The Essential 1 products are designed for multiple programs. Remember, Medifast makes products to suit the nutritional needs of a variety of people and health needs.
Not everyone who uses Medifast is on a weight loss program. (Don'tcha hate them?)
Some people use Medifast purely for its excellent nutrition and convenience. For some people, on maintenance for example, the Essential 1 products are a handy way to grab a fast healthy protein source. It can be eaten on whole grain bread with lettuce and tomato for a healthy lunch. It can be plopped into a cored apple and served on a bed of lettuce for a person on maintenance.
For people on the 5 and 1 Program, the Essential 1 products are not to replace one of the Medifast meals (or as some people call them the Medifast supplements) but rather the Essential 1 meals are to serve as the Lean protein portion for the Lean and Green. A green salad provides very minimal carbs to balance the chicken or tuna salad (or the Chicken Breast or beef patty). Since the protein sources are bred to be very lean, the addition of the cooked veggies is recommended.
Just out of curiosity, do you know why they are not okay as a supplement, and must be a meal?
Yup, because Dr. Andersen says so! He has the medical license, I don't so I do what he says. It works.