monthy "kit" doesn't have enough products in it!

Questions/Comments about Ordering Products.

monthy "kit" doesn't have enough products in it!

Postby artsyphartsy » August 4th, 2005, 1:42 pm

I'm struggling with how to shop...since i bought 2 month's worth of product, using a kit...but there are not enough shakes in a MONTH KIT to last a month if we're to use the product like the directions; with at LEAST 3 supplements being shakes a day! AM i to order a month kit and then suppliment with a large order of shakes?
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Postby martha » August 4th, 2005, 4:56 pm

Things have changed since then.. We can now have any combination of supplements we want(except only 1 bar per day) that means 6 shakes or 6 oatmeals or soups or chili or any combination you want.. You can do the same thing with your 5 and 1 lean and green.. It doesn't have to be 3 shakes anymore..--Hope this helps-- Just as long as you get the required amount of supplements in per choose the ones you want--Isn't this GREAT!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ---Martha
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Postby sister » August 4th, 2005, 9:35 pm

Hey there,
I think the kits are set up to give 2 shakes, 1 oatmeal, 1 soup and 1 bar for 2 weeks then 3 shakes, 1 soup and 1 bar for the other 2 weeks. If you divide everything up, that's how I see it.
You might want to just order the products the way you want to so you get the quantities you need for your plan. Like Martha said, it doesn't matter how you plan your meals as long as you use the bars only once a day.
Your health advisor can help you figure out the best way to order, too.
Good luck!
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So the Medifast Info booklet is not updated?

Postby artsyphartsy » August 5th, 2005, 5:12 am

I have not read anywhere that you can get off the minimum of 3 shakes a day. The booklet still says at LEAST 3 supplements be shakes so doesn't that mean you will loose more when you do more shakes? :o
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Postby 24KaratGold » August 5th, 2005, 7:48 am

If you had read around this site, you would have read it. Try this thread:

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