by finalstraw » January 19th, 2004, 2:43 pm
Curious, I am Me's Mom as sure most of you have figured out. She has had a vist with the doc in the last 6 months and everything was fine, the doc did however tell her she could stand to lose a few pounds and suggested a low fat diet with vitamins.
I however have been told by the same doc I should do a low carb diet with vitamins.
Actually, 'Me' (Honnah) is going to be 18 years old soon, so we figured she was close enough to an adult that her nutritional needs were not that different from mine and her Dads.
Input welcome

Rom 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes:
1st goal - 199 (I will change when I have met it)
Started 1/18/04 at 284
Currently 251.9