Mock Wine

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Mock Wine

Postby TheShadow » June 23rd, 2006, 12:18 pm

I love Cananda Dry Diet GInger Ale. On the weekend we went to the cabin with a large group of friends. Everybody's drinking beer & wine. I had my diet ginger ale in a wine glass and it looked like chardonnay!! I felt like I was living it up. Try it.
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Postby sidrah » June 23rd, 2006, 3:09 pm

I have always liked ginger ale, seltzer, too. SOmetimes I add in some lime and cherry syrup. Tastes kinda like the Sonic drinks.

Different scenario, I know, but it remninded me of someone I know:

A friend of mine I worked with is an alcoholic. She was realllly bad, blacked out and stuff. So, her husband used to tell people that she was allergic to alcohol and it made her really sick. She didn't think she could resist. He would say it the first time someone offered so that no one bothered her for the rest of the night at parties. But, she would drink ginger ale so she felt like she was still part of things. I think she said it has been like 20 something years and she still goes to meetings and brings her ginger ale to parties at friends' houses.
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