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mini update

Postby RavenKat » December 15th, 2004, 12:32 pm

Hey all,

Just wanted to drop in and say, "I'm sick." I am one of those pathetic people that acts like they are dying when they have a hangnail! :oops: I have a sinus infection and have been fighting it off for a couple of weeks. Having finally reached critical mass, I am going to the doc tomorrow. I can't take the drooling on myself any more (too much cold medicine).

Job is in flux, as well. I didn't lose my job completely, as feared, just ending this phase prematurely and returning to home base. They have spent too much on my security clearance to just let me go (there are 12 of us in this situation). We'll see come January 17....

Also, I entered the Plus Size side of a Dress Barn the other day and was told by the sales lady to go to the other side of the store! So I did - and bought clothes in the REGULAR SIZE DEPARTMENT! I literally haven't done that in 20 years! I went back and thanked the sales lady after I made my purchases.

You may remember that I went to meet Nancy and Terry....They are both very nice and Nancy is GORGEOUS! I couldn't stay long because of the carpet getting installed in my house but I got to see pictures of their friends, kids and house. Nancy even brought me some leopardy skivvies!

Congrats Gerald on your 90 pound club-ness!! Sorry we didn't get to meet that night.

I am going to crawl back under the covers now - I promise to be back in full force soon.

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Postby mombarnes » December 15th, 2004, 1:33 pm

Kat - congratulations on your shopping trip! I did the same thing recently ... and was thrilled to be in the REGULAR department. Isn't it a hoot! It was a real milestone to pass. I am cheering for you.
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Postby smartiegrrl » December 15th, 2004, 2:21 pm

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. There must be something in the air - I know so many people with sinus and/or ear infections right now.


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Postby Nancy » December 16th, 2004, 8:47 pm

My precious, Kat ~

Sheesh! I have been so worried about you - I thought I creeped you out or something since I hadn't heard a peep since we met last week.

Sorry that you have been sick. I came home with a killer ear ache - not pleasant to fly with sinus and ear troubles...Gosh, I hope I didn't give it to you...

So sorry to hear about the job thang, are such a bright lady and with your Top Security Clearance, I'm just sure they will find something juicy for you to do. If not, we'll send for :whip:

Did you get your house put back together after the carpet installation?

How cool to be sent to the regular department - no more queen sized clothes for you, Raven Kat. You may need to go to the Tall department but definitely NOT the FLUFFY Dept.
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Postby RavenKat » December 17th, 2004, 5:47 am

I may live! ;)

Antibiotics are a wonderful thing.....

The house is back to normal and I am feeling more human than I have in weeks! Now, if the holidays would come and go safely, I'll be good to go.

I have "approved" the photos from Baltimore so you all will be seeing me soon. :shock:

Everybody have a MAHvelous Friday!

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