Milk/Lactose in the Women's Health Soy Shake?

Questions/Comments about Women's Health Products.

Milk/Lactose in the Women's Health Soy Shake?

Postby Penny McIntyre » July 28th, 2003, 11:21 am

Hi Terry and Nancy,

I think I'm having a little problem .... it didn't occur to me to ask if there would be milk/lactose in the product.. guess I assumed that since it was Women's Health it's be soy protein, black cohosh and that it'd be SOY milk. I'm having gas and diarrhea after drinking my shakes and eating my bars. I read the label and discovered MILK. I'm somewhat lactose intolerant.

My mother who is also lactose intolerant suggested that I get some lactaid pills... is that my only option, or do the products I purchased come lastose free?

I've done a few days of shakes for breakfast and lunch... but I seem to feel hungry every two hours, and get dizzy and lightheaded and really shaky feeling, so I go and eat real food. I'm trying to eat small portions though. I've not make it through an entire day on the modified plan yet.... but I do feel that if I'm doing breakfast and lunch on the program, that is at least better than what I used to eat... and I'm introducing SOY in to try to help reduce the hot flashes and sweats that've come as a result of the recent hysterectomy.
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Postby Nancy » July 28th, 2003, 1:00 pm

Hi, Penny ~

Since you had several questions, I thought I'd reply to each of them separately. You did mention that your mother is lactose intolerant and that you suspect that you too are suffering some symptoms due to the same issue. Your mother's suggestion to take the non-prescription enzyme found in Lactaid tablets is what we suggest as well. Generally taking 1-3 tablets (regular strength) with each meal replacement is helpful in controlling symptoms for people that are lactose intolerant. Some clients experience diarrhea initially after beginning on Medifast but after a couple of days, it seems to not be a problem.
Some people are able to tolerate the Medifast 70 easier than Medifast 55 and of course, the Ready-to-Drink shakes that come in the little boxes (similar to those handy juice-boxes that kids love so well) are better yet for those who are totally lactose and dairy intolerant. The Ready-to-Drink shakes cost a little bit more money but nevertheless are terrific if that’s what you need.
If you are hungry after a few hours, have another shake. When I started the weight loss portion of the program last summer, I didn’t know that it is perfectly fine to have an extra shake or two. It is really necessary to drink/eat every three hours. If you have hunger break-through before three hours, have another shake – taking a shake every two hours will not hinder your weight loss in those initial days. If you are feeling puny in any way – dizzy or light-headed, have a cup of regular chicken or beef bouillon, not the low-sodium type. Just plunk a cub into a cup of hot water and sip. It is a great between meal “filler” and gives your hands something to do when others are snacking. Before Take Shape for Life, I rarely drank water so when I began to consume a lot of water, I, too felt somewhat dizzy. We have a lot of flowers and a fish pond in our yard and I spend a lot of time out back. On hot days, I just make it a practice to slurp down a cup of bouillon when I go out in the yard. It replaces lost salts and keeps our electrolytes in good balance.

Generally when a woman is trying to utilize the Women’s Health shakes for menopausal symptoms, we suggest that you begin with two of the Women’s Health drinks, one regular Medifast 55 (or Medifast 70 or the Ready-to-Drink) shake or other meal replacement (such as a bar, the yummy oatmeal or a soup or chili) plus the regular modified ‘Lean and Green’ meal. If you still experience some hot flashes, add a third Women’s Health Drink, the fourth meal replacement is your option: a Medifast 55 or Medifast 70 shake or a Ready-to-Drink; a bar; an oatmeal or soup or chili PLUS the ‘Lean and Green’ meal.

Those initial days on the weight loss program can be killer - believe me I KNOW! I was ready to lick my desk! :lol: I just kept reviewing the list of all the reasons why I wanted to lose weight and every time that I was tempted to scarf down something not on my plan, I read my list, OUT LOUD! I walked away from the kitchen, read something, made a phone call, worked in the yard for a bit or rearranged my closet - looking for the next item of clothing that I was going to be able to wear as a result of compliance with my plan. remember...NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby Penny McIntyre » August 27th, 2003, 9:22 am

Do any of the Medifast products, other than the Ready to Drink, come without milk products? What about the soups or the chili?
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lactose free

Postby Unca_Tim » August 30th, 2003, 11:06 am

Hi Penny,
Hope things are going well? Is your tummy adjusting to things yet?

The Medifast Protein bars, Ready-to Drink products, Take Shape Shakes and Fast Soups are all lactose free. The FDA allows the claim "lactose free" for any product that contains less than 0.5 grams of lactose per serving. Medifast 55 and Medifast 70 shakes are considered low-lactose products as each shake contains only one gram of lactose per serving.

The ready to drink products are dairy free.

I'll check into the soups and chile as to any milk related ingredients.

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Postby Penny McIntyre » August 30th, 2003, 12:29 pm

Wow Unca,

Nope, not adjusting... bloating, gas and diarrhea... worst from the 55... amazing that they're considered lactose free when they have any lactose in them... and the oatmeal raisin bars list milk and yogurt in them... are those considered "protein bars" or a protein bar something different?

Before I order again I'll await your diagnosis of the ingredients in the chili and the soups.

Thanks for checking....

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Lactose Intolerance Issues & Products with NO milk

Postby Nancy » August 31st, 2003, 7:38 pm

Oh, Dear Dear Penny Girl ~
:oops: Still having issues with lactose, eh?

Well, I seem to have destroyed nearly all of my product boxes with the contents listed on the boxes but I did manage to find the oatmeal and minestrone boxes - and GOOD NEWS! :P The hearty apple cinnamon and the vanilla berry oatmeal are both okie dokie - NO milk is listed on the label. The minestrone is also a 'safe' product - no milky! I really truly pock-a-dooly love the vanilla berry oatmeal and often have it in the evening if I just wanna have a little somethin' and it really satisfies me.
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The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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