
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby smartiegrrl » September 4th, 2004, 6:45 pm

My husband noted today that there is a bunch of money in the bank. Much more than we usually have at this point in the month. We're self-employed so he asked if I paid us twice on the 1st.

Hehe - its because we're not eating out, we're not going out drinking (at least not the both of us - and diet coke is often free, or really inexpensive, at the bar ;) ) and I'm buying just meat, greens, hubby's breakfast foods, tea, coffee and water at the grocery store.

Its just amazing how much money we were spending on food before!

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Postby Nancy » September 4th, 2004, 9:50 pm

SG ~

I really appreciate this post - you are SO right - it DOES save $ to buy and use Medifast! We are like your grocery store and we come to your front porch! Isn't it amazing how much less we spend on food and the food in the little packets is nutritious, very convenient, tasty - it's FAST healthy food! Virtually NO clean up - woo hoo! Yup, we save $, we save time, we save our health, etc.

Guess that's why you are SMARTIEgrrl, eh? ;)
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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » September 5th, 2004, 7:47 am

LOL! I believe it! I'm sure it depends on the circumstances--last year when i was on MF and the rest of the family was still on a regular menu, I was over budget on food. THIS year, we hold pretty steady. Hubby and I are on MF, but he does do a lean/green each night and I still have to feed the kids (never mind that they beg me for a nibble of my bar every single time I have one! LOL). Our big savings has been in not eating out and not buying junk. I realized I didn't want to buy garbage for my kids to eat, even if they aren't overweight. So our food expenses are lean meat and seafood, wheat bread, milkand cheese, and fresh fruit and veggies, the majority of which is LETTUCE! LOL OH and I do buy a few flavored syrups and the like for the shakes.
I can't complain..we usually raise a garden but skipped this year because we were building a house, so my mother brought me the overage from her harvest all summer and that cut back on our grocery expense as well.
I'm going to put in a winter garden this year and then I'll have my own lettuce! LOL

Started 8/2/2004
Next goal: 220!

Wow. That's all I know to say.
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