Hi Sweeshelby
Welcome and just keep shakin'.

It will be worth it. It isn't easy, but before long, it will be the way of life (for awhile)....one Medifast at a time.
I have lost 38 lbs and feel so much better. I am small boned and that extra weight really played havic on my body. I have about 18 lbs to lose and I know I will do it........one supplement at a time. It isn't easy but so worth it. Not only health wise but the compliments are wonderful.
Keep on the program and soon you will start feeling and looking better. I'm speaking from experience. I use to hurt soooo bad and I knew if I didn't help myself, no Dr could help me either. I truly didn't think a mere 40 lbs would help this much but I came to the realization that 40 lbs is a lot and it is gone forever. My life is so much better becuz I have gone on MF. It is worth the struggle....like I said, not easy but soooo worth it.
Hang in there
