4 more gone

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4 more gone

Postby petiewheats » March 9th, 2006, 4:52 am

Its the end of week 2 for me, 4 more gone!!
I'm thrilled- its a total of 16 since mid feb. The M.D. however said NOTHING about the loss. BP dropped 15 points, still said nothing! Just can't impress some poeple. I am thrilled --and thats the only person I need to worry about at this point right??
Thanks team for all the inspiration.

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Postby Marseilles » March 9th, 2006, 6:05 am

Down with the MD! I would think that they would be in the business of applauding weightloss that results in your BP dropping and you becoming healthier overall! What a drag.

Im glad you came back here though, we will always cheer you on!!! Yaaay for 15lbs and here is to many more!!!

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Postby falisamarie » March 9th, 2006, 6:32 am


WTG that is just fabulous :bravo: I think your Dr is probably just thick headed :idontknow: but we are all thrilled for you :woohoo:

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Postby MusicalMomma » March 9th, 2006, 6:49 am

Way to go Paula!!! Some MD's are just thick! They "treat and street"! I remember one time when I had lost 35 pounds and went to my OBGYN for my yearly...he said NOTHING so I SAID SOMETHING! He said, "How have you been feeling?" I said "great since I dropped some weight!" He looked at my chart again and said "Oh yes! Oh MY! You've lost 35 pounds! Good for you!!!" He hadn't even really LOOKED at my chart before I said something. It's the typical "6 patients and hour" attitude!

Anyway...you are doing WONDEFUL and WE APPLAUD YOU!!!! :bravo:
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Postby HOPE » March 9th, 2006, 10:50 am

GREAT JOB!!!!!!! ISN'T MEDIFAST GRAND?????? I think your doctore should applaud you for a great accomplishment!!!! You are on your way to an awesome future!!!! Keep up the great job!!!!
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Postby aphrael » March 10th, 2006, 8:12 am

Wow, you all have some really disapointing doctors!

Guess I am lucky I found a primary care doctor and an OBGYN t hat actually take time to listen and and take a real intrest in how I am progressing with things.

Oh well, Great work Paula the lowered blood pressure is great! Your heart is much happier now with Medifast! Keep up the great work and soon they will have to notice becuase you will be shrinking in the chair.

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