentage of your NEW GOAL of 37 pounds each pound is......


This is why it is so much harder to shed pounds as we lose the original body fat. Your body is struggling to keep the excess stores of fat it is accustomed to having.............and your body is LOSING THE BATTLE!!

Just when it thinks it is holding its' own.........and your scale refuses to budge.............YOU throw in the big guns to WIN THE are WALKING regularly.

I am looking forward to your entering the 70# club in the VERY near future.

If you keep on walking, you won't be in the 70# club for long.

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Postby want2Bthin » June 23rd, 2005, 5:08 pm


I am a little late in responding- sorry about that. I will not add much to all the wonderful responses already on here.

However, I will say that you recently told me when I only lost .5 one week that the next week would be a good one & you were right on. I know that soon you will have a GREAT week! I agree with Dean, you have done a fabulous job getting where you are!

So here's to the pounds flying away & hitting ONEDERLAND!! :pigsfly:

P.S. I am praying for your friend & his kiddos
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Postby 24KaratGold » July 2nd, 2005, 12:59 pm

Hee! I just bought new jeans. In size 14 Tall!!!

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Postby 24KaratGold » July 3rd, 2005, 8:12 am

I'm thinking I may go off plan for the next few days. It's funny that I've made it through Valentine's Day, Easter, several birthdays, etc., without succumbing to holiday/celebration foodie things, but I find I'm resenting the thought of not having certain summer foods especially at the 4th of July. I want potato salad (even just a tablespoon!), corn on the cob, baked beans, fruit salad and cherry pie. Fresh cherries, fresh peaches, and fresh blueberries in the produce section of the grocery store are calling my name. I knew months ago that the summer fruits thing would become an issue, so here it is.

Today is six months since I started Medifasting -- with one week off in Hawaii in mid-April. I've lost 73.5 pounds in six months, and broken below 200 for the first time in 30 years. I love this! And I intend to make it to goal. But I still think I'm going off plan this week. My husband was out of town last week, and will be again week after next (he's home a week, gone a week, home a week, gone a week, home a week, gone a week this summer!), and we're both a little tired of the restrictions on this diet. I think if I plan the going off, and plan the coming right back on when he leaves again, I should be able to stay in control. There's no way I'm going to settle back over 200; that's too important to me, but I think I may be off plan for a week, friends. I hope you'll all hold me to being right back on it after no more than a week.

Happy Fourth! I've kept my ticker at the "fireworks" for so long to make it to this weekend!

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Postby doglover » July 3rd, 2005, 1:32 pm

I think as long as we "plan" to be off plan that is one healthy step in the right direction. If we slip and succumb to tempations then we are not gaining the valuable experiences we should.

Good luck and remember all in moderation. Don't forget to maybe add some exercise if you are not already so that you can keep calories at bay!

Happy 4th!
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Postby 24KaratGold » July 3rd, 2005, 2:54 pm

We just bought a new trampoline for the kids, and it's FUN to be on! It sure tires me out in a hurry, though, and gets the heart beating. I told my husband I'd make a commitment to spend 15 minutes on the trampoline for every day that I'm not adhering to plan. Let's hope that helps.

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Postby doglover » July 3rd, 2005, 3:45 pm

OHH I LOVE trampolines! They are the ultimate in fun. 2 people is great fun too!
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
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