Missed Meal = Nasty Nibbling

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Missed Meal = Nasty Nibbling

Postby MomsTherapy » July 15th, 2005, 6:48 pm

Okay, here comes my lame-o Pep talk :boohoo: for having all of your 5-1 meals and trying to have them on time:

I hadn't really missed any of my 5 and 1's until today. I was super busy running around with my three kids and Mom (which luckily is on MF too). I had my morning shake at 8ish
Second shake at 12 (usually at 10:30 so I was already off)
At 4:30 I sucked down 3/4 of a lukewarm vanilla (yuck) as I sped into WallyWorld.
By the time I got home it was 6:30 (So I had missed one of my shakes in the mix) And 30 minutes until the time I usually 'serve' dinner.

I was so tired I said "tacos it is". As I fixed the tacos my fingers kept grabbing at the kids cheetos and doritos. Then I got a granola bar out for my 1 year old to snack on and I ate half of it. I didn't even realize how much I was snacking until BAM it hit me. I was like, oh my goodness....:hide: what am I doing!! I quit with the snacking but had 2 tacos for dinner (not exactly a MF lean and green right~) But at least I didn't eat 3 or 4 like the old days! :dohdoh:

Anyhow. I was thinking about it all (now after the fact) and I really think that missing my #4 shake and having my timing off on my meals messed my whole system up. I really think that is why I had a "mini binge".

I guess my point is - DON'T MISS YOUR MEALS. All it leads to is destruction by the end of the day. :lightening:

I will know better next time for sure! Make sure I get to shakin' when the clock hits meal-time!!! :bib:
Leah (Lee-uh):D aka MomsTherapy

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Postby want2Bthin » July 15th, 2005, 7:02 pm


Glad you came here to fess up. What is done is done & tomorrow is a beautiful new day. You are so right, it is key to have all your meals & on time to avoid the dangerous hungries. I have been doing this for 4 months now & I have learned that being prepared at all times is so important. Sometimes our schedules are so hectic that it makes it a little difficult at times. I don't use bars on a daily basis but I did order some to have for travel on trips & days when I am out for extended periods of time. The RTD are good to have around to- just in case.

I commend you for coming here. :-P You are doing great!

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Postby MomsTherapy » July 15th, 2005, 7:12 pm

I am determined now - I am GOING to give MF all I've got this week starting tomorrow morning. I'm going to lose at least 2 pounds this week!! Where is my water bottle....... ;)

On a side note, My hubby has gained about 10lbs in the past 2-3 months (he was already overweight). He goes to school in the morning and works late in the evenings. He has two more semesters after this one at school. He eats drive thru every day and lots of junk food and sodas in between. I wish so badly he would give MF a try. I worry so much about his health - I love him too much to lose him to a heartattack or some other dreadful weight related disease! :( Please keep him in your prayers as we all know how hard being overweight can be. No one, including me, can make up his mind to change but him. We did the "Body for Life" challenge together and he lost 25lbs in 10 weeks. Now I know MF could do it so much easier and faster if he would give it a chance. He has about 75 lbs he needs to lose to be at a healthy weight. Thanks for listening. :)
Leah (Lee-uh):D aka MomsTherapy

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Missed Meal

Postby Jan » July 15th, 2005, 8:57 pm

Hi There,
Missed meals most always spell trouble :x Even if you don't get the nibblies and stay out of the goodies -- you have lowered your caloric intake too much for the day. That means the old body refuses to part with any extra flab. It thinks you are trying to starve it to death. It's a self preservation thing. The moral -- eat everything you're supposed to and only what you're supposed to :mrgreen:
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Postby martha » July 15th, 2005, 9:25 pm


Well I am glad to see you are starting on the right path tomorrow.. Yes it is very important to eat(or drink)when we are scheduled too. I on occasion have missed a couple and about went crazy.. I even smell the food I can't have now instead of eating it.. Like this morning I baked a homemade blueberry(fresh picked out the yard)Strudel coffee cake.. and smelled about 1cup of the berries right out of the pan.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I did put 1 tiny pinch in my mouth( to test it) and then spit it out and washed the old mouth out with water..It was soo hard to pass up but I hate the thought of starting over again.. sooo..
Taco's are definetly not on the program and neither is the granola bar BUT at least you realized what you did and stopped before you ate all of it :mrgreen: Good girl..now back on program.. I know what you mean about the HB .. mine went on Mf with me and met his goal after about 6 weeks .. he is still using the shakes and doing 4 and 2 meals a day and it is working.. no weight gain in the last 3 weeks while on the boat.. I hope your HB will join you soon.. it really helps when you both do it together..good luck tomorrow --YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!--Martha
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Postby mytime » July 15th, 2005, 9:37 pm

Leah - it sounds like you had a really tough day. I am impressed that you only had two tacos - I easily used to eat four. At any rate the young kid feeding thing can be SUCH A CHALLENGE. Very early on I used to find my mind telling me - just pop it in your mouth. I would literally be standing there cooking fighting with myself. So two things I do that might help or might not but I am telling you even though you did not ask :D .

I always have RTG's with me a bar and FAST soup. I keep them in my car. Secondly b/c I chose to feed my children who are not doing MF :mrgreen: and have chosen to cook for them and their father, I eat my bar with 32 oz of water about a half hour before I come home. Then I start cooking as soon as I walk in the door. I have my L&G with them and then get up as soon as I am done and start cleaning. This has helped a ton.

Whatever you do - you are doing great. My DH also needs to lose about 40 pounds. He wanted to MF but frankly we cannot afford for both of us to do it and seeing how I got way out of control I am starting us off. The strangest thing is that now that I am on MF I am more concerned with how he and my children are eating. So they are getting much better meals and I think just the fact that he and I are no longer gorging oursleves together is actually resulting in his losing weight. I know from when I lost weight before our wedding when it really started to show he got on a program and dropped weight like crazy. So I guess what I am saying is that maybe another great reason for you to keep up with your MF is to set an encouraging example. Of course I will pray for him and for your continued strength. Mytime
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Postby MomsTherapy » July 16th, 2005, 7:24 am

Thanks so much for all of your understanding. I made pancakes, eggs and bacon this morning and no nibbles!! I had oatmeal....GO ME!!!

Thanks you guys!!! :hug:
Leah (Lee-uh):D aka MomsTherapy

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Postby fedup » July 16th, 2005, 9:44 am

HURRAY for you :lol: It's hard when you've got little ones to feed huh?!! My daughter (5) doesn't eat big meals, she grazes mostly... (Pediatrician said this was actually good)... but it means I'm getting her stuff throughout the day! She'll eat the hot dinner or lunch, but never a lot of it so I'm warming it back up later for her, etc... Feels like I'm constantly in the kitchen! Oh well, only I can control what goes in my mouth right! And I just remind myself how much I want to lose this weight for her also (obviously for myself, but to be a good role model for her and have energy to be the Mom I want to be...)
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Postby martha » July 16th, 2005, 10:11 am


GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I am sooo proud of you.. No nibbles at all. that's soo good.. I know its hard especially when you have to do the cooking and then smell and watch everyone else eat.. Oatmeal was a great choice and I know you feel better for it.. YOU GO GIRL!!!hope you have a great day..Martha
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Postby mytime » July 16th, 2005, 8:23 pm

OMG Leah - how strong are you ??? I don't know if I could do bacon. Really you need to pat yourself on the back. My kids ate oatmeal right along with me - of course mine was MF. Bacon - unbelievable - YOU ROCK !!!!!! Mytime
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Postby LeeannNH » July 17th, 2005, 12:58 pm

hi leah

thanks for coming on here and sharing your dramatic food day. it really helps alot to read these kinds of posts. i too have noticed that when i am late with a shake i want to eat everything in the house!! UGH!

you are awesome for being able to stop, look around, and take control of the situation. i cant imagine what it must be like for people with children, trying to lose weight. it is really hard anyway but with children and the food they want/need you must be commended!

take care of yourself and good for you with your "restart"

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Postby Mommy2girls » July 19th, 2005, 3:00 pm

Isn't it amazing how mindlessly we can slip? I used to finish whatever my kids didn't (which was a lot...they just don't eat huge amounts of food!) for fear of "wasting" it. Well, I definitely could see that it didn't go in the trash but right to my hips instead! Ugh. It is hard cooking for others and watching others eat what you can't have.

Good for you for getting back on track!

As for hubby. Definitely keep working on him. I didn't think we could afford 2 of us on the program either since I'm a SAHM and this is not a super-budget-friendly diet, but I would rather pay now for MF and know that it works than pay for dr. visits, hospital visits, and meds later on in life. I just posted about my DH headed towards blood pressure meds and after 4 weeks of MF has turned that around! HOORAY! I told him to try it for a week, and actually ordered enough on my order to last him a week. Well know it's been 6 weeks and he's lost over 20lbs and looks great. Us doing it together has been a godsend. My mom also is on it too! Everyone jumped on the bandwagon after I lost about 30lbs. LOL! :lol:

So keep at it and definitely push that you want him around for a good long time!!! Good luck!

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Postby AlexisClaire » July 27th, 2005, 10:44 pm

You're absolutely right, it's alarming how little it takes to start down the slippery slope!
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