3 months of MF compliance equals...

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3 months of MF compliance equals...

Postby LAwoman » June 1st, 2005, 9:32 pm

...a 42 lb. loss - woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm one more MFing loser to tell you MF works, when you work it.

Working full time and grad-school full time has kept me busy. But MF has continued to be the best thing to keep my eating under control, provide me with energy, and sharing your successes has kept me ultra-motivated. Since I've started, I've "watched" 24K and Ms. Shrinkingwoman quickly drop those lbs., the Donnas and Kristi (congrats on surgery okayed) keep losing and motivating everyone else to follow along, Dean and Rae successfully maintain their weight, and countless others share their difficulties and successes with everyone. I get so excited for each and everyone of you when I read your roll-call posts and see your losses. Please know how motivating and inspiring ALL of you on this forum are. Thank you!!!

One thing I read repeatedly (especially from the "newbies") is struggling with the numbers on the scale. I calendar my daily food intake and my weekly weigh-ins so I can watch for wt. loss patterns and see if I'm making any mistakes or need adjustments. But I only post my monthly loss so I don't drive my self crazy(ier). For example, my Sunday weigh in showed me at 185, yet this morning was 188 as Aunt Flo decided to come visit today (nice timing, she must have wanted to be here for my monthly weigh in ;) ) So, I'll take the 188, know that water-weight will be gone in a few days, and probably take a few pounds of flabbage with it. :D

I hope this helps some of you deal with those days/weeks/months when you don't reach the short-term goal you had in mind. Trust me, I was thinking 20 lbs/month when I first started MF, then I wanted 15 lb. Now I realize each month I'm feeling healthier and happier whether it's 10, 11, or whatever. (I hope I still feel that way if it's ever less than 10 :lol: )

Something else that helps (and is a little scary) are the compliments. The first 2 months, no one noticed or said anything. Then, these last 2 weeks, people have not stopped telling me how good I look.

The scary part is that little devil in the back of my head tonight that said, "Hey, you look great, you feel icky anyhow with aunt flo here, why not have that big bag of chips you've been thinking about for the last 3 days." Fortunately, I pictured the bowl of MF soup I would be having when I got home and chomped on some pickles and salted celery w/ salsa to get rid of the pangs for salty/crunchy food.

I have every intention of reaching goal and looking and feeling the best I've felt in years. I can do it because of MF, all your words of support and motivation and inspiration on this forum and because of all the wonderful things Nancy has written, said, experienced, and shared. Thank you! (and just a little plug to get your newsletters back. ;) )

So, keep up the GREAT losses everyone! Success to us all. :cheers:
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Postby LilMsTexas » June 2nd, 2005, 3:36 am

I'm so excited I get to be the FIRST to respond to this FANNNNNNNNTABULOUS news!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! WOW because you have made HUGE progress in your first few months!! You had a bigger loss than me in the first month but I too lose about 10 a month and that's what I'm "satisfied" with. I am also struggling with the compliments myself and feel I let my guard down for a few days because of it. We had to take the compliments and turn it into MOTIVATION to keep on going so we can be COMPLIMENT HUNGRY and crave MORE AND MORE AND MORE and to achieve that we keep LOSING AND LOSING AND LOSING instead of "rewarding by eating"!

Well I just wanted to be the first to say WAY TO GO and I'm glad if I can be in any way a part of your success through encouragement.
Have an awesome day.......you deserve it!!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby Emma » June 2nd, 2005, 4:14 am

WOW - WAY TO GO!!! That is so wonderful! Thanks for sharing your dealings with the scale, it's really helped me realize that the scale is not my enemy and to just be patient and it WILL happen.

Congrats again!!! :D :D :D
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Postby noexcuse » June 2nd, 2005, 4:42 am

Congrats :D that is awesome...thanks for your thoughts on the scale and tracking sounds like a great idea to understand the flux's
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Postby doglover » June 2nd, 2005, 4:43 am

Wow LAWoman! Great work! You are inspiring!
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Postby want2Bthin » June 2nd, 2005, 7:25 am


42 pounds in 3 months! That is terrific! I bet you feel wonderful!
:lol: 8) :-P :mrgreen: :lol: 8) :D :mrgreen: :lol: 8) :) :mrgreen: :D 8) :lol: :) :mrgreen: 8) :lol: :D :mrgreen: :)

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Postby 24KaratGold » June 2nd, 2005, 7:51 am

Alright! Way to go -- congratulations! Isn't this fun??

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Postby LeeannNH » June 2nd, 2005, 11:15 am

hi lawoman

your post is AWESOME :D and so are you with your 42# weight loss. yee haw!! you started at the same weight i did and it is cool to see how you have progressed over the months. i know my journey will be different but nonetheless it is cool to see your success.

i also really liked you idea for celery and salt to help hold off "chip" cravings. i have a total weakness for snacky foods and that is a really cool idea, so thanks! 8)

i wish you luck this month and i know you will succeed!!
leeann :mrgreen:
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Postby fedup » June 3rd, 2005, 6:55 am

42 pounds in 3 months is AMAZING! Great job!! ;)
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Postby Mommy2girls » June 3rd, 2005, 1:01 pm

That must feel FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!! You are doing great! Congratulations and thanks for sharing!

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Postby Helen » June 3rd, 2005, 2:39 pm

you rock!
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Postby Paula » June 3rd, 2005, 6:28 pm

Congratulations LAWoman! That's awesome. :D
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Postby 70 » June 4th, 2005, 6:10 am


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Postby Susan.in.GA » June 4th, 2005, 7:26 pm

Your post was very inspiring. You've done fantastic and you must look quite different at your new lower weight - CONGRATULATIONS! No wonder people are noticing.

Thanks for the newbie inspiration too - I need the reminders!
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Postby martha » June 6th, 2005, 8:00 am

LAwoman--- WOW!! what a great tale to tell. thanks for all your helpful hints on how to keep up with everything.. I too thought okay 20-30#a month but have come to realize that wht ever i get off is 1 pound closer to my goal...I am so PROUD of your sucess..so far no one including myself have noticed any change other than I am not eatting the really big meals I cook but instead am only eatting controlled(did I just use this word :lol: )portions..losing pounds but no inches as of yet.. guess everyone just feels like "its another diet" BUT its not and with friends like you and the other MF members I know I can do it this time..CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and can't wait till you reach your goal.. I will be right here cheering for you--Martha
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