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Postby lifelovinaries » May 2nd, 2006, 6:31 pm

Hey Missanne...I just wanted to check on you to see how you made out yesterday and today. Here's to hoping that everything went well. :toast: I'm just trying to lend a little bit of support because i know you can do it!! IF by any chance you weren't able to make these past two days "MF perfect", we always have another chance for it to be "Day 1". I've had a couple of "day 1's" in my short 3.5 week medifast life. :roll: Take Care and keep us posted.

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Postby MISSANNE » May 2nd, 2006, 10:44 pm

I did great yesterday. The RTD's I bought are a lifesaver!

Today wasn't pefect but I stayed compliant 80% of the time. My problem is just saying NO to my family and friends about going out.

Like today at lunch, my aunt(more like a sister) calls me and asks me to lunch. I said "no thanks, I want to stay on track with my diet." She says "oh, come on. You can at least have a salad." I said "but I won't, I will want what you get so I will just stay here and eat my bar." She says "I'll eat salad too, come on." I say "ok". I'm babbling but you get the idea.

Anyways, I grab a MF Ranch dressing, toss it in my purse and off I go. SHe talkes me to a pizza joint, my sister-in-law, mom and cousin end up coming and next thing you know I have eaten my salad AND 2 pieces of pizza.

No more outings for me until I'm strong enough.

I think just last week ASCICLES finally went out for the 1st time. I'm not ready for that yet, apparently. :oops:

Thanks for checking.

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Postby MISSANNE » May 2nd, 2006, 10:45 pm

Although, somehow in the past 2 days I have dropped 1.6lbs.

Water or not, I'm taking it.
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Postby BoPeep1 » May 3rd, 2006, 3:41 am

Congrats on the loss! It will get easier to go out - it took me realizing that I can still enjoy my family without having to eat the same food as them to keep me strong.

My family tries to get me to eat. On Easter my aunt kept offering me food after food, knowing I was on a diet, she finally told me I was a tough nut to crack. Then last Saturday my family tried to tell me that you have to go off your diet once in awhile to kick start your metabolism (which I read can be true sometimes), but if i were to go with that, I certainly wouldn't go off plan with mexican food and not away from home!
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Postby Mom23 » May 3rd, 2006, 4:19 am

The eating out thing is tough. I find that unless I go to certain restaurants there is nothing that I would feel good about eating if I am to remain compliant to MF.

Last night, hubby wanted Arby's, so he and the kids had Arbys. I stayed at home, grilled my 7 oz of chicken breast and had some farm fresh waxed beans. When they got home, they saw what I was eating and my oldest said, "I wish I stayed here and ate what you're having instead of that chicken salad wrap I just had". :shock:

I've never been a big veggie eater, but I'm finding that I'm actually enjoying the veggies and even prefer them over a salad... :D
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Postby ktrout » May 3rd, 2006, 4:33 am

I try not to eat out much but sometimes it is unavoidable. What I try to do is have a bar or MF meal just before so I'm kinda full already and not tempted by blooming onions or honey wings or any of those other evil foods. My thinking is that 100 calories of an MF meal is a whole lot better than half a plate of some appetizer. I then order the best possible entree and have them hold the starch so it doesn't even reach the table to tempt me. Most places will let you hold the starch and double up on veggies. I find that if it isn't on my plate, I won't be tempted to just "try it" and nibble away at those fries or garlic cheese mashed potatos. I've also told whoever I go out with not to try and get me to eat. I did walk out of a lunch date because the people I was with didn't behave. I ruffled a few feathers but it's not their heart attack I'm trying to prevent. If they can't respect my wishes, I don't need to spend time with them. Family or not, their not helping and they know it.

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Postby MISSANNE » May 3rd, 2006, 9:27 am

Well said, KTROUT! Thanks
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Postby Allison Onederland » May 4th, 2006, 10:31 am

I agree....well said, ktrout!! :thumbup:

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the people who try the most to get you to eat off plan are people who don't need to lose any weight? The only person who has tried to tempt me was my best friend (a size 6 petite!) who ordered tiramisu for dessert after I had just eaten my MF compliant salad. "Are you sure you don't want any? Just a few bites? I feel so bad eating this in front of you...just have a little bit, surely one bite won't hurt!" :roll: I know she wasn't intentionally trying to sabatoge me but.... :huh: it sure sounded like sabatoge! None of my overweight friends or family have done that to me...I think because they have all walked a mile in my shoes and understand how difficult it is to lose weight.

Michelle, hang in there, you can do it! You're already beautiful but just keep thinking about how georgous you're going to look when you reach your goal! And if your Aunt, Mom, Cousin want you to go out to eat tell them you'll go ONLY if you get to choose the restaurant. Then go someplace where you know you can get a MF compliant salad and won't be tempted by anything else!
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Postby fatfree » May 4th, 2006, 1:33 pm

YA, what is with people not taking no for an answer when they offer food and you decline??!! I have had to say no like five times in a row to someone offering me food! It kind of ticked me off! I dont get why they do that, I mean if I was a smoker (Im not ) its like me insisting my non smoking friend have a ciggie with me and refusing to respect her choice to not! Anyways sorry to rant I know you can do this no matter how much people try to tempt you!!

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Postby dede4wd » May 4th, 2006, 2:02 pm

I know what you mean FatFree! I HATE it when people do that! Sometimes I can't tell if they're unfeeling dolts, too wrapped up in their own life to notice what's going on with everyone else. Sometimes, I've had people afraid of my success. I actually had a (former) friend say to me, "I don't want you to get skinny because I always want to be the thin one when we go out."

Say it as many times as it needs said. No thank you! Then proceed to "no Daingit." And then progress to "are you deaf, I said no!"

Works for me!

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Postby fatfree » May 4th, 2006, 2:14 pm

Great advice! I said no DANGIT! I love it!

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Postby jump4joy » May 4th, 2006, 2:17 pm

Wow, DeDe...I can't believe someone would admit that right out loud. :shock: No wonder she's a "former" friend. You really do find out who your REAL friends (and underminers!) are when you go through a big change. When I was thin, there were a couple of women at my church who were so friendly until I gained weight, then suddenly I became invisible...persona non-grata...to them.
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Postby Loribug » May 4th, 2006, 2:20 pm

"Your true friends stab you from the front"
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Postby lifelovinaries » May 4th, 2006, 8:26 pm

"Your true friends stab you from the front"

Wow Loribug...I LOVE it!

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