Missing in action :)

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Missing in action :)

Postby Simmshe » September 23rd, 2004, 7:02 am

Hi everyone!

Sorry that I haven't been posting much lately, but to say that I have been overwhelmed with things is an understatement. I come to the forum and read posts several times a day and feel bad that I don't have time to post more :(. I've been very busy at work and usually sneak peaks into the forum in between working.

So, what's going on with me?? I'm preparing for a visit to Bermuda next week (leaving next Friday--my good friend from college lives there and is getting married); I'm preparing to move into a much-needed new apartment in about three weeks (and I have done ZERO preparing, actually--been too swamped with other things); I'm looking for more freelance projects to work on, as I decided to leave the one I have been working on for over six months on October 22; I'm also moving into the planning phase for a European trip that will be in late January; and ... okay--you all get the picture. There is more I could add to this picture!

Things should be calmer by late October and I will be around here posting more regularly. In the mean time, I will get in here to post as often as I can. There are already about twenty posts that I want to respond to--I'll do my best to catch up :)!

By the way, I'm not going to use my Bermuda vacation as an excuse to indulge. I ate a couple of lean and green meals last week to help prepare my digestive system for the lean and greens that I will be eating in Bermuda (and other than a little bloating from the roughage, everything was okay). I was a little nervous since I have been doing the full fast--wasn't sure how my body, and mind, was going to handle the meals, but all was good. So, my plan is to follow the 5 and 1 while in Bermuda. I promise--I will pass over one of my most loved foods--white icing cake (I LOVE wedding cake)! My best friend is going with me, too, and she is very supportive of my MF plan, so she won't try to talk me into drinking or eating anything off plan (she and I can really knock back some cocktails, so it will be weird not drinking together, but it's no big deal--just an adjustment). Anyways, won't be leaving for Bermuda until Oct. 1, but I've been planning for how I'm going to eat there for over six weeks now.

Anyways, just wanted to let you all know what's going on and to not be concerned if you don't see me here for several days! Now let me try to catch up on some posting before I get slammed with work!

Restart: 5/01/05

Original start: 7/13/04-12/12/04
High weight (1997): 386lbs

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Postby elle4nelly » September 23rd, 2004, 9:58 am

Go Sheryl Go!!!!!!!!!!

I know vacation are hard on dieting. PLEASE DO NOT COME OFF ...because it's easy to fall off and sooooooo Hard to get back to full compliance!
BUT...you have a supportive friend. My best friend the "waif", thinks she's being supportive if she bakes an entire Oven full of Blueberry Low fat scones?????????????????
I don't dig her at all!! :x :x :x I keep telling her I can't have food and she keeps cooking " Low Fat meals and offering them to me..and she keeps looking confused when I keep telling her I don't eat..I shake". Frankly I do better when she's gone off on business.....Thank God !!! That usually gives me a week of not being tempted by anything at all...or avoiding her. I can't blame her...she's known me since my 123lbs days...and she's never had a weight problem. She's rail thin, weighs herself everyday and runs 6-10 miles 6 days a week. I wish I'd done what she does when I was skinny....
Anyway..that's all past now.
Keep the good work Sheryl!

Final Restart on Dec 18th
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 23rd, 2004, 10:58 am

Good to see you Sheryl!

It's interesting to think of going on vacation or on a pleasure trip without enjoying all the food and drink we normally do. I will be trying it too hopefully soon after I reach my goal.

Happy you're going with a "Designated Diet Buddy" who'll not tempt you, and help you stay the course. The buzz from cocktails is definitely less than the one you get stepping on the scale watching the numbers go down. :boing: You can do it! Have a safe and fun trip!

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Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
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