4 Minestrone and 6 Chilis

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4 Minestrone and 6 Chilis

Postby bikipatra » May 16th, 2005, 6:21 pm

I have tried so many ways to doctor the chili and ate a box and one more envelope and I just can't do it anymore. :x I loved the minestrone but now I don't anymore. It's like my tastes have changed. I am on the MF for diabetics so unless you have any of those shakes, I will take any of your oatmeals (yum yum yum), cream soup or chicken noodle. (Don't tell anyone because they are not approved for diabetics but I will also take a few Cappucinos!) Send me a personal message if you are willing to swap. Or if anyone out there just really wants chili and minestrone, I will just give them away because I will not eat them.
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